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~♡Day 1 - ReWrite Of Day 19: Leader♡~

🚧Apocolypse AU, Guns, Reader has PTSD, Eri is reader's Bio-Daughter, Reader finds it hard to love Eri because of Mental Illness, Arguing, Murder, Domestic Abuse Implied, Reader Injuires Mentioned, Mental Illness, Mind Games, Shouta is Mean but not to Mean🚧


You stopped walking, pulling the somewhat heavy bag up further on your shoulder before you looked up to the top of the heavy-duty makeshift wall. Behind it a pretty clear sky that's slowly getting darker as nightfall approaches. When you realized you had caught the attention of the guard standing post with a rifle hanging on his back you wave up at him and he returned one before you kept moving. It's never good to be out too long, even while inside the walls those survival tactics never left you.

It's too bad really, as you loved being away from the house, it gave you a chance to get away from it all. That's why you volunteer at the food pantry, but you can't be out past dark, not without the PTSD attacks that fuel your nightmares.

You sighed before opening the door, walking in like it was the walk to the guillotine. When you looked up you noticed Shouta, your dear husband, and the leader of this oh-so-great safe haven from the horrors of the outside world. He seemed to be holding a meeting with his inner circle. Hizashi, his right-hand man and the one who handles town meetings and public problems was standing next to the couch. Kayama, the woman in charge of rations, was sitting next to him on the first cushion. Toshinori, in charge of the supply runs and training guards, was in the middle next to her. And Oboro who's in charge of homing and relocation of the people who live here, was on the last cushion.

Shouta was standing before all of them, bouncing the daughter you two unfortunately have together as he spoke. When they noticed you, all eyes turned to watch you close and lock the door before you walked right passed them into the kitchen. As you walked Shouta smiled "Welcome home love, want to hear about our expansion plans?"

"No, not really." You said as you crossed the threshold to the kitchen and placed the bag of groceries on the table so you could start putting them away. As you moved around the kitchen you heard the council quickly clean up and leave. The whole time you knew if you turned to the archway, you'd meet eyes with an upset Shouta holding the daughter you can't seem to look at with any type of affection. Only simple indifference. You honestly feel bad for the poor girl, growing up without the unconditional love that's supposed to come from a mother. Secretly you wonder how things will be when she is actually old enough to understand the looks she receives from you.

"Why can't you even pretend to be interested in the well-being of the compound? You do understand you're basically the first lady, right? The people look to you just as they do me, you could at least try and care." You could have growled at him, when you finally turned to face him, he was met with nothing but pure hatred from your eyes. "You run this dump all on your own, always have. Your little council is full of mindless idiots who just go along with whatever you say and that's why you picked them, there nothing more than puppets you use to make yourself look less like the tyrant that you are. And I can't even pretend to care, or want to care, because I'm too busy playing fucking house with you!"

"Well, you don't play it very well, other than cooking and cleaning what wife duties do you do? Huh? And let me remind you, you haven't held your own daughter since the day she was born." You rolled your eyes at him before you went back to putting this away "That poor thing is not my daughter, it's a reminder of the fact I'm forever stuck here with you."

A sudden gunshot rang out much too close to be coming from outside of even atop the wall cutting this rerun argument short as Shouta rushed outside, you weren't far behind him. A woman stood in the street, you recognize her. Sharen, she works in the school as a teacher. She was standing over a man lying on the ground with a gunshot wound to the knee. You know him too, Bob her husband. They've been married since before the world collapsed. He worked as a doctor before and now.

Shouta sighed "It's alright everyone! What happened...?"

"Sharen." You said, not to help him but to respect her. She never did you wrong. She gave you a nod for it before she turned to Shouta "Hes been acting weird since he came back from that supply run yesterday, then I saw it. The bite on his arm."

Shouta handed Eri off to her before he bent down and ripped Bob's sleeve off, sure enough, he had been bitten. A few people gasped as Shouta sighed and stood "God damn it! Alright everyone shit shows over go home and we'll have a meeting tomorrow to talk about it. It's late, go rest." Everyone except you and Sharen cleared the area, you watched as the man who treated you for the sprained wrist Shouta gave you a week ago slowly turned into a monster whose only thought is to eat. To fill a hunger that will never be sated.

Your body shook as fear gripped your heart, even as you were safe on the steps behind Shouta your body reacted as it had grown accustomed to from living on the outside for so long before finding this place. Shouta grabbed the gun out of his hip holster and popped a bullet into Bob's head before he took Eri, who was now crying from the sound of the gun spooking her, and apologized to a now mourning Sharen. You'll have to remember to make her a dish and bring it over to her tomorrow.

She left and after a few moments of looking down at the man, Shouta grimaced "Who knows when a doctor is going to show up next. This is really going to fuck us over." He turned and walked back to where you were standing, making you look at him as he slowly smiled when he saw the sighs of your episode "Being here with me is better than being out there with them, all alone and in the pitch-black darkness."

You wanted to retaliate, but when he flipped the porch light off leaving you standing alone in the dark with that dead thing only a few feet from you, its rotting smell slowly tainting the air. Well, it had you flying inside and tucking yourself into Shouta's free side as you cried like a scared child who just woke from a nightmare. Too bad you can't walk up from yours.


(1212 Words)

A/N: Bought time I stop rotting in bed and give these back to yall huh, I can't give yall all of them but whatever I feel like writing I'll write and post some more at a later time here 

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