𝓢𝓷𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓼 {𝓐𝓲𝔃𝓪𝔀𝓪}

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Romantic Medusa Aizawa taking a trip down memory lane of how he met his blind darling
🚧Blind Reader, Monster Yandere, Lil angst at the beginning, I did Mic a lil dirty my bad, Mostly fluff🚧


Shota smiled down at his beloved, sleeping peacefully beside him. Millennia ago he was cursed by that damned god, going home and accidentally turning his husband and their children to stone. Ever since then he's been telling himself he'll be alone forever, that his immortality is his punishment for what he did to his poor husband who didn't even blink in the face of the monster he became. His amazing husband who rushed to him in concern trying to comfort him even as his body was slowly turning to stone before their eyes. 

That's why he ran to this cave, to live out the punishment he gave himself. But that's how he met you, a long time after he finally got used to being alone. He remembers it like it was yesterday.

He was taking his normal long nap when he was woken by yelling. He was annoyed, not only had he been woken up but it was coming from in his cave! Come from his bed of furs and other comfy things he's collected over time he found two women walking around his cave like it was a fucking museum. Coming out the woman closest to him shrieked in terror as she turned to stone, but the other one just seemed confused and scared. Shaking in place as her friend had latched around her before she turned. But she didn't.

Now Shota could lie and say this annoyed him, or that it was intriguing to him. But the truth would be, relief flooded him. She was looking right at him, and him at her, and she didn't turn. After all this time, he had something! Not once did he think about letting her go as he cupped her tear-soaked face, as he ran to grab a rock to break her friend's death grip on her, as he dragged her back to his living area of the cave.

And all these years later he can't say he regrets any of it, or the time spent getting to his point, as you woke with a little sleepy sigh. Reaching a hand up into the air and feeling around until one of his snakes rub against it like a cat.

"Im still here." He says every single time, as if he's ever left your side before.


(420 Words)

A/N: *Cough* @ziakitty *Cough*

Up Next: Romantic Midnight

𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓑𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 5Where stories live. Discover now