She Knows (34)

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Shays POV

we arrived back at the firehouse after a late night call, I see Kelly sat at squads table, He stood up as he looks behind me to see if Truck was pulling in, but truck got a call on their way back here. 

"they got another call on their way back" I tell him as I knew he was going to ask where truck were.  he nods at me as I grin at him "walk with me" I say as he looks at me confused but follows me anyway 

I walk towards the laundry room, I put my hands in my pockets as I turn and face him "so what do I owe this pleasure" He says as I raise an eyebrow at him 

"so...squads rig huh?" I ask hoping he clicks on  to what im referring to.

he chuckles as he raises his hands in defeat not even denying it or acting like he doesn't know what im talking about "that woman of mine has to be in heat or something...." he whispers in excitement as I laugh "I wasn't my idea" he continues as he steps back.

"I knew it" I squeal as I jump up on the washing machine and look at him "so, did this happen, why the rig, why not in your office, or at least wait to get home" I ask chuckling to myself 

"like I said she must be in heat or something, she cant keep her hands off me, and she wanted to fulfil her fantasy of having sex in the back of a firetruck. who was I to turn down her offer...10 out of 10, would do it again" He says as I slap his arm "You better hope that smudged hand print on the window doesn't like a mark" I joke as he chuckles.

"I am sooooo going to wind you both up about this" I say as I jump down and grab kelly's shoulders and squeeze them before I walk out. 

as I walk out I see stella walking towards us down the corridor and I laugh as I shake my head, she looks at me confused as she walks passed me as I turn around and eyeball her and Kelly and wink.


Stellas POV

I walk back into the firehouse and head round the corner to go to the toilet, I see shay walk out of the laundry room and Kelly stood behind her, I look at shay and see her smiling to herself as she shakes her head, I look at her confused before walking over to kelly, I stand beside him as I turn and look at shay as she winks at us. 

I look up at kelly "that was weird right? whats up with her" I ask as kelly looks at me and laughs "I think she heard us earlier...she knows what we did in the rig" he says as i put my hand to my mouth and laugh "shes going to wind us up constantly about this now isn't she" I say as kelly wraps his arms over my shoulder "you bet" he says as he looks down at me and I lean up and kiss him. 

"how was the calls" kelly asks as we both walk towards the bunk rooms, me no longer needing the toilet "they weren't too bad, first one was just a drunk victim who got their foot stuck in a storm drain, and then the second one was a smoke alarm alert from a restaurant, turns out it was just a tripped wire. so nothing too drastic tonight" I say as we walk into Kelly's Office.

"I am knackered now though..." I say as I collapse onto Kellys bed 

"Not surprised...we did one hell of a workout before you left" Kelly says as I laugh then move over so he can lie next to me. 

he comes over and lies beside me as I turn on my side and rest my head on my arm and look at him "so your little situation earlier, did you sort it out" I ask him as he looks at me "yeah I did, would have been better if you could have sorted it for me though" he replies as I stroke my hand down his arm. 

"I'm here now though, shame we dont have a situation for me to handle" I say as I bring my finger to my lip and bite it a little

"ohh I can arrange that, no problem, just give me a minute" Kelly says as he closes his eyes, I see a grin form on his face and I laugh "what are you doing" I ask as he opens his right eye and looks at me before closing it again "Im imagining you in my fantasy" he admits as the grin stays on his face 

"Oh you do have a fantasy...what is it" I ask as I place my hands under his shirt and stroke his torso, he rolls onto his side "I didn't realise I had one until earlier when I saw you wear my helmet! imagining You, in my work uniform...ughh just does something to me" he says as closes his eyes again, he moans a little and I grin at him as his eyebrows raise a little I feel something press against my leg as I look down and see his bulge brush against my leg. 

"and as if by magic" I hear Kelly say as I look back up to him to see his eyes are now open and I lean over and kiss him we giggle as he places his hands on my face as he pulls me closer to him.

"do you need a hand with that" I whisper against his lips as I push my hand down and into his trousers and boxers and rub my hand against him. 

I pull my hand out as I climb over his body and go over to his blinds and close them. once the last one is shut I turn around and look at kelly. I slowly start walking back over to his bed as I straddle him I look down at his trousers as I start to undo them, pulling his trousers and boxers down a little. my hand starts to stroke his dick a little before I wrap my hand around it and start to move it up and down. 

I move my legs down the bed a little as I bend down, I start to lick around his tip as I keep my hand moving up and down. I feel kelly's hands grab the top of my head as he grips my hair a little, I wrap my lips around his tip. earning a soft moan from Kelly as I move my head in time with my hands. 

I lift my head up as I spit a little using my hands to move the spit around as I move my hand faster. kellys head falls back as I bring my mouth back down and suck him again, I push my head down further as I bring my head up slowly, kissing his tip when my lips reach it. I hear kellys moans quicken, as I make circular motions with my tongue around him, my hand moving faster as his upper body lifts up a little. I lift my eyes up to look at him as I see the veins in his neck pop out a little as he tenses up, his body falls back down against the bed, his head lifts up to make eye contact with me he lets out a deep breath as I feel him come into my mouth. 

I smile up at him as I continue to lick his come up and swallow it. I sit up as I pull kellys boxers and trousers up but leave his trousers unfastened. I crawl up his body and lie against kelly's chest. 

"i dont know if its the fact I proposed but your sex drive this week has been sky high" Kelly says as he grins and wraps his arms round me "are you complaining" I ask jokingly 

"no...definitely not, I'm loving it" he says as he kisses the top of my head.  

we cuddle into each other as we try to get some sleep, just as we both seem to drift off, the alarms ring for all units for a structure fire. 

Me and Kelly both jump up and head out of his office as we run through the bunk room shay runs in front of us, she turns around running backwards as she looks at kelly "flying low Kelly..." she says pointing to kellys crotch as Kelly looks down and sees his trousers are still unzipped from earlier.

he quickly fastens them as we run out to the rigs "oh and stella, this rig is yours, incase you get lost again" I hear Shay say as she points to the truck rig, she laughs and I shake my head, my company all looking at me funny as we climb in the rig. 

as we start to drive to the scene I hear Otis from the back "so what did Shay mean" he asks as I turn and look at him "its just an inside joke, you wouldn't understand it" I say with a slight chuckle, glad that he doesn't question any further on the matter.

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