Pocket dial (3)

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Kellys POV

I was walking into the firehouse with shay as she was talking about some girl she was speaking to I was listening to her until I saw stella walk round the corner and my attention suddenly switched to her, no longer hearing anything Shay was saying

I felt a clip around my ear "Kelly, are you listening" It was shay I looked back at her as she looked across to where I was staring and she nodded and smiled "ahhh now that makes sense, you cant keep your eyes of her can you, what has got into you, its not like you to swoon this much over a girl" she says as we both walk in and I shrug "Im sure I will get over it soon enough" I joke as we head into morning briefing. 


we were about 3 hours into shift, all the rigs had just got back to the firehouse from a big store fire, I headed to the showers to get the smell of the smoke of my body, sounded like someone else had the same idea too as I heard the shower next to me come on. 

I heard the person next to me sing and recognised it was a girls voice, they was pretty good at singing to be honest, It didn't sound like shay and Brett cant sing, Gabby is out with Matt so it could only be Stella. 

I stood and listened to her sing before I heard her get out of the shower, I turned my shower of also as I wrapped my towel round my waist and I got out, I bumped into Stella as I walked out I stepped back and looked at her, a towel on her hair and one around her chest covering her body I must have been looking at her for some time as I came out of my trance by her clicking her fingers in my face 

"earth to Kelly..." she said as I look back up at her 

"sorry, I lost my train of thought for a second" I say as I awkwardly turn around and head to my locker to get changed. once I was dressed I headed round the corner where Stella was now fully dressed braiding her hair sat on the bench. I walked past her as Shay came walking in and looked at me with raised eyebrows and I shook my head and walked out.

Stellas POV

I watched Kelly leave the locker room as shay walked in, they exchanged a weird glance but I ignored it as shay came and sat in front of me. 

"any plans for this weekend" shay asks as I finish my hair and I think for a second and shake my head

"nope, dont think so why" I ask her back

"its my birthday, I'm planning a little drink's get together with everyone from the firehouse, do you want to come" she asks as I nod 

"absolutely, i'll be there, just text me the details" I tell her as she nods as we both stand up and head into the common room.


The weekend soon came around, I was getting ready to head to Shay's apartment as that's where she was hosting the drinks. Grant was at one of his gigs tonight, he said he wont be home until Monday as it was a 2 night gig.

I ordered my Uber as I put my shoes on then head down to the uber that has now pulled up outside

once I arrive at Shays I text her to let her know I'm here but have no idea where to go. she texts me back saying she will send Kelly down to get me, I soon see Kelly walk towards the door and open it for me

"you must be freezing, come in come in" he says as he steps out the way whilst holding the door open for me

"thank you, I am a little early, I didn't know how long the uber would take so ordered it early" I say as Kelly guides me to Shays apartment

"not a problem, shays not ready yet she normally takes forever" he says jokingly as he opens the door and we walk in 

"so you're here early also..." I say to him as I realise he is here also

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