𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓹 2 {𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓻𝔂 𝓑𝓸𝔂 𝓗𝓲𝔃𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲}

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Romantic Yandere Hizashi dealing with an escape attempt
🚧Hizashi with a beard {get over it Olly!}, Country Boy Hizashi, Drinking, Pet names, Yandere gone crazy x2, Locked in a small dark place, Canabilism, Accidental cabalism, Darkness, Reader with minor-ish/major injuries, Blood!, Gun violence, !Murder! happens in story, Gore-ish, Fucked shit!🚧


He gave you a sweet smile as he opened the closet door, squatting to slide a plate full of food in front of you "You need to eat sweetness." He frowned when you pushed the plate back out to him and scooted father into the closet "Come on, you love my cooking." 

"Before I found out it's made with your past victims! Those were people Hizashi!" He sighed as he took the plate and stood, shutting the closet door with a little more force than necessary. You sat up on your knees "Leave the light on! Please!" Darkness covered the room as you heard the door close making you scream out in frustration.

You leaned against the door to look at the stars through the window...and fell onto the floor as it swung open. Slowly sitting up your brain took in the information presented to you. He had forgotten to relock the door! At first, he only blocked it with a chair but after you kicked the thing over and made it to the door he replaced it with a lock. That must still be in his pocket!

Quickly you scatted to the window, slowly pushing the glass up to not make a sound. When it was as high as it could go you stepped back and kicked the screen out. It made a sound but nothing too loud. Quickly you climbed out, hitting the ground with a light thud.

Slowly you circled to the front of the house, checking to make sure Hizashi wasn't outside before you booked it. Following the worn tire tracks knowing they would lead you into town. He didn't go often but he had to go from time to time. Losing light every few minutes put a hurry in you.


Hizashi signed as he threw away another plate of perfectly good food. You've been so wasteful lately, he doesn't know what to do with you. Sitting on the couch with a chilled glass of whisky to calm down, he felt something jab him in the side. Reaching into his pocket, his heart dropped. 

Quickly standing he ran to his room to find the closet and window open. He cursed as he backed out of the room.  


As you ran down the tracks you heard a faint clank before a loud scream, the bear traps. You completely forgot Hizashi had his property set up to catch victims. You sighed in relief that you made it out without getting caught in one again. The screams of the man did put fear in your heart though, no way Hizashi didn't hear that. You hope the fresh victim will distract him though.

As you run you lost track of time but it did begin getting darker. Soon it was as dark as the night you originally lost. Tripping you slid down the small hill and came to a stop when you hit something sturdy. A small groan escaped your lips as you sat up, small cuts and scraps now littered the right side of your body. 

Hot blood began to drizzle from your open wounds. Gravel and dirt going with it making them sting. Grabbing the wooden sigh you hit you pulled yourself up off the ground and brushed yourself off. Putting pressure on your ankle you winced, sprained most definitely sprained. There goes running.

Looking up your heart pounded in your ears, the sign you hit was an arrow. Pointing to the ranger's station. This was luck, finally on your side. Limping forward you finally saw the opening, an old wood building with a single ranger truck out front. Flying up the steps you pushed the door open, the bell rang loud as you walked in. An older look man in a ranger uniform sat behind the desk, his feet kicked up and hat pulled low. 

"Excuse me! Please, I need help!"

The man jumped as he woke, quickly standing to his feet to look around. His hand landed on his gun as he looked at you. Bloody and bruised, frantic and crying "What's wrong little lady?" In Shouta's mind, the thoughts of a cougar raced around, possibly a large raccoon or even a bear. He was defiantly not ready for the next words out of your mouth that's for sure.

"Im F/n L/n. I was kidnapped! Please I need help!" 

He looked behind you and sure enough one of the many missing posters on the wall had your face on it "Dear god." Picking up the radio on the desk he called in something you didn't quite catch before he came around the desk with a flashlight look you over "Come to the back so I can bandage you up-"

"No! Just take me to the hospital! I want out the woods!" He nodded before wrapping you in his jacket with the name tag Aizawa on it and leading you out the door and to his car. A single-cab beat-up truck on the opposite side of the dirt parking lot. While walking the bushes rustled nearby. Aizawa stopped and shined his flashlight in the area, and once again on his gun

"Hello?" ... "If your a person I suggest you speak up-!" 

A loud band rang in your ears, you quickly dropped to the ground holding them. Aizawa fell beside you, when you looked over at him you yelped. A bullet wound through his forehead was causing a river of blood to flood down his colorless face. Turning around you saw your worst fear. 

Hizashi was standing there with a smile "Oh honey, you've made a very big mistake!" While he spoke of love and soulmates you slowly reached over and pulled Aizawa's gun from its holster. Standing with your hands hidden in the jacket you sniffled "Y-You killed him!"

"I had to! He was gonna take you away from me! I couldn't let that happen!" He smirked when you held the gun up toward him "Oh and what are you gonna do with that baby girl? Ya gonna shoot me? After all that yelling you do at me about murder your gonna shoot me?" You trembled on shaky legs, not making a move for too long as in a swift second another gunshot sounded and pain erupted in your leg causing you to fall atop Aizawa's body cushioning your fall.

"That's how it's done baby! Now go ahead and do it! Do it liked I showed you twice now!" You cried, hard, as Hizashi walked over and grabbed you. Beginning to drag you "If you can't do it then stop wasting my time! I need to get you fixed up so I can come back and collect him before the animals get him."


(1173 Words)

A/N: I am very sorry that Hizashi shot Aizawa executioner style, please accept my apology cookie🍪

Up Next: Romantic Mermaid EraserMic 

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