𝓦𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓛𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓻 {𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Romantic Yandere Hizashi gets tired of Darling taking her cushy life for granted so he loans her out to Midnight to show her how good she has it
🚧Name Calling, Being Controlled, Punishments, Whipping, Forced Labor, Threats Of Violence to Reader, Treated Like Object, Basically reader gets rung through the wringer but at least she gets a good look at Midnight's ass!🚧


"You are an ungrateful brat!" Hizashi basically had steam coming out of his ears as he looked over the scene. You were still holding the scissors you used to slice the brand-new dress he had just unboxed not an hour ago. You didn't really care though. What are you supposed to be grateful for exactly? Being kidnapped right out of your bed, held captive for months, or how bout the fact that he controls even the most minor detail of your life now? That he doesn't even let you pick your hair, clothes, or fucking hobbies!? That he forced you into a role in life that you never wanted especially not with him!?

He looked down at the pieces of fabric on the floor that was once a very pretty dress, it was costly to obtain and he was so excited to see you in it. But he took a breath and stopped, then he turned around and walked away. It surprised you truly, usually he's very quick to toss you in the soundproof pitch-black basement...But he just walked away.

And then he came back and took the scissors. Once they were out in his pocket he started cleaning the pieces of fabric off the floor. It was silent the whole time he worked, so you stayed put on the bed a mix of curiosity and worry mixing in your head. 

And then he stood and dumped the dress in the trash "You need to learn how good you have it." You rolled your eyes and he grabbed your face, forcing you to look at him. It startled you, he'd never put his hands on your before "So pack your shit because a friend is coming to get you for the weekend."

He let you go and walked out, for a moment you sat there. Surprised. And then you got up and grabbed the duffle bag Hizashi gave you for when he takes you to hotels with him on 'far away' missions. Packing your import things and the comfiest clothes you were allowed to own and setting it by the door. 

It took an hour but Hizashi opened the door and grabbed the duffle bag "Well come on." He left and slowly you stood up and followed. When you made it to the living room the pro hero Midnight was standing by the door on her phone. She looked much different in her civilian clothes. She wore a low-cut purple sweater dress, a pair of black skin-tight leggings, and black ankle boots. Her hair was in a ponytail and her glasses were low on her nose. The only reason you knew it was Midnight was because of those piercing blue eyes she looked at you with.

"Get in the car." Her voice was strict and cold, it caught you off guard but you did as you were told. She got in after Hizashi through your bag into the car and opened the gate for her. The drive wasn't too long but soon you were at her house. You were sent to the guest room and told to stay. No excuses other than the bathroom. Seems you'd go to bed hungry tonight.


You woke up to a smack on your thigh, jumping up you saw Midnight in her black nightgown holding her signature frogger whip "Get up, it's time to start the day." You noticed her other hand held a broom that she handed to you when you stood "The rest of the cleaning supplies is downstairs. Start in the living room but don't start upstairs yet." 

She must have noticed you looked confused because she tsked her tongue "You earn your keep around here. If you wanna eat I suggest you hop to it." You didn't have much of a choice you assume from the way he's holding that whip. You regretted your packing choice as you slipped on the ankle-length casual dress that was gonna make cleaning even more of a bitch than it already was.

And you were right. Mop water got on the hem and lower parts, it made squatting weird, and also walking with heavy buckets of water almost impossible. But you managed. It took you half the day, and when you walked into the kitchen you found a single sandwich and a glass of iced water "Lunch." That hardly seemed fair since you just cleaned the entire first floor of her home up to the ceiling but you didn't complain. Not after seeing the whip sticking out the pocket of her black low-rise jeans that revealed her purple whale tail. After lunch she made you go upstairs and start cleaning there.

That took until around almost 11 at night. And again it was only a sandwich and water. She even had the nerve to tell you that you should be thankful she gave you ice! Before she let you go to bed without the 'luxury' of a shower even though you were covered in mop water and bleach.


At exactly five am again you felt an even worst sting than the day before. It made you yelp as you sat up. "Get up! You've got more work to do lazy." This time she handed you a pair of gloves and a little hand-held shovel "My garden could use some care but I'm always so busy." Again you got stuck in a shitty outfit. Sure it was a knee lengthed dress. But that meant your knees had no padding in the harsh dirt.

At exactly 10 o'clock, while she had you knee-deep in green water cleaning her gross pool, she came outside. You noticed right away her wardrobe choice. A strapless black O ring paired with black tie side thong bottoms. You quickly looked away when she bent down to dust off her tanning chair "Come here!" There it was again, that sharpness in her voice. When you got out of the pull you cringed at the gunk you shook from your legs before walking over. She handed you a hand fan "If I get too hot I'm gonna drown you in that shit so let that be your motivation." She smiled when she said it by her eyes promised pain. So even though you itched you did as told, ignoring the gross smell coming from yourself. 

The day didn't get better as you went from outside fan to her footstool as she made her way back inside. On her red couch, she was resting with her legs laying across your back without a care. Laughing away on the phone like you weren't kneeling before her, forced to be an object as your body pained from the work you weren't used to anymore. Everything needed to be earned including bandages and pain meds. And it seemed you hadn't earned them yet. But apparently you earned a smack to your ass when she noticed your dress had moved up to expose it a bit.

When she got off the phone she forced you to clean out her car, and then cook her dinner. And she didn't even let you eat any of it because apparently, your face was showing some attitude! So you went to bed hungry. 


Five am, the sharp pain of a whip, was all familiar yet still a shock. "Go take a shower." You quickly did as she had you working like a dog for two days straight. When you got into another ankle lengthed dress before you were rushed into her car.

When you got onto the road to Hizashi's house she stopped and pushed you out. She made you walk as she drove beside you! When you got to Hizashi's yard you collapsed. She didn't seem to care though as she grabbed your dress around your waist and pulled you up. Dragging you to the door before dropping you to ring the doorbell. When Hizashi opened it the first thing he did was pull you into his loving embrace "More poor baby. She worked you like the bitch you are huh? Thanks, Midnight, have a good day."

He closed the door with his foot and walked you to the bathroom. He got you in a warm tub and cleaned you. When you were out and dried off he bandaged all your little scraps and cuts. Before sitting you on the couch with some cold lemonade and kissing your head "Life with me is so cozy, I hope your weekend with Kayama made you realize that."

You nodded at him. Worn out and in pain.


(1482 Words)

A/N: YOOOO guess who got a laptop rn! AHAHAHAAAHHH

Up Next: Idk

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 5Where stories live. Discover now