Family (67)

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Stellas POV

"now, mum and dad, I'm going to need you to sign here..." the judge says handing over the clipboard and pen. I take it first and sign the bottom then pass the pen to Kelly, he passes me Leo whilst he signs it.

I keep a hold of Leo as Kelly hands the clipboard back to the judge then picks Up Delilah as he stands back next to me

"this confirms that you are now, legally, financially and emotionally responsible for this young lady exactly as if she was your own natural born child" the judge says as I look at Delilah smiling at me as she giggles and I feel tears forming in my eyes. 

I look back at the judge who is smiling at us "and thats it, it is now my honour to announce that from this day forward, delilah will now be known by the legal name of Delilah Rose Kidd-Severide" she says as my tears finally spill hearing that name come out of her mouth as Kelly cheers and bounces Delilah in his arms and I look at them and smile. 

Kelly opens his arm and pulls me in for a hug as I feel Delilahs arm wrap around me also.

everyone from 51 stands up and crowds around us and joins in the hug. I stand back a little and watch Kelly throwing Delilah up in the air as every cheers and I hear her giggling, I cant help but smile at them as I think back to the day we first found her and how petrified she was, desperate for someone to love and save her. 

I wipe away my tears as I rejoin everyone Shay takes Leo from me for cuddles as Delilah jumps into my arms "I lwove you mummy" she says and my heart explodes as I hug her tightly "I love you too princess" I say as kelly puts his hand on my back. 


we left the court house about 2 hours ago where we came straight home, agreeing to meet up at Mollys a little later on to celebrate in true 51 style of Delilah Officially becoming a Kidd-Severide.

I went to get Delilah changed out of her dress so she wouldn't ruin it when we went out. once she was changed she ran out of her room and I followed her. 

kelly had got changed out of his suit and also changed Leo into his pyjamas. I decided to stay in my outfit and just pulled out a leather jacket to go over the top. we put coats on Delilah and Leo as with night falling it was now getting a little chilly out.

once we were all ready we once again headed out and got into the car and made our way to mollys. 

Herman made it a family night at Mollys so everyone with kids brought them along, where there was free squash and sweets for the little ones, with activities to keep them bus like colouring, and games. Delilah ran straight over to Shay who was at the bar, she picked her up as she ran over and sat her on the bar. 

I followed her over as Kelly pushed the stroller to the side out of the way and taking Leo out, Gabby came over and stole Leo from Kelly as soon as he had got him out. "dont mind me, Im just getting my cuddles in before everyone else steals him" she says as Kelly just chuckles.

Kelly came and stood next to me as we ordered our drinks. "and what can I get for the special girl" shay asked Delilah as she points to the red squash. shay grabbed a cup and poured her drink. Herman gave me and kelly our drinks I got a glass of Rosé wine and kelly got a beer. 

once we got our drinks we all went and sat on a table. Delilah wanted to sit on my knee and colour as kelly sat beside me. Shay and gabby came to join us and sat in front of us as shay kept trying to steal Leo from Gabby "its my turn now, youve had your cuddles" shay says jokingly as Gabby rolls her eyes and sticks her lip out "but hes just so cuddly" she says cuddling him tighter

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