𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓑𝓪𝓰 {𝓥𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓮 𝓗𝓲𝔃𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲}

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Romantic Vampire Hizashi catching and caring for his darling after a runaway attempt
🚧Vampire AU, Bloodsucking mentioned but not done, injuries to reader mild and extreme but not graphic, naked reader but no touching, EraserMic mentioned but not shown, Fangs, Would it be fluff or sexual tension...Idk you decided🚧


The rain poured down, soaking you through the thin nightgowns they give you as you ran under the canopy of leaves created by the thick trees all around you. The full moon's light wasn't helping you as you continued to step on rocks and twigs, cutting up your bare feet and making them sting every time you splashed through muddy puddles. But you kept moving. Kept going. Knowing your village couldn't be too far now.

You took a sharp turn, and your heart sank as you felt your foot slide on the wet stone under you. You lost your balance, falling to the ground but the mud under you had another idea as it slid you. The edge of a hillside caught you, making you roll down into a creak at the bottom. 

You wiped the mud from your face before grabbing a branch and trying to stand, only to gasp in pain and splash back into the water. You sat up, broken. Definitely broken! You took a deep breath and let it out trying to think, you didn't wanna die in the woods alone and cold! 

You froze when you heard a growl, quickly turning you saw a wolf...multiple wolves. You don't wanna die alone and cold in the woods!! The biggest wolf took a step toward you, then it whimpered and backed up. The other wolves soon followed its lead before running off confusing you greatly. Until you felt soft hands on your shoulders "I left you to yourself for less than half an hour. And you run off in the middle of a storm. What will I ever do with you my sweet blood bag?" 


He sat you on the old red couch after handling your ankle and stripped you of the cold wet clothes, wrapping your nude body tightly with a fur blanket before going to light the fireplace. He left you to warm up before coming back with a steaming tea "I should bathe you before i give you fresh clothes. But I can't do that until your warm or you'll catch death." He sighed, tonight was supposed to be calm but you just had to be difficult! He went to fetch more candles for a nice night in but came back to find the window open and your gone!

He sat beside you, running his hands up and down your arms in a vain attempt to warm you, as if he isn't freezing all the time "Do you think Shota will be happy with your actions once he returns from his trip?"

You shivered but not from the cold "Please don't tell him. I don't wanna go back in the cell." Hizashi shook his head at you, his long blonde hair swaying slightly in the fire's light. He slowly placed a single finger under your chin and tilted your head up until you were looking into the shining red eyes of the handsome tall man "The things I do because I love you. Fine, I won't tell Shota but you better figure out how to explain that ankle to him sweet blood bag...You'd better not be sick I don't want any of those gross things in you when I feed."

He leaned down, brushing his fangs against your neck. As if your body was trained your head tilted giving him the access he wanted. He chuckled before planting a kiss to one of the many past feeding scars and pulled away.


(630 Words)

Up Next: I have no idea 

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