𝕮𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕿𝖗𝖎𝖕 {𝖂𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖋 𝕬𝖎𝖟𝖆𝖜𝖆}

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Rewrite of  Territory {Werewolf Aizawa} but with more spook to celebrate spooky month coming around finally
🚧Monster x human, murder, small gore🚧


It was supposed to be a short hike uphill, just to stretch after a night of sleeping with a thin piece of nylon as the only thing separating you from the hard ground. But soon the light drizzle turned into a downpour so heavy you couldn't see your own hand when you held it out in front of your face.

You tried to keep trudging to your camp sight but not being able to see mixed with the trail being reduced to a muddy slide you soon found it almost impossible to keep going and so you tried to find refuge under a tree hoping the rain would give soon so you could at least find which direction you need to walk in.

After a good five minutes of the rain assaulting you threw the leaves of the tree, it stopped. Not the rain, no, you could still see that the storm hadn't stopped but the rain sharply hitting your skin stopped. You looked up only to scream and scoot yourself all the way against the tree's trunk. A huge bipedal wolf-like creature was towering over you, and almost the tree, looking down at you.

He frowned at the look of horror that painted your face "Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you. I just noticed you look lost and wanted to know if you needed help." It can talk!? "Uh, yes actually. I am lost and cold." Nodding he looked on into the distance before giving you a small smile "Well the nearest campsite is about 5 miles the other way and even then im not sure if that's the one you came from. You can come to stay in my den if you'd like."

Five miles!? You only walked a few minutes!? How did you walk that far in the rain without realizing it? You stood "Thank you."


The storm lasted a good three and half days. You left everything at your campsite which you assume was packed up and left by the friends you came with. You can't even really blame them if they came looking for you they would have been just as lost as you.

But soon the dark grey sky cleared to a chilly blue, and you smiled. Standing from Aizawa's makeshift bed and walking to the intrince of the deep cave, sticking your hand out you found no more rain falling from the sky and cheered to yourself. But as you turned to run to Aizawa and tell him the good news you found him standing behind you "Look! It stopped!"

He gave you a smile but just as quickly snatched you from the ground, pulling you into his arms and turning to walk deeper into the cave. Only illuminated by the small fire he walked until he came upon a makeshift cell "What's that!?" He placed you inside along with some food and water "Your new home, only until I can trust you not to run off that is and then you can roam the cave as you please again."

"Why are you doing this!? You said you'd help me get back to my campsite!" He chuckled "You have no campsite to get back to little one." "H-Huh?" He crouched down in front of you pointing to the meat in your cell "You were camping in my territory and I couldn't have that. When I came across you in the woods I was glad the rain had washed your friend's blood away because you trusted me almost immediately. See they were food but you, lucky little you, are mate."

You shook your head as you remembered all three nights you ate and laughed with Aizawa never questioning where he had gotten the food or dry clothes or all the human things littering his cave "O-Oh my god! You're a monster!"

He shrugged "I am of course, but you should be happy little one. You're the first to see me and live to tell the tale and you're gonna be helping me save my species from extinction. What an amazing honor you have."


(666 Words)

A/N: Mhm, big monster calling their mate little one 🤤
Yandere Monster Mictober is getting posted tomorrow

Up Next: Idk yet 

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