𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽 {𝓔𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓜𝓲𝓬}

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Romantic EraserMic whose darling escapes and finds they can no longer survive in the real world {request}
🚧 Creepy guy doing creepy shit {not EraserMic} 🚧


"We'll be back early tomorrow morning, I already cooked your dinner its in the microwave whenever you want it and just because we're gone doesn't mean you get to disregard your bedtime alright?" "Yes sir." Hizashi smiled as he pinched your check "Alright then, don't have too much fun without us."

"Hizashi, we have to go now or we'll be late." 


The kitchen chair slammed threw the window, shattering the glass. The wind hit your face, hot and accompanied by the now foreign smell of freshly cut grass. Crawling out, careful of the glass still on the window, you only got a few cuts on your arm. Not waiting a moment you rushed up to the fence and hurled yourself over to continue your run into town.

It was a couple of miles to the nearest thing, and that was only a gas station. Walking in the lady at the counter gave you a weird look "Sug', your arms are bleeding." You gave her a little nervous laugh as you grabbed a bag of chips and a cold soda "Just an injury from work." You put the stuff on the counter and paid with the money you've been secretly stealing from them for a while now. 

Once outside you saw a man pumping gas "Excuse me, sir! Sorry to bother you but are you heading into town?" He looked you up and down before smiling "Sure am, need a ride?" "That would be great! Thank you!" He allowed you to hop in the passenger seat of his truck as he finished pumping.

The ride was quiet but the hand that kept creeping onto your thigh even after you pushed it off was worrying you "You can let me out here." 

He kept driving, eyes on the road, a smile on his face "I said you can let me out here." "Calm down babe, I'm just doing ya a favor I just want you to return one." Panic hit you like lightning as you unbuckled and lurched forward putting your whole weight onto the horn. He slowed down and you took your chance, basically kicking open the door and tucking into yourself as you rolled to a stop on the gravel road "You crazy bitch!" 

As soon as you stood you were running again, no stopping until you came upon the blinking lights that read MOTEL. Walking into the front office only a single man sat behind the desk not paying attention to anything but his phone "Excuse me, I need a room." 

After too many questions you were handed a key to the overpriced room. Locking yourself in the room you flopped onto the, probably dirty, bed. Taking a deep breath before closing your eyes and eventually nodding off. 


Opening your eyes to the bright light of the bedside lamp you had forgotten to turn off was less than pleasant. But your sour aching body made that 10 times worse, you had done much physical labor since those two nut chases kidnapped you so all that running and jumping had taken its toll.

Taking a quick shower to wash the dirty and dry blood off of you, you changed into the only other pair of clothes you brought with you. 

When they kidnapped you they moved far away, to the outskirts of some small town. No one here knew of you so no one was looking for you. Being scared to go to the police meant just leaving this town and hoping to find your way back to your old home. But after this shit room, you don't really have the kinda money for a plane or train, and hitchhiking was now a big no-go.

Checking back into your room for day two you then headed back to the gas station, sure enough, they needed some help and hired you without much trouble. Out-of-town newbie needing a job was the role you played. 

It wasn't much money but it was enough to afford the motel room and food. 

Things weren't perfect. It was hard adjusting to living your own life after following a strict schedule and having things basically handed to you by others, but you were trying your hardest. 


Waking on the morning of your escape anniversary in tears. Life had never been this hard before.

Everything hurts, from the bad bed to the manual labor. You were bearly eating as the food wasn't cheap but your boss sure was when it came to pay checks. Sleep doesn't find you easily and neither does relaxation. No days off and no putting your guard down because everyone's always looking for a chance to get one over on you. 

But it was the dream that had you truly in tears. A dream of waking up back home with Hizashi serving you breakfast in bed and not long after Shota bringing you coffee just the way you like it. You talked with them, laughed with them ...it was nice.


You walked to the gas station, but this time you didn't stop instead continuing your walk. Only when you came upon the white privacy fence did you stop. The gate was unlocked so you walked right up to the door and knocked. After a moment the doorbell sounded off beside you "Who is it?" "Hizashi, please let me in. It's cold out here and my feet hur-" The door was swung open as both men looked wide-eyed at you.

They looked worse than you but before they could grovel you did. Tears began to stream down your face "Im sorry I left! I thought- I thought it would be better but it was hell! I wanna come back home! I want my schedule! I want my cuddles! I just wanna be your love again!" 

You were yanked into warm arms, right off your feet, and carried inside with the two mean just as teary-eyed as you. Kisses and hugs were given to you freely as they carried you up the stairs to be pampered. 

Now it's perfect.


(1030 Words)

Requested by: MeepMeepShawty_

Up Next: Romantic Mic

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