Is this a date? (14)

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Stellas POV

It was later on in the evening, I just arrived to Molly's where me and Kelly decided to meet up tonight, I dont see Kelly here just yet so I go and order a drink at the bar, I sit on one of the stools as Otis hands me a drink. I suddenly get the scent of Kelly's cologne as someone sits beside me, I look up and notice it was kelly, his hand immediately lands on my leg as he orders his drink

"hey you...on time for a change" I joke to him as he looks at me on smiles "because I knew I was meeting you...I didn't want you thinking I stood you up" he jokes as Otis passes him his beer he turns in his stool so hes facing me. "cheers" he says as he holds his beer up and we clink both of our bottles. 

"ahhh theres my 2 best friends" Shay says coming behind us and placing her arms around us both

"so was this the spot..." she says looking at kelly as he nudges her and I look at them confused shay looks at me and lowers her head down to whisper "Kelly told me secrets here" she jokes as I look at kelly who has now gone a bit flushed and I laugh a little. 

"so, what are we all drinking" shay says as she puts her hand up to get otis's attention

"3 beers please" she says as Otis nods and grabs 3 bottles from the fridge and opens them as he places them in front of us. 

the 3 of us sit and talk for a while, then shay gets up as she greets a young lady at the door and goes and sits at another table leaving me and kelly alone to talk again.

"sorry, if you thought I overstepped by telling Shay, but she kinda guessed something happened by the way I was acting" Kelly says as he looks at me shyly and I smile at him as I place a hand on his leg "dont worry about it, I get it, shes both of our best friend if anyone should know it would be Shay" I say as he smiles at me, he leans over and kisses my cheek 

"do you want to get out of here?" I ask kelly as I take his beer bottle from his hand "switch the beers up for something sweeter...I know a place, about 30 minutes from here, Melrose park, Have you heard of Harlo Diner...they do like the best milkshakes" I say as kelly laughs a little.

"Its like 20 degrees out" he says with a slight chuckle

"I am just throwing it out there..." I chuckle back as kelly looks at me for a while and smiles, he doesnt say anything and just grabs my hand pulling me from my stool as he pulls me out of the bar.

"do you know the way then" he asks as he opens his passenger side door to his car I look at him and smile before climbing in his car

"you bet" I say as I stroke his cheek before sitting in the seat.

he gets in the drivers seat as he starts his car, he looks at me and smiles before driving off. 


we pull up at the diner and walk upto the door, kelly opens the door for me "Ladies first" he says with a smile as I walk in "thankyou" I say as I head to the counter to order. I look up at the menu to decide what Milkshake to get. 

"I already know what im getting...what about you" I ask looking at kelly as he looks up at the menu a little overwhelmed "how could I possibly choose" he  says with a laugh "who knew there was so many flavoured milkshakes" he continues as I laugh at him "how about you get the same as me, as I think it is the best" I tell him as he looks at me 

"okay, sure, im trusting you Stella Kidd" he says with a smile as I order 2 of the Oreo Milkshakes. 

we take a seat at the bar that ran round the dinner as 2 glasses of milkshake were placed infront of us, I dont spend any time waiting to drink some, I look at Kelly who is already looking at me as I moan a little and close my eyes at the sweet taste and he laughs "ughh its so good" I say as I grab the spoon and scoop some of the thick shake up. 

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