Home sweet home (57)

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Stellas POV

it had been at least 1 hour since Kelly had left Leo had Started to fuss and cry a little and I lean over and picked him up "ohh you are one smelly boy" I say as I lie him on the bed, I move my legs around as I lean down to the bag and pull out a fresh diaper and wipes. 

I turn back to Leo and start to change him. once hes changed and redressed I pick him up and climb off the bed as I take the diaper over to the trash. I place leo in his crib then go to wash my hands, as I start to dry them the door to the room opens and I turn round to see kelly holding up a Mcdonalds take out bag "hungry?" he asks as I smile at him and I hold my arms out "Gimme...Im starving" I say as kelly paces me my meal, I sit on the bed as Kelly sits on the edge next to me.

I open the wrapper of my burger and take out a bite and close my eyes and moan a little "oh thats good.." I say as I open my eyes and look at kelly "I was starving, I can't remember when I last ate" I tell him as he chuckles at me and eats his. 

we finish eating leaving just our drinks left as Kelly gathers all the rubbish and places it in the bin, I sip on my drink and place it on the side as he walks back over to me, I lie down and look at kelly as I move over and pat the side of my bed. he takes the hint and climbs up on the bed and lies beside me, he opens his arms as he pulls me into his side and wraps his arms around me as I snuggle into his chest. 

he plays with my hair as I look down at Leo in his crib, I cant help but smile as I start to relax, my eyes starting to close as I drift into a sleep. 


the next day soon came round, with my sleep being disturbed only twice as Leo would wake up for feeding, but he would settle quickly once he got what he wanted. hes got the latching on thing down to a T now. 

it was around 7am in the morning and Kelly was asleep on the bed as I was holding Leo against my chest as he was having another feed, I was stood by the window as I looked outside watching the sunrise. 

"now that's a view I don't mind waking upto" I hear from Kelly as I turn round to see him looking at me "heyyy...morning sleepy head" I say as I walk over to the bed and sit down, kelly sits up and looks down at leo, stroking his head as he leans over and kisses me. "have yous been awake long" He asks as I shake my head "no, just about 10 minutes, he wanted feeding" I say as Leo pulls away from me, I sit him up against my lap and start to burp him as Kelly pulls my top down.  

Leo finally burps as I lift him against my shoulder, just as a nurse comes in "good morning, how was he through the night" she asks us "he was very well behaved, woke up about midnight and then again at 4am and then about 10 minutes ago" I say as I stroke his back. 

"so I have some good news" she says holding up some papers "I have your discharge papers, time to send you's home" she says as I smile. "what...really" I say shocked as I look at kelly him smiling also as I look back at the nurse "yeah, we would like to see you back in 2 weeks so we can check your recovering as we would expect, but yeah yous are both all good to go." she says as I nod, she places the papers on the bed before leaving. 


the next hour was used packing away all our belongings, kelly went and got the car seat whilst I got him changed into some clothes. he was now in his car seat, he looked lost in it, he was so tiny. I took a picture of him then looked at kelly "lets go home" I say as Kelly puts the bags over his shoulder and lifts the car seat up. 

"lets" he says as he holds the door open for me as we make our way out the room saying bye to the doctors and nurses as we leave. we finally reach the car as Kelly fits the seat in. we stand a look at the seat in the car and kelly wraps his arm around me "its going to be good to finally be home as a family" he says as he kisses me, I kiss him back before he opens his door and helps me in the seat. 

he gets into the drivers side as he starts the car and starts driving, I grab my phone and text shay "hello,,,good news, were coming home, we should be home soon if you want to come round"  I send her the text as I place my phone down.

we soon arrive home in no time and kelly goes round to get Leo out of the car, still in his chair, I get out and we both make our way up to our apartment. I open the door as I walk inside and take a deep breath "Home sweet home, Im so glad to be home" I say turning to kelly moving out the way to let him walk in with Leo. 

"welcome home little man" he says as he turns him around to face the apartment I walk in and head to the sofa and collapse against it "I need a wine" I say as Kelly chuckles picking Leo up out of his chair holding him up as we watch him stretch and scrunch up his legs "everything he does is so precious" I say as I grab my phone and decide to Face time Shay she answers and mine and kellys apartment appears on the screen "recognise where we are" she says as I smile "oh your here already...yayy" I say as I hear Delilah giggling through the phone as she recognises where she is. "I will let you go then, just walk in the doors unlocked" I say as shay ends the call. 

it's not long before we hear the apartment door open and Delilah comes running in and over to us "Mummy, Daddy" she squeals as she wraps her arms around Kellys legs, kelly places Leo in my arms as he picks Delilah up and cuddles her. "Hello Princess, look whos home now" he says pointing to leo as she looks at him and wriggles in kellys arms wanting to be put down. 

he puts her down as she runs over to her toys and pulls out the toy bottle from her doll and runs over to me passing me the bottle "for baby weo" she says as I take it from her "aww thankyou baby, but he has his own milk, this one is for your dollys" I say passing it back to her as she runs over to her toys again picking up her doll and running over to the sofa, she climbs up and sits next to me and copies me, with the way im holding leo as she holds her doll the same way. 

we all chuckle at her as kelly goes over to shay and takes Delilahs bags of her. "want to stay for some dinner" I ask her as she nods "would love too" she responds as she walks over to me and sits on the sofa next to Delilah. 


the rest of the day flew by, we had just finished eating dinner that kelly made us as he took away the plates to clean, Leo started to fuss so I went and picked him up from out of his bassinet that kelly built up whilst dinner was cooking. 

he turned his head to my chest letting me know he was looking for food. I head to the sofa and lift my top up allowing him to latch on, Delilah yawns as shay goes over and picks her up "Ill go get her ready for bed" shay says walking towards delilahs room. 

kelly comes over to the sofa and puts his arm round the back of me as he looks down at Leo

"how are you feeling" he asks as I look at him and smile and lie my head back against the sofa "m feeling great, now that we are all home together" I say as kelly strokes my hair then kisses my forehead. 

he looks down at Leo and strokes his hair. "I dont know any love like this one im feeling right now" he says as he looks back at me "and watching you bring a life into this world,a life thats half me and half you, it made me fall even more in love with you, if that was even possible" he says as I place a hand on his cheek and smile. 

I pull his face to me and kiss him. I feel Leo pull away as I look down at him "will you burp him for me, im gonna go express some milk so you can help with the feeds" I say smiling at Kelly as he frowns jokingly "damn, i really thought I could get out of that" he says jokingly before laughing "but yeah of course" he says taking Leo of me as I go into our room and take the pump out of the box and express a couple of bottles. 

when Im done I take the couple of bottles and place them in the fridge as I see Kelly walking round the corner "went to check on Delilah and Shay as she hadnt come out from taking her to bed, and I find them both asleep in Delilahs bed" Kelly says as I chuckle a little "I guess shes staying the night then" I say as I close the fridge and take Leo from Kelly.

"will you bring his bassinet into our room please" I ask as I carry Leo towards our room as kelly goes over to grab his bassinet then heads to our room behind me. He places the bassinet at the foot of our bed as I swaddle Leo in a blanket and place him down in it. I look at him for a few seconds before I move round to get into bed. 

I bring the blanket up and cuddle it, burying my face in it a little "never thought I would miss our bed so much" I say as kelly climbs in next to me and pulls me into him. I feel him stroke my back as I lie my head on his chest. I lift my head up a little and give him a quick kiss "goodnight" I say as he smiles and kisses me again "good night" he says as I rest my head back down and close my eyes, falling into a deep sleep soon after.

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