𝓥𝓮𝓷𝓸𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓑𝓲𝓽𝓮 {𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓪 𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Romantic Naga Mic
giving his sweet mate some love...and vemon
🚧Naga AU, Human Reader, Vemon/'Poisoning'/Drugging, Minor Injuries/Y/n gets bit, Sweet Hizashi🚧


You were laid out in the nest of furs when he entered the burrow. You couldn't open your eyes as they were far too heavy, but you could hear and smell him as he approached. He slithered over, and then hoisted you up to wrap you tight in his coil. Greedily stealing your body heat for himself. 

"I misssssed you." 

You didn't miss him. Half because you didn't even know he had been gone and half because he's forced you into the role of being his mate, after you saved him from a few centipedes, by using his venom to keep you compliant and dependent on him almost completely. It wasn't enough to do you any harm, of course, just make you floaty. Unable to think, speak, or move without help. His little rag doll, only allowed to breathe on her own.

You were slowly fading back into awareness, being able to think half clearly for the first time in months. But now that he's home you know he's gonna take that away. Send you right back to that state of half in and half out that has become your new normal. 

You let out a groan that made his full attention immediately be given to you, chuckling as he cupped your face "Open your pretty eyes baby." You tried, you really really did. But all you managed to do was make your closed eyelids flutter, it made the naga chuckle as he nuzzled your face. He slowly laid you back into the nest, this time wrapping your body in the furs. You snuggled into them out of instinct. 

"Just relax and let it happen mate, you'll be much happier." His face moved from your check down your neck until his lips brushed against the repeated puncture wound. You knew what it would feel like, bracing yourself as you felt his fangs scrap you. First, you'd feel the pinch of them popping open your skin, then the pain as he dug deeper in, and finally the warmth. It would start at the wound but soon spread through your whole body. A few moments of warm and you'd feel like you were dreaming but awake. Lala land. 

In this state Hizashi got no fight from you when he wraps his whole body tail and all around you, nuzzling and kissing your wound as an apology. You are much too weak, and far too out of it to fight him. You can bearly comprehend what's going on anyway. You simply lean into the body beside you dozing off quickly.


(568 Words)

A/n: Mic gets so much shit for that bug scene but like, imagine if YOUR WHOLE LEG WAS COVERED IN FUCKING BUGS!! I had a meltdown a few days ago over a cricket. Im right there with you Mic!

Up Next: Two stories in one!

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