Tied down to one thing (18)

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Kellys POV

I have been at OFI for 2 weeks now, some how Van Meter has convinced Grissom to transfer me back to Squad, I headed to my desk to collect my jacket and folder as I look over at Seager looking at me

"going somewhere" she asks as she smiles up at me

"back to 51...I've been transferred back" I say a little excited. 

"you're certainly going to be missed here, cant say I wont miss the help" she says as she puts her pen down 

"as long as your here, OFI is in good hands" I say as I walk round my desk to the door

"hey.." I hear from seager as Im about to leave, I turn around and look at her as she stands up out of her seat and looks at me "dont be a stranger, although your back on squad doesn't mean I won't need your help from time to time...and your going to miss us, you know your heart belongs here kelly..." she says stepping closer as I chuckle a little and look around at the office of desk 

"and besides, you strike me as a guy who has a hard time being tied down to one thing" she says a little seductively as I she stops moving closer to me and I look away from her "you have my number..." I say hoping she takes the hint, to only contact me if she needs me for an OFI case I quickly open the door and leave the office. 


later that evening I went to Mollys as I knew Stella was working the bar tonight and didnt fancy being home alone. stella was stood in front of me on the other side of the bar as I was playing with a loose string on her jacket, I look at her as we laugh together, suddenly her eyes avert over my shoulder as her smile fades, I look over my shoulder to see Seager taking a seat next to me 

"Ill be right back" stella says as she walks away and I look at seager "hey" I politely say as she says hey back

"what brings you here" I ask her as she rests her elbow on the bar and looks at me

"I know you left OFI today but Ive found another case that seems right up your alley, its his a dead end and no matter who OFI place on this case it can never come to an arranged close, and frankly they dont have your eyes, it could use your expertise" she says passing over some files then placing a hand on my leg. I move my leg away from her as she looks at me

"thought we could go and grab some lunch tomorrow and work on it" she says as I look at stella, stella slowly looks at me, I can see hurt in her eyes, and it dawns on me how ive been blind to all the attempts that Seager has thrown at me, clearly showing an interest in me in more than a professional kind of way. 

"listen..." I say as I look back at Seager "I appreciate you keeping me in mind but I need to put my focus back on where it belongs.." I look over at Stella "sort of keep myself tied down to one thing" I smile at Stella as I look at seager and hand her back the files 

"hear you loud and clear Kelly...take care of yourself" Seager says a little hurt as she looks over at Stella then leaves. 

I look at Stella as she puts the glass she was cleaning down and walks over to me, she leans over the bar and I take her hands "now I see it...it is very clear she has a thing for me" I say to Stella as she laughs "uhh huh...but you Kelly severide..." she says moving closer to my lips "are my man" she finishes as she kisses me and I kiss her back

she moves her head back a little "Herman will probably let me sneak off early, if you want to get off somewhere...just the two of us" she says as I smile "Id love that" I say as she kisses me again and strokes my face a little. 

"so where do you wanna go" I ask her as she shrugs 

"dont know, I was hoping you would know a place" she says as I think...

"got it, reckon you could get of for 8:30" I ask her as she scrunches her face 

"I can ask...but it will probably be 9, is that okay" she asks and I smile

"9 is good..." I reply back with as Shay walks over to us 

"Hello stranger, feel like I haven't seen you in ages, hows it going" she asks as I nod 

"Its going well, sorry Ive been distant, ive been so busy with the OFI and stella moving in, I just hav..." i start saying to shay but she hits my chest 

"what...stella has moved in with you, since when...why didnt she tell me" shay says interrupting me as I hold my chest where she hit me 

"first of, ow...secondly, I thought you knew, I thought she would have told you when she seen you at work" I said as she shook her head "No...thats it Stella" she turns to stella at the bar and gestures her to come over and stella does just that after she has finished serving the customer

"whats up? " she says as shay leans over and hits stella in her arm playfully "how could you not tell me you've moved in with Kelly..." she says with a laugh 

"sorry, I didnt think it was big news to tell, we pretty much lived with each other anyway" stella says as shay shakes her head "you gotta tell me about these things, this is big, especially for Kelly" she says looking at me "Im so happy for you Buddy" she says almost crying and I nudge her and laugh 

"okay dont cry...its not like we are getting married" I say as shay looks over at stella and pulls her and me into her as her arm wraps round both of us as she whispers "but if you know, yous did decided to get married, I better be the maid of honour...heck Ill even marry yous" she says jokingly as Stella looks at her and pulls away 

"I think im done with weddings, I was married once...never again" Stella says as I look at her a little heartbroken, I never wanted to get married until I met Stella, I knew she was the one I wanted it all with, the marriage, the family, the living and building a life together. what if I'm with her for all those things and I find out she doesn't want any. 

I guess it's something me and Stella are going to have to talk about. 

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