𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓸𝓶 𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓽 {𝓔𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Finding something shocking in Romantic Silver Fox EraserMic's closet while cleaning
🚧Silver Fox AU, Death...Kinda, Blood, Gore, ?Body Horror?, Pet Names {Hun, Dear, Pimpkin}, Cannibalism, Forced/Unknowing Cannibalism, Puking/Gagging, Nudity {Non-Sexual}, Unconsintual Touching, Insinuation of Past Stalking, Y/n has a Breakdown, Held Hostage, Basically Fucked Shit🚧


You had just started working as a house cleaner when they reached out to you, a couple in their late 60s or prehaps early 70s claiming to need a full-time housekeeper. They told you that they've been heroes since they were 18 and it's definitely taken its toll on their bodies, with the simple tasks being so hard it's no surprise they'd want a housekeeper. And with what they offered you, hell you couldn't refuse that offer! They pay you very well, and treat you even better. They send you home with nice warm meals, making sure you have drinks and snacks while on the clock, and even give you gifts on holidays. They constantly remind you that you're like a part of their family. Mr. Yamada even made a statement once that they see you more than their own children.

And if you were being honest you saw them more than your own family as well, they're like grandfathers. Even if you've never told them that. 

Today was pretty chill all things considered. They only asked you to clean the kitchen and living room but still insisted on paying you for a full round of their quaint little countryside home, you know better than to argue they'll pay you the full round no matter if you accept or not so you got right to work making sure they get their money's worth as they grab their tea and went to get out your hair by sitting on the old porch swing they built before arthritis overtook their hands, enjoying the cool fall air with loving laughter. 

You gave a soft sigh as you moved things around after hearing them laugh outside, hoping you have someone to share those kinds of moments with at their age. You opened the broom closet and let out a scream that could rival a horror movie actress as what seemed to be a dead body leaned against the wall came into view. Then its eyes opened "Help me." He lunged at you, causing you to fall back with him on top of you. His blood splattered you and began to drain off and onto the floor as you shook and screamed in shock.

They quickly rushed in and moved the man off you and back into the closest far too quicky for harmless old men who can bearly do the dishes themselves. Aizawa locked the closet as Hizashi slowly helped you to your feet, frowning down at the blood mess "We're sorry dear. We'll buy you some new clothes because I'm gonna have to burn these now." 

You were still so shaken up, he looked dead he even smelled of rot and stale blood but he was clinging to life. Begging for help even as blood poured out the place his arms should have been but weren't. "I- Eh- Ah-" They both smiled as you tried to find your words "Cat got your tongue?" Aizawa joked but Hizashi swatted at him "We're sorry pumpkin, we must have forgotten to lock it back. We never meant for you to see our dinner undercooked." 

As your brain slowly made sense of those words, your stomach turned. You've eaten their cooking more times than you can count. It was only a single gag before your puke rushed out of you, making the mess on the floor all that much worse. After a moment the numbness of your panic subsided and you could feel Hizashi slowly rubbing your back in a soothing manner. But it wasn't soothing in the slightest, his touch felt as if it burned your skin. "Dont worry about that, we'll clean it up. Come on, let's get you in the shower."

He picked you up and carried you off bridal style like you weighed nothing. They've been lying about their conditions, it was the first and only thought in your head as he let you down on the bathroom floor. He stripped you and at this point, you didn't fight, you don't know why you just didn't. Maybe it was the shock. But that shock would get so so much worse when you tried to cover yourself and he laughed "Nothing I haven't seen before hun." And then his hand came down, making contact with your butt cheek, causing you to gasp out loud. You couldn't believe a man you saw as a grandfather figure, someone you've known for years and never got a bad vibe off of had just smacked your bear ass while chuckling.

Tears filled your waterline but he either didn't notice or didn't care as he led you into the warm stream of the shower and closed the door behind you. "There's a robe waiting for you when you're done, but take your time." And you did, you sat on the floor letting the stream run down your back as you sobbed into your knees. You felt the need to puke all over again, the bile burning the back of your throat as your mind raced. What did that mean!? They say me naked!? When!?  They weren't the men you thought you knew, and you didn't know how to handle that. Murders, cannibals, creeps, and maybe even fucking stalkers! Just yesterday you saw them as sweet but lonely old men!

When you finished your breakdown, well when you pulled yourself together enough to breathe that is to say, you turned the water off and got out. Wrapping yourself in the black bathrobe that had Hizashi written in yellow cursive on its right chest side. As quietly as you could you snuck through the house and to the front door but when you tried to pull it open you found it locked.

 "Trying to leave already, and without a goodbye at that. How rude." You quickly turned, back flat against the cold door you saw Aizawa, giving you that sweet old man smile that now made you sick to your stomach. He must have noticed you looking around like cornered pray "Hizashi's outside burning your clothes and the rags used to clean the mess. He's gotta move your car after that so it's just me and you for a bit dear. Come here, let me make you some tea to calm those nerves. You look like you've seen a ghost."


"Tsk. Begging won't do you any good, not with me at least. Hizashi didn't want to take you so please don't fault him dear, but now that you know our secret he has no choice but to keep you here. That's why I didn't lock the closet before you arrived."


(1176 Words)

This meme was made by @CopyrightDreams34567 , I think it sums up this story 

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This meme was made by @CopyrightDreams34567 , I think it sums up this story 

Up Next: IDK Yet 

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