Big plans (9)

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Stellas POV

I have now been living in this apartment for 3 months, its been going so well. Kelly always seems to make up some excuse to come round, his excuse this time was, he heard the pipes making a noise last time he stayed so wanted to check the plumbing. I didn't hear any noises but I wasn't about to risk any pipes bursting so let him come have a look.

he was lying under the kitchen sink looking up at the pipes, shirtless may I add, he said he didn't want to get his shirt dirty and wet if there was a leak. I was looking down at him with a coffee in my hand when he shuffled out and stood up, I handed him the coffee and looked at him. 

"so, does everything look okay" I ask as he drinks his coffee burning his mouth a little

"ahh, hot...yeah..ahhh" He says as he pulls the mug away 

"Yeah its hot Kelly" I say as I laugh and he sets the mug down" 

"I gathered...but yeah everything looks fine, must have been hearing things" he says as I look at him suspiciously with my eyebrow raised "Hmmm, are you sure you just wasn't looking for another excuse to come over" I ask stepping towards him 

" haha" he laughs nervously 

"you sure about that" I say almost touching his lips with mine as I feel his breath hitch and I move away 

"So, Mr handyman, have any more plans for today" I ask him as he composes himself 

"erm, nope...unless theres anything you else you want me to do whilst im here" he asks looking me up and down

"I dont think s...." I am cut off by Kelly pushing me against my kitchen island and planting his lips on mine. I kiss him back as he lifts me up onto my side as he removes my top. he places his hands on my legs as I wrap my arms around his head. 

I pull my head back as he starts kissing down my neck, he pulls at my shorts, and I lift my waist up so he can pull them down. once they are off he lifts my legs up onto the island as he stands between them, his hand stroking my inner thigh as he squeezes a little.

he moves his hand between my legs as he smiles and looks at me "I think I've found the leak" he jokes as I laugh a little "you better fix it then" I say jokingly, pulling his face to mine and kissing him. 

those were the last words spoken before we were once again entangled in each other, fucking right there on my kitchen island.


it was the following day, me and kelly were heading to shift, in our own cars, he got their first as he waited for me to park my car and we walked in together, Shay saw us and came over to us. 

"Another night together, you may as well live together at this point" Shay jokes as me and kelly look at each other then back at shay

"how do you know I was at Stella's, I could have been anywhere" kelly asks Shay

"your location on your phone told me, your there that much its pinpointed it as your home adress" she laughs as she walks away

"you have been round a lot" I joke as we walk to the lockers, he nudges his hip to mine "you've loved having me around, you wouldn't have anyone else fixing those leaks" he jokes as he leaves to go to his locker and I smile.

I put my bag away as I swap my coat for my work jacket, I close my locker as I see kelly standing next to it, and I jump a little.

" idiot...haha" I laughed and hit him as he made me jump. 

"sorry, I thought you knew I was here...come on, we dont want to be the last 2 to briefing, cant risk everyone's suspicions raising further" he jokes as he walks past me and I follow him to the briefing room.


we were halfway through our shift, I was finishing up checking our equipment on the truck, when Kelly came walking down between our two rigs. 

"how you doing, heard your last call was rough" he asks me as he must have found out we were called to a domestic violence linked call.

"yeah, I'm holding up I know actually, that whole call made me really tense, you know like my neck and my back...I was thinking should come over after shift, help me rid some of this tension" I say moving closer to him as he raises his eyebrows "Oh yeah?"  he asks clearly getting what I was hinting at as I smile and nod before looking at his lips as he moves closer to kiss me

just before our lips touch we hear the saw roar and both of us jump back as we look over at Capp revving the saw with his eyebrows lifting up and down as he grins and turns away. 

I look at Kelly as he turns to me with a smile on his face, he puts his hands on his hips as he turns back to me "if they didn't know already, everyone is going to know something is going on between us now, Capp cant keep his mouth shut when it comes to things like this" kelly laughs as I place my hand on his chest and look at him 

"its 2 adults having casual...consensual sex, whats the big deal" I smile at him as I tap his chest and walk away. I look over my shoulder as I see him checking me out as I walk away.


it was 2 hours before the end of shift I bumped into Kelly on the way out of the laundry room as he grabbed me by my waist spinning me round to face him as he planted his lips on mine I kissed him back as he pulled me closer, he pulled his head back to look at me "still tense?" he asks as I laugh "a little.." He smiles and starts to kiss me again, we were soon interrupted by the alarms for all units, it was for a large fire. I pull back from kelly as we listen to the call "sounds like a big one" I say as we both head down the corridor to the app floor "You better bring that body back in one piece, because I've got big plans for it tonight" I whisper to him as I climb into the truck and head to the scene.

the orders soon came in from chief, Me, Otis and Casey head in first to start a sweep, The visibility wasn't the best but we managed to Locate and rescue a few victims that were either injured or unconscious we were making our way to the final room when we heard chief on the radio asking us to all evacuate the building immediately.

Casey ordered us to follow him as we turned around to leave I heard someone groan and I look back to the room, the one we didn't get time to search before boden ordered us to evacuate. I squint my eyes as I see an arm move along the floor to try get our attention. 

I turn back to Casey and Otis who were now out of site as I quickly run over to the victim on the floor and start to drag them out. I heard my alarm go off on my tank meaning my oxygen was running out, the mask started to feel tight on my face as the air became thicker with less oxygen. I drop the victim as I take my mask off, I hold my breath as I grab the victim and with everything in me I pull them over my shoulder.

I quickly make my way to the exit.


Kellys POV

I see Casey and Otis exit the building after boden ordered everyone to evacuate, Stella wasn't with them.

"Casey where's Kidd" I shout as he takes his mask off and looks behind him "she was right there..." Casey says as him and Otis look back and hope to see her emerge but she doesnt 

I put my mask back on and run back in but Boden grabs me "No one enters that building, it is about to come down in front of us" Boden says as I look at him and take my mask off 

"But chief, Stella is still in there..." I shout at him 

"Kelly...Stand down" Boden shouts as he has panic written on his face also as we both look at the building and the exit door.

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