Home (17)

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Kellys POV

I just text Stella asking if she can come round to my apartment, it was closer to OFI and I didn't want to drive far as I wasn't particularly in the best of moods to be driving for any longer than I needed to be. she happily agreed to meet me here, she let me know she was packing a bag with her station gear in as she intended to stay the night. and didnt want to leave really early in the morning to get her station gear before shift, I of course had no complaints with that, for the past 2 weeks we havent spent a night apart, with her being here or me at hers

I told stella to just come in the door was unlocked, I stood at my window looking out at the passing cars and busy nightlife of Chicago as I heard my apartment door open and close, I turn around and see Stella and I smile "Hey you...come here" I say holding my arm out as she drops her back and comes over to me and I wrap my arms round her as I kiss her

"you look all sad and mopey, whats up, you went missing a lot today, whats going on" stella asks as she steps back a little and looks at me

"you know how OFI have been after me for years..." I ask her as she looks at me confused 

"vaguely yes, you haven't really told me much about it, just that your dad worked there for years and those higher up on the ladder are pushing you to go down that same path..." she says 

"well yeah, they have overstepped this time, they have got me transferred To OFI after next shift, was all done without my permission they need my help to catch up on some backlog of cases." I say as stella looks at me sadly and then hugs me 

"so we are barely going to see each other" she says sadly as she buries her head in my neck

"well we wont be working together for a while, but I was thinking..." I pause as she stands back and looks at me 

"whats got your noggin ticking" she joking slays as she taps my head 

"I don't want you to go somewhere else to be home anymore...your station gear should always be here, you shouldn't need to have to pack it or leave her early before shift to go get it, because you should always be here..." I say as Stella looks at me, her eyes glistening under the warm light of my apartment, she doesn't say anything, Its like she was waiting for me to say something else so I got more to the point 

"will you move in with me?" I ask her as she smiles, she looks at my lips as her hand cups my face, before looking back to my eyes, she strokes my face before raising her hands up "ohh what the hell...you gotta live with who you love right" she says with a chuckle as I smile 

"that makes sense to me" I say as she moves her face closer to mine and kisses me. 

"sealing the deal with a kiss I see" I jokingly say as she laughs and kisses me again. 

"so are you going to be okay moving to OFI" stella asks moving away from me

"as long as I get to come home to you, I'm okay with wherever I go" I say pulling her waist towards me as she wraps her arms round my neck, her body pushing against mine as she plants her lips on mine, my hand sliding up her neck and holding it as I deepen the kiss.

I pull off her top as I turn her round so her body is against the window pane as she gasps "uuhh that window is cold" she says as I chuckle "Ill soon warm you up" I say as I push her harder against the window and run my hand up and down her body as I start to kiss her neck. 

she tilts her head to the side as a soft moan escapes her mouth, letting me know i have found her sweet spot and I continue to kiss that area before sucking a little, earning again another soft moan. her moans turning me inside out as I feel myself getting turned on. 

"I would say lets fuck with a view, but every time I look at you, I already have the most perfect view" I whisper up to stellas ear as she turns to me and grabs my face as she whisper to my ear "well then, lets give Chicago the view instead" she says biting at my ear before she pulls her bra over her head not even unclasping it at the back. I look at her and smile, he hands unbuckling my belt as she pulls them down

her hand slowly strokes over my boxers sending a rush of pleasure throughout my body, she stands up and turns her body round with her hands against the window, she shakes her arse against my crotch as she twerks a little against it and I cant help but let out a moan, she arched her back a little as my hands gripped her waist line and I pulled her wasit even closer to mine, I pulled her jeans down along with her underwear, she shuffles them down her legs as she steps out of them and kicks them away. 

she continues moving her now exposed body against my boxers I look down and watch as she bends down, my bulged crotch now lining up between her legs as she moves up and down, even with my boxers still on I could feel through them how wet she already was. I grabbed her hips as I moved her waist against me more, I could feel my dick rubbing against her clit as I heard her breath get deeper, I once again looked down and watched her come onto my boxers.

as she let out a big breath I pulled down my boxers, her still bent down in front of me I rubbed my dick up and down her entrance, her come still dripping onto me as I eventually pushed myself inside of her. she gasps and lifts her upper body up as my hands came round her stomach and up to her neck, I start to kiss her neck as I pushed her body against the glass window as I started to fuck her from behind. 

I rested my head against her back as I wrapped my arms around her torso tightly as I began to quicken my pace. I heard her moan loudly as her hand reached up behind her to grab the back of my head "Fuckk, kelly i'm close" she moans as I lower one of my hands between her legs and start to rub her clit, whilst I continue to thrust into her I feel her knees bend and shake as I grip the one arm round her waits tightly so she doesn't fall. 

I feel myself get really warm as I close my eyes, pleasure overtaking my whole body as I let out a loud moan followed by a deep breath, feeling myself come inside of Stella, once Im done I slowly pull out and I turn her round to face me as I kiss her hard, my hands gripping her neck and face. 

I pull away as I take a deep breath "fuck, your hot" I whisper to stella as I lean my head against hers both of us trying to catch our breath. I feel stellas hand grab mine as I look at her

"I think Chicago has viewed us enough" Stella says as she pulls me towards my room and gets into bed. I climb in bed next to her as I wrap my arms around her and spoon her. I kiss her back and shoulder. 

"I love you so much" I whisper as she turns her head to me "I love you too" she whispers back as she kisses me. 

"you are home to me, wherever we may be as long as Im with you its home" she says as she turns over and wraps her arms round me and lies on my chest. 

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