Appreciation (58)

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Kellys POV

I wake up to the sound of Leo crying, I Sit up as Stella sits up also "dont worry, I've got him" I say as I stand up and go over to him and pick him up, he continues to cry, turning his head to my chest as I laugh "wont get anything from me lad" I joke as I look at Stella who chuckles a little as she lies back. 

I head out to the bedroom and towards the kitchen heading over to the fridge as I pull out one of the bottles stella done earlier. I boil some water on the stove as I place the bottle in it to heat it up a little. Leo keeps crying as I bounce him in my arms to try to settle him, I go and sit on one of the stools and look through the mail whilst I wait for his bottle to warm up. 

I hear footsteps from behind me and turn round to see Shay walk over to me "sorry, did he wake you" I ask as she comes and stands behind me looking over my shoulder at Leo "Yeah but Im not mad" she says moving round to my side, still looking at Leo "thank god he looks like Stella" Shay jokes as I look at her "hey..." I say as she walk over to the stove and pulls out his bottle. "he does get one thing from me thou, he gets the love for the breast from me, he can't get enough" I joke as shay lean on the kitchen island holding his bottle "well, he is definitely his fathers son" she says as I chuckle a little. 

she tips the bottle a little to check the temperature on the back of her palm as I look at her "Thanks for looking after Delialh these past few days, I know me and stella really appreciate it" I say as she hands me the bottle "anytime" she responds as she smiles at me 

I take the bottle from her and move the teat around his mouth, his cries quieting down as he finally starts to suck on it taking in the contents. I watch him drink the bottle, his eyes wide open as they wander around.  

me and shay talk for a while until I hear the sound of sucking air and look down to see the empty bottle, I pull the bottle away as his lips keep doing the sucking motion and I chuckle a little as his lips form a pout. I bring him up to my shoulder as I pat his back. he lets out a big burp followed by hiccups and I chuckle a little as I bring him down and look at him. 

I watch as his body jilts with each hiccup. a bit of milk drools from his lips as I wipe it with my thumb "he's Milk drunk" I say as shay comes over and looks at him "now that looks like you" she says jokingly as we both laugh. 

I cradle Leo in my arms as I stand up as shay heads over to the sofa "Im gonna crash here for the rest of the night" she says lying down pulling the blanket over her "good night, sorry he woke you" I say as I walk back to the bedroom and place Leo back in his Bassinet tucking the blanket under him as I dont know how to swaddle him just yet. 

I stroke his face, before I climb back to bed, Stella feeling me get back in as she snuggles back up to me. I soon fall back to sleep instantly. 


the next morning I hear a little voice whispering as I open my eyes and recognise it was delilah I struggle to understand what shes saying as I sit up and see her looking over the bassinet holding one of her teddies as she bounces it and I smile, I nudge stella a little as she slowly starts to wake up, she looks at me and I place my finger to my lips then point towards Delilah as she sits up and looks at her 

she continues to make a few more noises before she starts to play peek a boo with the teddy and Leo. she puts her teddy down and frowns, then sees me and stella looking at her as she giggles "weo wont pway" she says as she crosses her arms and I go over and pick her up 

"he's too little to play just yet, but in a couple of months he will be able to join you, he just needs a lot of kisses and cuddles for now, but daddy can play with you until then" I say as I throw her in the air, causing her to giggle. 

I place her down and lie her next to me and stella as I take the teddy from her and bounce it up her stomach and bop it on her nose, she keeps giggling as she snatches it from my hands and cuddles it tightly. 

I look at Stella looking at us smiling as I smile back "who wants breakfast" I say as Delilah jumps up and starts bouncing on the bed "me, bweakfast, meeee" she screams as I grab her I get out of bed as I carry her to the kitchen 

"I thought I heard a little monkey" I hear shay say sitting up from the sofa as I put delilah down and she runs over to shay giving her a cuddle. "good morning monkey" shay says as she gives Delilah a squeeze. 

"im making breakfast will you be staying for some" I ask as shay looks at me "depends what your making" she says as I open the cupboards and look in them "Pancakes? waffles? Bacon? what are yous fancying" I say looking back at Shay and Delilah as Delilah jumps up "waffewsss" she says as I giggle and get the stuff out to make them "waffles it is" I say making a start on making them. shay brings delilah over to the table and sits her on a chair. 

half way through making them I see Stella walk out with Leo in her arms "your son is one smelly little thing" she says bringing over a dirty diaper placing it in the bin. "Well that's another thing he gets from you Kelly" shay says as I grab some flour and throw it at her. 

Stella places Leo to shay as she goes and washes her hands "something smells good, what we having" Stella asks as I hand her a plate "waffles" I say placing one on her plate as she goes and sits down at the table. 

I plate up everyone else's as we all start eating. shay looks at her phone and notices the time "ohh im going to be late, some of us still have to work, although boden is letting me get to work a little later than scheduled knowing I've had Delilah" she says as she stands up and looks at us. 

"Thank you for that by the way, we really appreciate that" Stella says as I look at her "Kelly told me the same last night, you dont have to thank me, I loved having her" shay says kissing Delilah before grabbing her keys "right well, I will see yous again soon" she says coming round to kiss me and kelly

"how about we meet you at Mollys after your shift, Im in desperate need of a wine" stella says as shay smiles and nods "absolutely, see you later" she says leaving the apartment.

"are you sure your feeling up to going Molly's, you've just had a baby and had to go through surgery, no one will blame you if you want to take some time to rest" I say as Stella eyeballs me and laughs "Kelly, im fine, getting out will do me some good, I miss everyone, plus its been 8 months since I last drank, I need a drink" she says laughing as I shrug and smile "as long as you feel up for it" I say as she leans over and kisses me "Im absolutely certain" she says as I smile at her. 

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