90 𝓞𝓾𝓽 𝓞𝓯 100 {𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓯𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓸𝓻 𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Romanic Collage Teacher Hizashi can't stand to see his star student with anyone besides him
🚧Kinda spicy, Teacher x Student, Power imbalance, Abuse of power🚧


"Swallow sweetheart." You almost rolled your eyes at his cocky smirk but stopped yourself in time. Gulping down everything in your mouth before opening wide allowing him to see you did as he asked "Good girl." 

Standing from your sour knees you grabbed your things off his desk "So, about my last test-" "90 out of 100." You smiled before pecking his cheek "Thank you, Mr. Yamada! See you tomorrow!" He waved you off as you rushed out the classroom door. When it shut he snatched the hidden camera off his desk and tossed it into his bag before leaving for the day himself.


"I can't believe you dragged me here." Hizashi smiled at Aizawa who was nursing a whisky at the bar "Oh come on, you need a little break! Get your slut on!" "I have to give a lecture at 8 in the morning, nothing is getting on except maybe an alka seltzer and some Tylenol." Hizashi giggled as he went to the dance floor. "Buzzkill!" was shouted out before Aizawa lost all sight of Hizashi, and snuck off home.

Now in the crowd of people he was in his groove on, until he saw his favorite student with someone attached to her face. How! Could! She! Cheating on him after everything they've done together! She had promised she was his, and only his! He can not let this slide!


"What the hell!" Hizashi looked up from his computer to see hell fire in the eyes of his favorite student "My office hours ended ten minutes ago-" "You said 90 out of 100! You gave me an F!" He simply shrugged "I promised a good grade, you promised to be mine. Guess we both lied." Your first curled into a ball "I did what you asked, every single time!" Shaking his head he tsked "I saw you at the club F/n, all over that guy like you don't belong to me."  

"Im sure your boss would love to hear you fuck students in exchange for better grades!" Oh, how cute you looked with your arms crossed and smug, like you had any power here "One dear, it's only been you so get that straight, and secondly, go ahead and tell him. In the meantime ill be dropping you from my class, Shota's class, and Kayama's class." 

And there it is, the look of realization he's been waiting to see all day "You can't do that-!" "I can, their my friends, they'll do it no questions asked." "I need them to graduate on time!" That cocky smirk crossed his face as he stood, rounding the desk to stand in front of you, squeeze your face so hard your lips came to make an O shape "I know that, and that's why also know you'll keep this pretty little trap shut unless I'm using it." 

Shoulder's deflate, eyes lose their fire, and a pout settles on your face. His cocky smirk turns into a devilish smile "That's what I thought. Now, why don't you come sit on my lap while I fix your grades, my pretty girl." 


(658 Words)

A/N: It is back-to-school season right 😉...Dont sleep with teachers 

Im sorry this is coming too late to yall I'm stressing. Its the first week of school for my nieces, I was exposed to covid again so I had to cancel my plans with my bestie I haven't seen in a year, trying to figure out how to move without anyone knowing till I'm long gone, and to top all that shit off my bridge piercing that I paid hella money for a love to death is rejecting and I'm trying to talk myself into taking it out before I get infected or something. So yeah forgot to post 🤪

Up Next: Romantic EraserMic {Sorry I lied last time} 

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