meet the husband (2)

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Stellas POV

My Husband Grant was the one that phoned me whilst I was at Molly's, he phones me complaining that I still wasn't home yet, I only left him an hour ago. he was getting angry and I knew better than to anger him so I told him i'll be heading home. 

I said bye to shay and Kelly before getting in my car and driving home to mine and Grants apartment. 

Grant sat on his chair playing his guitar when he looked up and seen me "Stella Bella...I missed you" he said standing up and almost tripping over his amp, he eventually made his way over to me as he kissed me, I kissed him back as I watched him stumble over to the fridge "do you want a beer" he asks me as I shake my head

"no im good....what are you working on" I ask him as I pick up some of his music sheets "are you making music again" I continue as he comes back over to me "yeah, im getting the band back together, we have a few gigs booked, this is my big break Stella just you watch" he says as he sits back down and I go over to our sofa and sit down as I watch him strum his guitar and take down some notes. 

I was lay there listening to Grant for a while before my phone buzzed, I took it out from my pocket and seen it was a text from shay

"me and kelly are still out, about to hit the town later if you want to meet us"  i smiled and looked at grant

"hey, Grant, fancy going out to meet my new work pals, we can hit up a few clubs and we can hind your flyers out" I ask him and he looks up and smiles

"sure that will be a great Idea, maybe your new work friends will come to my gig" he smiles as he puts his guitar down and stands up 

"Im sure they will" I say as I get up and text Shay back 

"hey, count me in, I have a plus one, theres someone you need to meet"  I text as she replies instantly "oohh exciting, the more the merrier, meet us at Mollys and we will go from there"  I read her reply and lock my phone as me and grant head out.


I arrive back at mollys, Shay and Kelly still at the same table Grant stays outside to finish his cigarette as I walk in and go over to them.

"I thought you had a plus one" shay says as he looks behind me and sees no one

"I do, he's just having a smoke at the minute" I say as I sit down next to shay this time so Grant can sit next to Kelly when he comes in " its a male" Shay asks and I nod "Yep..oh look here he comes" I say as grant walks in and looks for me, I raise my hand as he seems me and comes over and show him the seat next to kelly "This is Grant, My Husband" I say as I feel Kelly shift in his seat awkwardly before putting his hand out "nice to meet you" Kelly says as Grant just nods and shakes his hand

"Husband! I didn't know you got married" Shay asks as she eyes Grant up and down 

"yeah 2 years ago now" I say as I look at grant and smile, I see him looking at Shay's chest and I roll my eyes 

"anyway, so where we off to" I ask, as we all discuss where to go first. 

we walk out of Molly's Grant takes my hand as we walk behind Shay and Kelly whose arms are linked as they walk through the streets. 


we visit a few more clubs, Grant keeps vanishing from my side and its only when he returns for the 3rd time I see his eyes are bloodshot and his pupils are big and I realise he must have got some drugs from somewhere. he started playing a little rough with me as he kept slamming me into walls to kiss me, choking me and pulling at my hair, he secretly thinks I like it but when he is high of his kite and doesn't know what hes doing, it can be painful when he doesn't do it correctly, like tonight, his hands on my neck squeezing me so tight I almost pass out from lack of air. 

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