This is my Karma (64)

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Stellas POV

I have now been back to work for 2 weeks and im still trying to figure Carver out, he has disobeyed my orders many of times now and It is causing trucks work dynamic to fall apart as I often find Carver and Gallo in a heated debate during drills or on the way back from calls. I spoke to both of them regarding it and they promised me they wouldn't let it happen again or affect how they work together on Calls.

I was in the middle of feeding Leo it had just turned 2am, Kelly was asleep in bed with Delilah as she decided to join us in our bed just after midnight. my phone lit up the room it was a call from a private number. I stood up and grabbed my phone and walked out of the bedroom still holding Leo against my chest whilst I held the phone to my ear. 

"Hello...yes this is she...wait who?...right I will come collect him...Thankyou" I put my phone down and wait for Leo to finish feeding I hold him up against my shoulder and pat his back as I walk into the bedroom, he burps a little and I lie him down in his cot as he has now out grew the bassinet. 

I go over to my wardrobe and throw on some jeans and a jumper. "what are you doing" I hear from a raspy voice. I finish putting the jumper on and turn to kelly who is now sat up stretching "Trudy just called, she needs me down at the station, she said a young man who claims to be from my unit has got himself into a scrap and requested for me to pick him up, its got to be either Gallo or Carver" I say as I grab my phone and car keys 

kelly jumps up out the bed and grabs my arm as I'm about to leave "wow...are you seriously going..." he asks in a low tone so he doesn't wake Delilah up "it's one of my men Kelly, you would do the same for yours" I say as he sighs "yeah, but only my men wouldn't be so stupid to get themselves arrested" he says a little angry as he lets go of my arm. I turn around and head out of the apartment and make my way down to the station. 

once I arrive I find Trudy at the front desk who walks round to me and asks me to follow her to the cells. "no charges were made so he is free to go, we just needed someone to come collect him and make sure he gets home safe, and he requested for you" she says as she points to the end cell and I walk over to the gate and see Carver lent over holding a tissue to his lip as he salutes me "evening lieutenant" he says unable to look at me straight 

"is he one of yours" Trudy asks as I nod, then take a deep breath "yeah, he belongs to me" I say in defeat but disappointed. Trudy unlocks the gate and allows Carver to leave, I sign his papers and walk out with him following behind me. I head to my car and turn around to see him stumbling a little "get in my car, im taking you home" I say as he turns to me "you dont have to worry about me" he slurs as he tries to stand up straight then "I sobered up soon as I seen your face" he says stepping closer to me, I step back and point in his face 

"dont for a second think that flattery will get you out of this, I dont appreciate you getting into trouble then dropping my name into it when the cops show up" I say as he laughs a little "I didnt drop your name...well I didn't mean to, all I said was how my Lieutenant Kidd would drop me if I didn't show up for work tomorrow, luckily for me they told me they had you pretty much on speed dial, so I couldn't refuse when they offered me you to come bail me out" he says as I shake my head 

"Don't you have anyone else that could bail you all" I shout as he looks away from me rolling his eyes "for 24hrs a day on shift, you are on my arse covering for me whenever I disobey an order or step out of line, your always the one to bail me out" he says as he pauses "so what if after those 24hr shifts Its you I think about to come to my rescue again. you're the only person that seems to have my back, all you need to worry about is hoping I punch in to work each morning" he says as I cant think of anything to respond. 

"just get in the Car" I say turning round and heading to my car. just as I'm about to open my door I feel hands on my shoulders turning me around and notice it was Carver as he pushes me up against my car and kisses me. 

I quickly push him off me "What are you doing" I shout as he looks at me shocked as he holds his hands to his head "Im sorry...I don't know what came over me" he steps back a few steps before he starts to run down the street "Carver" I shout but he keeps running. I shake my head and just get into my car. 

I lean my head back against the head rest for a few seconds before I start to car and drive home. 

once I get back into the apartment Kelly is sat on the sofa holding Leo he turns to me as he hears me shut the door "so which one" I hear kelly say as I walk over to the sofa "do I even need to say" I say as kelly nods "could have guessed....what's he done this time" he says as I stroke Leos hair. 

" charges were made though" I say not looking at kelly as I keep looking at Leo. "what's wrong" I hear Kelly say as I just shake my head. Kelly sits forward and puts Leo in his chair "no somethings wrong...I can tell, talk to me" he says grabbing my hands and I look at him. 

"He kissed me" I say as kelly lets go of my hands "he did what..." he says standing up as I stand up and go to grab kellys hands, he moves his hands away as he walks round the back of the sofa and rubs his chin turning towards the window "I knew it wouldn't be long, hes had his eyes on you since he started 51, Shay said I was crazy..." he says as he turns back to me "and fell right into his hands, blinded by something the rest of us wasn't seeing" he says as I look a him shocked and walk around the back of the sofa and stand in front of him 

"you think I wanted this didn't you, your blaming me for this" I say a little saddened as he just looks down at me "you do...dont you" I say as tears form in my eyes. he looks away from me as he lets out a sigh "Kelly talk to me" I say grabbing his hands as he looks back at me

"this is history repeating itself" he says as I look at him confused "what do you mean" I say as eh looks down and I lift his head up to look at me "we started out as just a kiss, when you was married to Grant...this is my Karma" he says as I pull him into me and kiss me. "this is nothing like that, I love you Kelly, plus if I remember correctly I kissed you back" I say smiling "I pushed Carver away from me...I only ever want to kiss you" I say as kellys eyes soften as he wraps his arms around me "Im sorry...just that prick knows how to get under my skin" he says as I wrap my arms around him. 

"I'm going to speak to Boden about getting him transferred out of 51, he is not 51 Material" I say as kelly hugs me tighter.  

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