𝓦𝓸𝓵𝓿𝓮𝓼 {𝓥𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓗𝓲𝔃𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲}

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Romantic Villain Scream {Mic} gives the commission an ultimatum about his Darling
🚧Small Panic Attack, Threats of major violence, Medium Harm to reader, Blood🚧


That damned video was still playing on your tv, and phone, and radio! If what you saw outside your window before panicking and barricading everything is correct then it's still playing everywhere.

A video by the villain Scream was sent out the morning and still hadn't gotten taken off the air yet. Everyone in Japan has to have heard it by now, but no one was more panicky than you. As you got mentioned by name over, and over, and over again as it played.

It was a warning, he can either have you all to himself or he can level the city. Giving both you and the heroes until sunrise tomorrow to decide what they would do. And it was stressing you out. When a knock came at your door you jumped and booked it to curl up behind the couch 

"F/n L/n? Im pro hero Endeavour. Im here to escort you to a safe house."

A sigh of relief came from you as you opened the door. As soon as you were in front of him a large blanket was placed over you "It's safer this way, please come with me no time to grab things we're already behind schedule." As he pushed you into the slick back car the sun was just starting to set. Buckling your seat belt after you removed the blanket the car got in the line of traffic of the people evacuating.

Endeavour huffed from the passenger seat "We'll be late." Causing his driver All Might to give him a side glare "We'll make it. Calm down."


As your eyes began to flutter open your first thought was when had you fallen asleep? Sure they were driving long into the night but you were trying your hardest to stay awake. You sat up with a groan as the sun rise hit your eyes "Are we at the safe house yet-?" Looking out the windshield of the empty car you saw both heroes talking to Scream himself. They fucking sold you out! They're supposed to protect you! 

You basically kicked open the back door and took off at top speed but as a scream ripped through the air so loud it sounded off both car alarms you realized it was useless. Falling to the ground with a scream you grabbed your ears in pain. Feeling blood ooze onto your hands as your vision blurs and doubles. Head spinning, stomach dropping, you passed out

Hizashi grabbed your shirt and dragged you, tossing you into the backseat as he thanked the boys for their delivery as they frowned. As if they had a choice, the commission voted and it was to throw the civilian to the wolves to save the rest of the world. What's one fish compared to a hundred right?


(600 Words)

A/N: The picture above, yeah id impregnate that man

Up Next: More Hizashi

So yk how ill write a thousand-word fic like the one before this full of fucked shit and have yall yell at me? Yeah well, that fic was planned in one of these two binders... yall are crying over fics planned in binders that look like this! Crying over fics I wrote in my pjs wrapped in a snowman blanky! Watching Bluey! And you are crying! 

 yall are crying over fics planned in binders that look like this! Crying over fics I wrote in my pjs wrapped in a snowman blanky! Watching Bluey! And you are crying! 

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