𝓐𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓟𝓮𝓽 {𝓜𝓲𝓬...?}

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After Yandere Midnight died, living her little pet abandoned, it's up to her on again off again boyfriend Hizashi to take her in and care for her from now on
🚧Major Character Death, Gagging/Puking mentioned, Reader Dehumanized, Broken-ish Darling, Starvation, Description of starving body, Depression, Grief, Unhealthy handling of both of those things, Gross description of stuff, Non-sexual nakedness, 🚧


It took Hizashi two months to get the nerve to go to Kayama's apartment. Her death hit him the hardest, after all they'd been on and off dating since high school, she was the love of his life. He felt it was official if he went in there moving stuff around. She was gone and would never come back. But he can't stall any longer, though hes been paying her rent and bills her landlord wanted to beagle to rent out the house to people actually living in it again so he needs to go before her things are thrown away.

When Hizashi got out of the car he took a deep breath. Going up the porch steps didn't feel the same anymore. When he opened the door the smell was the first thing to get him, he doubled over as he gaged, fighting his own body to keep his breakfast down. Perhaps it was a bad idea to wait so long. He left the door open as he ventured into the house, Kayama kept her space very clean it seems. Hizashi was starting to think he might only have to dust and mop, perhaps light some candles for whatever the hell at smell is, as he looked around the kitchen and bathroom. That made him feel just a bit better, knowing he wouldn't have to be here long.

He then traveled upstairs to grab her...behind closed doors, things. That's why he came two hours before the movers he hired. He wants her respected in the afterlife and that means no one stealing or snapping pictures of her private stuff. But when he opened the door his stomach dropped, and he lost the war. Puke splatted onto the hallway floor as he saw you. As thin as a stick bug, pale, and dirty. If not for the small up and down movement of your chest Hizashi would have thought you dead.

How could he forget about her little pet!? In his own sorrows he didn't even think about the person stuck prisoner here! Oh, he felt so horrible! You've been here for almost three months, you dont know what's going on with Kayama, you dont have the key to the refrigerator, or the ability to do anything other than get water! Sitting here with nothing but your own thoughts!

Hizashi made quick work of wrapping you up and rushing you to his house. When he was home he texted the movers that he had an emergency and they didn't need to come today. Before he pull you out of the car and rushed you inside, and straight to the bathroom stripping you of soiled piss-smelling clothes and tossing them into the garbage. Running the bath was hard with you in his arms but he managed, and soon he was submerging your body in the warm water. That's when you made the first sound hes heard from you yet, a small groan that made his heart clenched. Kayama loved you, and he let you get like this. He won't continue this mistake, he'll do right by his Kayama! He scrubbed you clean, head to toe, before pulling you out and wrapping you in a towel. This wouldn't be easy. He knows that.


It took a week before he noticed you making more noice, almost a month before you started trying to move, and three before you started eating on your own. He made sure you went to doctors, took your meds, and took care of your body.

Six months, half a year, in and your eyes had light in them. And it wasn't just you, Hizashi seemed a lot happier lately as well. Taking care of you seemed to have him taking care of himself and taking his mind off everything that had happened. Helping you get clothes, decor for your room, and helping you recover both mentally and figuratively from not only those two months but every single thing Midnight put you through while training and playing with you her sweet pet. It felt great. He started to believe Kayama lead him to you from the beyond. Like she gave him a present. One he was so excited to watch succeed!


two and a half years after Hizashi found you with one foot in the grave that he was carrying brown boxes into your new apartment with a smile. He was so proud, watching you go from being afraid to get on his couch without his permission to bringing you to job interviews and co-signing on an apartment for you.

He set the box down and was surprised by you tucking under his arm to wrap him in a tight hug "Thank you for everything Zashi."

His smile was warm as he wrapped his arms around you "Of course, sugarplum. You deserve the world."


(1000 Words)

A/n: Idea by 8Daddyissues8 

Up Next: I might make a part 2, idk

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