Tell me, what you're feeling (13)

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Stellas POV

2 weeks have passed since I left Grant...again, this time for good. I have also picked up some shifts at mollys, thanks to Herman needing some extra hands, I have plenty of bar experience so was happy to help out.

Kelly has been acting strange around me thou, I know he is hiding something, every encounter we have had these past two weeks its been awkward like hes wanted to say something but bottles it as he changes the subject. 

Herman gave me the job of inventory before we opened up later on. I heard the door open forgetting to lock it

"sorry were c..." I turn round to see kelly as he raises his hand awkwardly "Hey..." he says walking closer to me "stuck here a while?" he asks as I look at him confused 

"Im just about to start inventory...why" I ask him

"was just coming to see if you wanting to hit up the cafe, catch a bite, but maybe...another time" he says nervously, almost like he regrets coming in to see me, not wanting to talk. he turns away about to head out.

"wait...hold on kelly.." I say as I place the clipboard down and he turns back to me "I know communication has never been your first language, but what is going on with you lately, you have been acting awkward around me ever since the night I left Grant...its like you have something to tell me but can never find the words...can you just, for once, just tell me, what you're feeling" I please with him as we stare at each other, he doesn't say anything.

He eventually just starts to move closer to me, he stops right in front of me as I look at him confused, both of us staring into each others eyes, his eyes telling me what his mouth couldn't find the words say. 

his mouth finally comes into play, but not with words but with actions as he start to kiss me, slowly, my hand goes to the back of his head as the kiss becomes deeper and more passionate. he pulls his lips off mine for a second like hes waiting for me to decide if I want more, I just wrap both my arms round his neck as I press my lips back onto his. 

one of his arms snakes around my waist tightly as he pulls me closer, his other hand under my chin as he holds my neck. I push his jacket off as he pulls off my sweater, our lips only parting for a split second as he did so. 

he grabs one of my legs and lifts me up easily, my legs wrapping around his waist as he places me on the bar, I pull off his t-shirt before colliding our lips once more.

"let me show you what I've been trying to tell you" I hear Kelly whisper against my neck as he kisses it. my head tilts back a little as a small moan escapes my mouth. I hear him messing with his belt as he pulls away from me, taking the belt out from out the links of his trousers, placing the belt in his mouth as he unzips his trouser. 

I take the belt from his mouth and place it round his neck as I use it to pull him towards me and kiss him, his hands creep up my skirt as he pulls my thongs down. he wraps an arm around my waist pulling me closer to the edge of the bar with my bum almost of it, he lifts my skirt up, moving closer to me he stands between my legs as I wrap them round his waist.

he pushes the waist line of his boxers down as he takes out his dick, very much turned on already he positions himself between my legs as he inserts himself into me. the touch of his kisses alone turning me on enough that there was no need for foreplay. 

both of us let out a gasp at the sudden rush of pleasure. I feel him move in and out slowly, he looks up at me as I place a hand on the side of his face, placing a soft kiss to his lips as his hands stoke my back, sending goosebumps and tingles through out my body, only enhancing the pleasure he was giving me. 

I started to move my hips against him a little, my head tilting back as I close my eyes, I feel him kiss my neck, I look back down to him, his eyes still looking up at me. he places his hands on my face keeping my face from moving as we both look into each other's eyes "I want to look at you when the moment comes" he whispers as he starts to thrust a little faster. 

I inhale deeply as I feel myself tightening up around him, as my eyes close in pleasure "look at me" I hear kelly whisper a little out of breath as I open my eyes, his staring back at me, our faces merely touching I feel his breathing get deeper as our breathing turning into moans as we both maintain eye contact, he lets out one last gasp at the same time I feel myself come against him. he almost stops thrusting immediately as his head rests on my chest, us finally breaking eye contact. 

"tell me you feel it too" kelly says into my chest as he tries to catch his breath "tell me you feel the same way I feel...this...this isn't just sex, this is making love.." he continues as he looks up at me, I place my hands either side of his face and look at him and kiss him 

"Im so glad you said that, I do Kelly, I felt that was never just sex with you kelly" I say as he closes his eyes and lets out a breath in what appears to be relief "is that what you have been trying to tell me" I ask him as he opens his eyes and looks at me and nods. I kiss his forehead as I stroke the back of his head. 

we stay in each others arms for a few more minutes before we decide to put back on the items of clothing we lost. 

I stand in front of Kelly as he puts his jacket back on. 

"I'm not working Mollys tonight, but I will probably still be here for a drink if you want to join" I ask kelly as I grab the clipboard for the inventory. 

"Yeah, absolutely, ill be here, 7?" he asks and I smile and nod "7!" I confirm as kelly smiles, he goes to head out but stops as he turns back around, comes over to me and kisses me "one for the road" he jokingly says as I chuckle a little "kelly, GO" I say jokingly pushing him away from me "Herman will kill me if I dont get this inventory done before he gets back" I say as I laugh a little he holds his hands up in defeat as he walks backwards to the door "see you later Kidd" he says as he winks and turns to leave the bar. 

once the door is closed I go over and lock it, a smile creeping across my face as I go and finish inventory. 

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