Congratulations (28)

746 10 5

18 months later

General POV

Kelly and Stella have now had Delilah in their care for way over a year now, they celebrated her 2nd birthday a few months ago, she is now walking and talking, Stella had just passed her lieutenants test and was waiting for a permanent placement to be assigned to her as a lieutenant.  she was hoping for 51 when she knew casey was leaving but unfortunately her test results came too late and a lieutenant Jason Pelham got the spot.

They were also in the process of adopting Delilah and officially changing her name to Delilah Rose Kidd-Severide. They were just awaiting a court date for the name to legally be changed.


Stellas POV

shift was just ending, me and kelly were leaving the firehouse with our arms around each other when shay ran behind us and jumped between us wrapping her arms around me and kelly "so...Mollys tonight...will you two be joining for once" she asks as we both look at each other then at shay "we dont have anyone to mind Dee" I hear kelly say 

"bring her with you's, Molly's is child friendly" she says as she walks ahead and turns around walking backwards as she looks at us "Ill buy the first round" she says as she head off round the corner and me and Kelly get in my car

"we haven't hung out at mollys as much as we used to, i'm sure an hour or 2 wont hurt" I say looking at kelly as he starts the car "yeah, sure we will go for a couple of drinks, introduce Delilah to Chicago's finest bar" Kelly says as he starts driving to Delilahs childcare.

we head into the building, kelly goes to get Delilahs bag as I go into the room her age group is in, she immediately spots me as shes facing the door, she jumps up from the circle of children surrounding the childminder who is reading a book, and runs over to me, I pick her up as she jumps in my arms "mummyyy" she squeals as throw her in the air a little before I place her on my hip.

"hello beautiful, have you had fun" I ask her as she nods, she then wraps her arms around me tightly and smiles "where Daddy" she asks as she lifts her head up, kelly walking through the door as if on cue and she holds her arms out to him as she tries to jump out of my arms, Kelly grabs her instantly and hugs her "hey princess, have you missed us" he asks, his voice always soft when speaking to her,  she squeezes him tightly as I sign her out then we head out to the car.

I take her backpack from kelly's shoulders, as he puts her in her car seat, she giggles as he tickles her. I go round to sit in the front and wait for Kelly to get in. once he is in, we start the drive home. 


we decided we will be go to Molly's tonight, Kelly was on face time to shay, we were already dressed, but I decided to give Delilah a bath and then get her dressed as she had paint all over her from daycare. when shes ready I put her down I watch as she runs across the floor and heads over to the rug and she sits down in front of kelly, I sit on the arm next to kelly, I watch him flip the camera to the back camera as he points his phone towards Delilah so shay can see her

"aww there she is, I cant believe how big she is now" Shay says as Delilah smiles as she sees the phone pointed at her thinking Kelly is taking a picture, we laugh a little as he flips the camera back around to me and him.

"aww there she is, I cant believe how big she is now" Shay says as Delilah smiles as she sees the phone pointed at her thinking Kelly is taking a picture, we laugh a little as he flips the camera back around to me and him

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^*screenshot of the face time call to shay*^

"anyway, are yous nearly ready, Im about to leave now" shay says as I stand up and pick Delilah up 

"yeah, we was waiting for you to let us know when you were leaving" Kelly says as he now stands up 

"oh cool, yeah well I will meet yous there in 5" shay says before ending the call

we make our way out of the apartment and down to my car, i put Delilah in her chair as Kelly climbs in the drivers seat. I shut delilahs door then go round to the passenger side and climb in "you know Im sure you drive my car more than me now" I joke as kelly starts driving to Mollys 

"well its only because my car is too small for the car seat" he says with a chuckle and I loo at him. 

"we should think about getting you a new car, that can fit a car seat in, I reckon you could find an SUV that will suit you" I ask as he nods in agreement 

"there is one ive been looking at to be honest, I was thinking of trading my mustang in for a bigger version" he says as he passes me his phone "go onto my photos I took a screenshot of it" I take the phone of him and open up his photos and scroll through until I find a few screenshots of a car.

"there is one ive been looking at to be honest, I was thinking of trading my mustang in for a bigger version" he says as he passes me his phone "go onto my photos I took a screenshot of it" I take the phone of him and open up his photos and scroll...

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^*photos of the car kelly was wanting*^ 

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^*photos of the car kelly was wanting*^ 

"it has leather seats with a heating and cooling function, its electric, has parking sensors with parking assist technology, and there is plenty of cargo space int he trunk for strollers, cases, shopping..." he begins to ramble on and I smile

"I love it" I say cutting him off. he pulls up at mollys as he looks at me and leans over to kiss me. 

we hear knocking on the window which breaks us apart as I see shay looking at us through the window "come on love birds, keep it clean you have a child in the back" she shouts loud enough for us to hear as she laughs and opens the door on my side.

I climb out as Kelly gets out and takes Delilah out of the car, he comes round to me and shay as we all head into Molly's

we walk in, I notice everyone from 51 is here, as we are greeted with a cheer, I look around confused as kelly walks ahead with Delilah and looks at me and smiles as he then looks over at Gabby and nods as she pulls a string releasing a banner that reads "congratulations Lieutenant Kidd" I read it and look around confused "whats all this..." I ask as Boden stands in front of Kelly

"I hope you love working at appears Pelham has put in a transfer out of 51, opening up a slot at 51...a slot that now belongs to you" Boden says as my hands come to my mouth in shock and I run over and hug Boden. 

I look over at kelly as everyone cheers and I go over to him and hug him "you knew about this" I ask as I hit his chest a little and he nods with a grin 

"I knew all along, that's why I'm glad when you agreed to come along tonight" he says as I place a hand on his face and kiss him as I do I feel Delilah out her hands on our faces trying to push us apart "nooo, my daddy" she squeals as she rests her head on kelly's shoulder

"ooh someones jealous, daddys girl" I say as I snuggle into Kelly "im so glad we get to work together and in the same rank...I hope you are ready to be taking orders from me" I say as I look up at him and he looks at me "oh you know I love taking orders from you" he says with a smirk.

we both head over to the bar as shay takes Delilah of us as she bounces her in her arms. Kelly orders us both some drinks. 

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