Casual (7)

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Shays POV

I woke up to the sound of a scream, sounded like someone shouting Kelly, I soon hear slight banging and moans as I put my hand to my mouth and laugh as I release what the noises are, I lie back down and cover my head with my pillow to try block out the noises. the noises finally disperse as I finally drift off to sleep. 


when I wake it is now daylight outside I hear some noise coming from downstairs, surely they are not at it still I joke to myself as I make my way downstairs and I see Kelly in just his boxers whistling to him self in the kitchen as Stella is lent over the kitchen side watching him as he makes something to eat. 

I head over to them with a grin on my face. "so how was the pull out" I say to Kelly as Stella chokes on her drink and Kelly looks at me confused "the pull out was it" I say knowing exactly what they thought I meant. not knowing that I heard them last night. 

"ohh yeah, it wasn't too bad" he says, clearly lying as he cant look at me straight in the eyes

"hmmm, I heard a lot of moving about last night, did either of you wake up during the night" I ask hoping one of them will crack, they both look at each other and kelly shakes his head 

"no, dont think so"

"are you sure, it sounded awfully like someone was in a lot of trouble, there was a lot of banging and moaning...ill remind you, it sounded a bit like" I go to mimic the moan as Kelly shoves some bread in my mouth to shut me up before I start

"alright fine, me and Stella might have slept together, we spoke this morning and decided it was a one time thing, both of us were a little worked up yesterday and we couldn't sleep.." he says as I cut him off 

"so you decided the best and only option was to sleep together, I can understand that" I say as I nod and look at Stella "so what did you think" I joking say as kelly throws a wet cloth at me and I laugh

"what, I'm intrigued, I never get to see the lucky lady after the night before with Severide..." I say jokingly as Stella stands up to goes round behind severide and holds her hands out to show me a measurement and pulls a face of shock as she mimics the size of his dick being bigger than she thought, and I laugh, Kelly turns round to Stella as she drops her hands and smiles up at him 

I watch them chat between themselves as I smile, they certainly have chemistry, no matter what they tell me, I know last night definitely won't be a one time thing. Stella will be good for Kelly and likewise Kelly for Stella.


2 weeks later

Stella was still living with me and Kelly at the apartment, this past week they seem to have made a transition into actually sleeping in the same bed and they expect me to believe they aren't still fucking. 

they said it was because kelly wasn't finding the sofa comfortable and they decided to share the bed, and they set their boundaries, and it strictly was just sharing a bed, but I'm not believing them. 

I am in the kitchen when Stella comes out of Kelly's bedroom already dressed for work "you're ready early" I say as she looks over at me "i'm going to view an apartment before heading to work" Stella says grabbing her bag thats near the apartment door "tell Kelly I will see him at work" she says before leaving and I nod as I finish my drink and then go get ready for work


me and Kelly are sat at a table eating as Stella comes running in excited "The apartments mine!" she squeals as she comes and sits next to me and Kelly "I will be out of your hairs by this evening, the apartment is ready for me to move into straight away" she says as Kelly looks at hers and smiles, a sad look still on his face, he clearly wasn't over the moon she was leaving us. 

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