𝓗𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓜𝓮 𝓓𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 {𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Romantic Yandere Aizawa gets tired of darling and knows Mic used to like her
🚧Abadnonment of darling, Semi-Broken darling, naked darling, touching naked darling but not sexual touching, hair mentioned, fluff-ish🚧


"You know Shota I'm actually surprised you invited me out, normally you avoid anything fun like the plague." Hizashi said as he looked over the menu. Shota simply shrugged at him with a small smile "I actually have a little present for you, but I figured while we're together we could catch up. It's been a while Mic." 

It had been a while, ever since their friend went missing Hizashi hasn't seen Shota much at all. For the longest time he felt like he had lost two friends. "A present huh? For as long as I've known you not once have you ever given anyone a present. What's the occasion?"  Shota's smile faded away "Maybe present was the wrong word. I just wanna give you something, it's a bit used but I think you'll love it." 


Inside Shota's house Hizashi began to feel a bit uneasy as they walked down the worn steps of his basement. When they made it to the bottom of the dark room Hizashi could only see the movement of Shota's arm going up and then the room was light up. He blinked a few times before gasping, their dear missing friend was chained to the wall of Shota's basement 

"Suprise. Yeah, she's just not the woman I fell in love with anymore and well I remember you used to have the biggest crush on her in high school so I figured you'd take good care of her. If you don't want her I'll have to kill her and it'll be such a hassle-" 

"I want her!" You looked up at his scream but your face never changed from its dead expression. Dull eyes meet his bright ones as Shota uncuffed you from the wall and shoved you towards Hizashi who had to grab and pick you up to stop you from hitting the ground. Clearly, you'd been out of commission for quite some time

"Thanks for taking her off my hands bud. The second option would have been messy." 


Hizashi laid you on the couch as if you were some rag doll, refusing to move on your own for a reason unknown. You could hear him running around his house for a few minutes before he came back and scooped you up. Once in the bathroom, he stripped you of the clothes that looked ready to fall apart at the right touch and sat you in the tub.

Grabbing the detachable shower head he kneeled beside the tub and got to work. Washing your hair with care and focus twice before moving onto your body. He cringed at the brown water that slowly made its way to the drain, wondering how Shota could claim to love you when he left you to waste away like this.

Once he was sure you were clean he pulled you out and dried you off. Grabbing his own care products off the sink counter he made sure to try and fix you up the best he could. It'll take him a bit but he'll get you your own skin and hair care system going soon. He realized after your bath, he had no clothes for you.

Rapped up in his dark green robe you were carried to the kitchen and sat in a chair. He could tell you were being fed so he didn't worry about refeeding syndrome as he grabbed some take-out leftovers and warmed them up while making a mental reminder to go grocery shopping as soon as possible. When he placed it in front you, that's when you moved for the first time since he's seen you again. Eating slowly and with caution. You knew it wasn't drugged as you watched him make it but he'll learn soon enough that any food you didn't see get made isn't going inside you. 

After you finished Hizashi picked you up and brought you to his bed and laid you down, tucking you in he frowned "Im sorry I didn't save you from him, I didn't know. But I swear F/n, Im here now and I'm gonna make it better. I'll save you." 

He kissed your forehead before leaving to take the couch.


(800 Words)

A/N: The writing bug has bitten me! Fear me and my power! 

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