𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓘𝓬𝓮 {𝓡𝓮𝓲 + 𝓔𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓾𝓻}

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Romantic Rei plus Enji trying to deal with each other for the reader 
🚧Rei and Enji are not a couple, Scary Rei, Crazy/Broken Rei, Surprisingly Enji isn't the bad guy...rn🚧


"I made your favorite!" She seemed really cheerful today, in fact she'd been in a good mood all week, but it's anyone's guess how long she'll stay like that. Her mood swings are the scariest thing about her after all.

She placed the bowl down before pulling a chair to sit right beside you, so close you could feel her breathe you on "Thank you Rei." You just wanted it to be calm and the best way to have that is just to play along. So you began to eat, honestly, it was bland but overall fine. Sometimes as you eat you think how easy it would be for her to poison you, it makes it hard to swallow but you always do in fear of upsetting her. 

You were just about done when you heard the front door open. On no. Your heart dropped into your stomach but you didn't let it show on your face. The moment Endeavour came into the kitchen Rei's whole mood changed, from cheerful to annoyed 

"Good afternoon ladies, Is there enough for me to get a bowl?"

"No." Her eyes were shaped as they watched him walk over and sit at the other side of the table "Well that's fine. I'll just make something later. How has your week been dear?" You forced a smile onto your face "Its been fine, me and Rei have been having a great time-"

"Why ask? Do you think I can't handle our darling while you're gone?" Endeavour frowned "Of course I know you can, I was just waiting to know some details." He glanced at you, clearly trying to keep the peace and failing "Rei please let's not start in front of F/n-"

"Im not starting anything Enji. Your the one questioning darling to see if I've done something you don't approve of!" You jumped a bit as she slammed her hands onto the table. Endeavour put his hands up "Rei please- F/n you can go to your room."

You stood and slowly began to move away, never turning your back on Rei who was crying at this point "Why are you sending her away!? She isn't just yours! I want to spend time with her!" Enji slowly stood "As soon as you calm down-" Pieces of jagged sharp ice flew past him in all directions. One sliced your arm making you take off in a sprint to hide as you heard her scream out "I am calm!"

Out of the corner of your eye you saw her lunge at him, something in her hand. As you hid you heard a clear fight take place. After an hour of sirens and cop lights the door to the room you here hiding in. He looked like Rei got him good. To good as his shirt was stained in blood "...I- I had to send her away again. Im so sorry." 


(513 Words)

Requested by: This_Bit

Up Next: ?Romantic Fatgum? Maybe 

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