the Final chance (23)

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Authors note: This is my take on 6x06 down is better...same rooftop fire rescue different story line hope you enjoy.


Stellas POV

all units were called for a rooftop fire downtown, we were finished evacuating everyone from the rooftop, I took of my helmet as I we all waited to climb on to the ariel ladder to head back down to the sidewalk. 

"Kidd come on, they're about to open the hoses on these flames..." I hear from Casey and just as I'm about to turn around I hear a distant sounded like a child's cry, I put my helmet back on as I look towards the sea of flames, and I immediately run at them 

"Stella....what are you doing" I hear Casey scream as my eyes fall onto a baby crying in a stroller surrounded by flames

"theres a baby back here..." I shout as I make my way through the flames, using a table to push another table that's engulfed in flames that's blocking my path. I make my way over to the child and cut the restraints from around her, I quickly rip open my jacket as I lean down to pick her up "there, there, I've got you" I say placing her in my jacket to protect her from the flames.

I turn around to try find the best way out, flames are now all around me, I wrap my coat round the baby tightly as I run into the flames and over to safety away from the fire.

I move my coat a little to check on the baby, she is okay, she is smiling up at me then she rests her head on my chest  smile down at her as I place my hand on her head to support her, I carry her over to the ladder as I carefully manoeuvre down it, one arm gripped tightly around the baby still in my jacket. 

I head over to a free ambo which seems to be Gabby and shays as I take the baby from out of my jacket "I have another victim, can you check her over please" I sit on the bed with her on my lap, my arms still around her "someone just left her the fire" I tell them a little saddened as they check her over. whilst they do I tell them what happened and how she was just left there in the flames, no one even worried about her

"Airways are clear and there are no visible burns, looks like you got to her in time" Shay says as she puts away the medic bag, I look up and find Casey talking to Kelly as they both look over at me, Kelly pats Casey's shoulder before walking over to me. 

He sits next to me on the bed and looks at the baby in my arms "hey...Casey just told me what you did up there, you went into full hero mode without a second thought" He says as I look at him 

"I heard her cry, she must have been so terrified, just glad I got to her when I did" I say as I hug her tightly "I wonder where her parents or guardians are" I say looking around, no one yet coming forward looking for a young baby girl. "was anyone seriously injured, maybe who ever she was here with got injured..." I ask kelly 

"yeah I heard there was one gentleman and 1 lady, they had to be taken to med..witnesses say they was very drunk, was shouting and arguing with each other and thats when the fire started, he threw a spirit bottle onto the BBQ, blew up and everything caught fire quickly" Kelly says as i look back at the baby

"do you think they could be her parents? maybe that's why no one  has come forward for her, because it was her mum and dad who are injured" I ask looking back at kelly as he looks down at the baby in my arms 

"I dont know but I can try find out for you, see if they gave any names and see what I can find" He says looking back at me and I nod "so what shall I do with this one" I say looking at the baby 

"we can bring her to the fire house we will keep her safe until we can track down her parents, Im sure Boden won't mind. let me go speak to him" Kelly says standing up and heading over to Boden

I watch as they start to talk and both of them look at me before I see Boden nod to kelly and kelly gives me the thumbs up as I smile and look at the baby 

"you've had one hell of a day...lets get you out of here" I say as I get of the bed and walk towards truck, I hear Kelly informing everyone about the child and that she will be staying at the firehouse at least until the end of shift.

I climb into the truck with the baby still in my arms and play with her little hand, amazed at how small they are. I reckon she was at least 1 year old or just about to turn 1. but no older than that.

she falls asleep on the way to the firehouse holding onto my finger as comfort. my heart starts to burst as a strange feeling overwhelms me, a feeling of longing to call a child my own, to love and cherish them, to watch as they grow from a tiny bundle of joy into a fully grown human, with their own personality, something that will be a product of both mine and kelly's love. 

I shake my head to bring me back into this reality as we pull into the firehouse and I carefully climb out of the truck with the sleeping baby in my arms as I get out the truck, I put my finger to my lips at everyone, telling them to be quiet and they take the hint and start whispering. I walk inside and head to the bunk room and head over to my bunk where I gently lie the sleeping baby in my bed then sit at the end and watch her, her arms lay above her head as she starfishes across my bed and I smile uncontrollably to myself 

how can something so small have this big effect on me...

I keep watching the baby sleep scared that she may roll off the bed and hurt herself, so I stay to make sure shes okay, I hear someone walk in and I look over and watch as kelly comes over to me and sits on the bed in front of me

"Hey" He whispers to not wake the sleeping baby "I've just got news from Med, the 2 victims that were rushed to Med, they have been identified as an Andrew Miller and Nicole Miller, PD ran some checks and they have a 12 month old baby girl named Delilah Rose Miller, they sent me a photo of her to see if we recognise her" he shows me the picture of the baby, its the same baby 

"thats her, this is Delilah...did they say anything else" I ask concerned and kelly looks at me and holds my hands as a sad looks crosses his face.

"they did some more investigating and they found that they are both known to the police and CPS for child endangerment, apparently they were both arrested a while back for drug related crimes but wasn't sentenced due to lack of evidence, they only got their child back from CPS last week after she was taken to an emergency foster home when police were called to the house for a domestic disturbance. I am surprised this kid is still allowed to be with them" Kelly says looking at the sleeping baby 

"Kelly, thats awful, they shouldn't be allowed her back, they caused a fire that almost killed their daughter, they left her to die there...whats going to happen now" I ask as kelly looks back at me 

"well ive filled my incident report as has Casey we mentioned everything and have contacted CPS, they said theres no chance they will be getting Delilah back they've had too many chances, they dont seem to be changing no matter how many times they have promised the courts..." kelly says as I look at him sharply 

"chances...there shouldn't have been any chances when it comes to a child's life and well-being" I say a little angry as kelly comes and sits next to me and hugs me from the side 

"hey...I know that, we both know that, just try not to get too worked up about this"Kelly says rubbing my arm then kissing my cheek, he stands up and I look at him. "I will come grab you when CPS arrive" he says before walking out of the bunk room.

I put my eyes back on the small child lay in my bed, she must have been through so much already, in her short life, poor baby...

I lie down next to the child as I place a hand on her back I watch her sleep as I soon start to feel sleepy and sleep alongside her.

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