𝓢𝓮𝓵𝓯 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓮 {𝓔𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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 Romantic EraserMic deals with a reader going threw a depression episode {request}
🚧Depression, Unhealthy handling of depression🚧


"I need you to get up." You let out a small sigh as you pulled the blanket back up to your face. Hizashi let out his own sigh before ripping the blanket from you, holding it in his arms as he frowned down at you "Up, or ill take tv privileges."

With a huff, you pulled yourself out of the bed to stand beside Hizashi. He dropped the blanket and pulled your into a hug "Im sorry, but I can't let you waste away in bed any longer. Now come along hun." He pulled you along into your bathroom and turned the shower on "Please, I'm tired-" 

"I know you are, and you can go back to bed in a little bit but as for right now I need you to do a bit of self-care." "But-" "And if you try to argue with me I will make you get up with us every morning, understand?" "...Yes." 

He gave you a smile as he once again checked the water "Ok, hope in and wash up. Im gonna go throw your towel in the drier so it's warm when you get out." 


"Hizashi asked me to bring you your towel while he cooks dinner. You done?" You turned the shower off and stuck your hand out, he gave you the warm towel so you could wrap it around you before coming out of the shower. "Im gonna lay down till dinners done-" 

"Nope. Zashi said you need to brush your teeth and get actually dressed first." 


"Dinners done!!" Aizawa gave you a smile as you finished picking the last water bottles off the floor "I'll go throw this stuff in the trash, you head down for dinner." 

When you entered the dining room your plate was being placed in front of your chair "I made your favorite!" "Do I have to clear my plate?" He placed your cup beside you as you sat "Normally id say yes, but ill be happy if you just eat a good bit of it. But don't be afraid to ask for seconds of anything."

Soon Aizawa joined you two at the table with his own plate and began telling the two of you about this new training exercise he wants to bring up to his boss "...Can I have more {side}?" Aizawa grabbed your plate with a smile "Of course love." 


Hizashi and Shota stood in your doorway as you crawled into bed "Well goodnight sug'." "We'll wake you up for breakfast before we leave tomorrow ok?" "Mhm." 

It wasn't much, but it was something and that gave them hope


(457 Words)

Requested by: MeepMeepShawty_

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