The Little things (16)

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Kellys POV

the meeting with Chief Boden didn't go as bad as I thought it would, he just let us off with a warming, saying he was going to turn a blind eye to our relationship as long as it doesn't effect our work again. 

we promised we wouldn't let it happen again, and we wouldn't let our relationship affect anything we do at work. 

Boden dismissed us and we got on with the rest of the shift as normal. I say normal, it was anything but normal. normal shifts didn't tend to have me pinning Stella up against a locker and kissing her, sharing showers with her, and worrying every time she got a call without Squads attendance, clock watching more often than not, hoping when  see her truck pull in she would be in it and not on her way to Med or worse.

my panic settling instantly as I see her jump from the truck or hear her voice. this time squad 3 and ambo 61 had a call, I walked out to the rig I notice Stella talking to Shay before shay got into the ambo, I kissed Stellas cheek as I walked past her before heading into the rig.

I somehow started to enjoy work a lot more than usual, and Stella was definitely the reason for that. 


Stellas POV

I felt kelly kiss my cheek as he walked to his rig and I watched him leave, a smile growing across my face as my hand felt my cheek where he just kissed me, its the little things he does that makes me fall so damn hard for him, the little bursts of affection he shows me, whether thats a light touch from his hands or kisses on the cheek, its all very new to me and Im loving it. 

I head inside to the kitchen as I make myself a drink, I sit on the sofa and watch the TV as I wait for squad to roll back in or for truck to get a call, whichever happens first. I know which one I would prefer.

an hour later I hear reversing horns as I look out and see Squads rig pulling back onto the app floor. I stand up a watch as they all come towards the common room, I see Kelly enter last, he doesn't look happy, I go over to him an stop him in his tracks "hey, you okay" I ask concerned

"just had a run in with Your ex husband...he was passed out in the park, got himself stuck in a ditch" kelly says as he looks at me, thats when I see a cut on his lip and I run my hand over it 

"Kelly...your bleeding, did he do this" I ask a little concerned

"sort of...he saw I was the one rescuing him, as I didn't know it was grant until I got down to him, and he made it very clear he didn't want my help, he swung at me as I tried to wrap webbing round him, I just got our of there and let Cruz take over" he says as I kiss him

"im sorry you had to deal with that" I say as Kelly grabs my hands "dont worry about it, you dont have to apologise for his behaviour" Kelly says as he pulls me in for a hug "Im going to do my incident report, want to come keep me company" he asks as he heads towards his office 

"Id love too" I respond as I start walking to his office as the alarms go of requesting for Truck and ambo and I groan "I guess not..." Kelly runs over to me quickly and kisses me "stay safe.." he whispers as I smile then I head out to truck.


4 months later

Kellys POV

me and Stella are going strong, we are better than ever, I have now got my own apartment so when Stella fancies coming to my place, we dont have to tiptoe around Shay, although she tells us she doesn't mind I still felt awkward if she was to hear us...again.

"Kelly...a word" Chief boden says as he heads to his office and I follow him I notice a woman sat on the chair as she turns around and stands up "Kelly this is lieutenant Wendy Seager from OFI" Boden says as the woman holds out her hand for me to shake and I shake it "nice to meet you" I say as she gestures for me to sit down and I do just that. 

"i've seen your case files Kelly, im new to OFI, I have been brought it to work on a back log of cases we currently have, and you are respected very highly at OFI,  Van Meter recommended you to help me. So i went on a mission to find you. I would love for you to come work with us Severide" she says as I chuckle a little 

"Im honoured you went to all this trouble to find me,I appreciate the offer but Im happy where I am" I say as she looks at me with a slight smile

"they told me you might say maybe take a little extra second to think about it, its not a permanent position, I know its in your Blood Kelly Benjamin right after his father Benny severide, It could be fun Kelly, tell me you will think about it" she says with the smile not leaving her face as she looked at me with a glisten in her eye.

"no promises, but moving from squad to Ofi even for a few shifts is going to be pretty hard to beat" I say as she nods and stands up and I stand up also as she looks at me and walks passed me placing a hand on my shoulder as she looks at me "theres a reason I made lieutenant so early on...I dont give up so easily" she says with a little smirk as she walks out of Bodens office, I look at boden and he shrugs "out of my hands Kelly, its your decision" he says as he stands up 

"im not going anywhere" I say as I turn around and leave Bodens office.


shift was almost over I was once again called to Bodens office I knock on his door fram and walk in "heard you was looking for me chief" I say as he lifts up a pink slip "yes I was, I was hoping you could explain this transfer slip that I received a few moments ago" he hands it across to me and I take it and read it

I look at it confused "this is a mistake, I didn't put in for this" I say looking back at boden 

"so your not moving to OFI" he asks me

"of course not, I made that clear to Lieutenant Seager" I say handing him the slip back

"Not clear enough apparently, the Transfer has already gone through, you start there the shift after next" He says a little disappointed

"No, Im not changing departments chief, Ill go speak to them after shift, clear everything up, they cant do this chief" I say as take the slip back from him and walk out.


shift ends and I let Stella know I will be round hers later, I just needed to do something, I haven't told her exactly what yet, I will tell her later when hopefully all this is sorted. 

I walk into OFI and straight to Van meters office, as I walk in I see Seager also as she looks at me and her face lights up, I ignore and slam the pink transfer slip down on the desk 

"theres been some kind of mistake, I thought I made it clear when you sent your new recruit Seager here to find me..." I begin to explain 

"ahh yeah I heard about that, she said she was going to get you on board" Van meter says as he looks at seager then me

"I explained that, thats not going to happen, and that Im happy where I am" I tell them both. 

"theres no mistake Severide, the transfer has been completed" Seager says a little too thrilled and I look at her 

"you can transfer me without my approval, you don't have that authority...neither of you" I say as I look at them both

"your right, we dont...but commissioner Grissom does, he heard me and seager was trying to get your help with this and he must have got the transfer put through." Van Meter says as I look at him and I grab the transfer slips of the table and storm out.

I go to speak to Grissom but nothing I did or said was retracting his transfer, he made it clear that I was to start at OFI after the next shift. I gave up trying to fight him and just accepted it. the sooner I get this done with the quicker I can get back to 51.

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