The final call (74)

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Stellas POV

today we returned home to Chicago after 7 relaxing days in Florida, holiday blues had kicked in as soon as we landed back in Chicago. we were on an early flight so landed back in Chicago just before noon, Shay had met us at our house excited to hear all about our first family vacation. 

she helped me and Kelly take the kids and cases into the house, Delilah jumped on shay giving her a big squeeze as she told her all about the holiday. 

"Well you're all looking a little sun kissed, glad to see the sun was out in full force, this windy city of Chicago has been all grey and gloomy since yous left, glad to see you brought a bit of the sunshine back" shay says pointing outside to the sun creeping through the clouds. 

"its not all we brought back" Kelly says pulling out a souvenir tshirt for Shay that says "my best friend went to Florida and all I got was this T-shirt" Kelly handed it to shay and laughed "aww you shouldn't have" shay says sarcastically as she hits Kelly in the arm.

"im kidding, we got you this also" Kelly says pulling out the bracelet I chose with sand from the beach trapped inside a small gem she looks at it and smiles "wow this is gorgeous, thank you guys" she says hugging us. 

"so come on I want to hear about it all" Shay says as she sits on the sofa in the living room, Delilah and Leo go play out in the back garden, Kelly goes and gets us all a drink as I sit next to shay. 

I get my phone out and start showing her the pictures I took through out the week and tell her the stories behind them. 

Kelly comes in and passes us all a glass of lemonade. as he sits on the arm rest next to me as he looks at the photos also as we laugh remembering some of the funny memories we made.

"so are you all relaxed and refreshed, ready to return to the firehouse." shay says as I groan and laugh "nope, I didn't want to leave that place" I say as I look at Kelly and put my hand on his leg. "it was great to get away for a little while, the kids loved it, we plan to go back again next year" Kelly says as he puts his hand on mine. 

"Im going to join you, it looked liked you's had a lot of fun" Shay says as she keeps looking through the photos. she stops at one of the selfies me and Kelly took when we went on a boat ride, she zooms in to kellys neck and I see what shes looking at "definitely looks like you two had a lot of fun" she says laughing as I just sip on my lemonade trying not to smile. 

"what, we got a lot of free time, we figured if we have them run around all day to tire themselves out, it gave Stella and I a lot of free time at night as they went to sleep really quickly." Kelly says patting my hand and looking at me as he winks.

"I hope yous took some protection, or did you plan to bring your own little souvenir back as a reminder of your trip" shay says as I shake my head fast "as cute as they are, dont expect anymore mini Stellarides, Im on the pill so we are all good" I say as I look at the time on my phone. "that reminds me..." I say getting up and going into my bag and pulling out my pill. 


1 week later

I have now been back to work for a couple of days, it was like I never left, I soon got back into my role as truck Lieutenant, I was in my office going through some recent reports when I heard a knock on the wall tot he doorway to my office, I look up and see Kelly leaning agaisnt the wall with a smile on his face 

"hello husband, what can I do for you" I say as he comes and sits on my bed and looks at me as I still sit at my desk 

"I just missed you, plus I love to come watch you work" he says as he looks at me then at the files in front of me "you look busy" He says as I put my pen down and cross my arms on the desk "I always have time for you though" I say as I stand up and walk round my desk, kelly opens his arms as I sit on his lap and he wraps his arms around me 

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