Her History (26)

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Kellys POV

the sunlight shining in woke me from my sleep, my arms was trapped under Stella who was facing away from me, I carefully move my hand a little as I lean over and look at her and see a Sleeping Delilah lay on her arm, I smile at them both as I kiss stellas arm.

she starts to stir a little as her eyes open and she turns her head to look at me

"good morning sunshine" I say as I kiss her shoulder and she looks at Delilah then back at me as she smiles brightly

"Good morning handsome" She says quietly before lifting her head up a little and kissing me 

"how did you sleep" I ask stella as she goes back to cuddling with Delilah

"I slept wonderfully, she woke me up once crying a little, but once she saw me and I cuddled her she went back to sleep" Stella says as she strokes Delilahs arm and kissing her head.

I smile at them then climb out of bed, I put a t-shirt on and look at Stella "do you want some pancakes?" I ask as I see her nod, I head out to the kitchen, and get everything I need to make some pancakes. 

As I'm plating the pancakes up I hear distant giggles coming from the bedroom meaning Delilah must have woken up and was playing with Stella, I stand and listen to them for a while. 

it goes quiet as I hear movement and see Stella walk out dressed carrying Delilah on her hip, she walks over to the dining table and sits down, placing Delilah on her lap as I place the plate infront of her "I've given you one extra so you can feed one to Delilah" I say as Stella grabs a fork and cuts a slice of and hands the first bite to Delilah.

I sit opposite and start to eat mine, Delilah looks at my plate and sees me putting chocolate on and she points and makes a baby noise "do you want some" I ask and she looks and keeps pointing "I take that as a yes" I lean over and put a bit of chocolate syrup on her pancakes as she giggles and claps her hands. 

I watch as Stella switches between taking a bite for herself and then giving one to Delilah. whilst waiting for Stella to feed Delilah another bite, Delilah leans over and grabs a piece with her hands and eats with her hands.

"guess she couldn't wait" I say midaugh as Stella looks down at Delilah and laughs also as she gets the chocolate all over her hands and face

"after I've just put some clean clothes on her also" Stella shakes her head and continues laughing

once we were finished I took the plates and placed them in the dishwasher as stella stood up behind me "lets go get you cleaned up" I hear Stella say as she heads towards the bathroom, I hear the water running from the faucets. 

I head over to the sofa and turn the TV on, as I go to sit down Stella phone rings "Kelly can you grab that for me" I hear Stella shout from the bathroom and I go over and grab the phone it was amanda, I answer it

"Hello..." I say as soon as I answer

"hey, Is this kelly...." 

"It is...do you need stella" I ask

"no I can speak to you its just a quick one...Im hoping to pop round today with Delilahs Files so yous can have a read of them, its basically all her medical history and everything you need to be aware of like allergies and stuff" Amanda says 

"Oh yeah, sure we are heading to shopping this afternoon to get some stuff for Delilah but we will be free anytime after that, say about 5pm" I tell her, she agrees and says she will be round for about half 5. she ends the call and head to the bathroom 

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