Maybe we are Crazy (62)

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Stellas POV 

"Operation Baby number 2 has officially begun" I finish saying as I put my shirt back on. I stand up and peck Kelly on the lips as I flatten my hair a little. "he or she might have jsut been made already, it only takes one good time and one little swimmer" kelly says as I chuckle "that is true" I say as the alarms go off requesting for ambo "I better go get Leo, I left him with Shay" I say quickly running out of his office and seeing Carver holding Leo as shay runs out. 

"here let me take him" I say about to take him from carver as Carver stops me "no its fine, Ive got him...he's actually pretty cute" Carver says as his arrogant persona breaks as I see him looking at Leo and smiling as he plays with Leo's hand. 

I smile at him as I stroke Leo's head "Thanks...he is adorable even if I do say so myself" I say as I chuckle a little. Carver looks at me as he chuckles a little also, he stares at me for a while and I turn my gaze back to Leo, "heard everyone was pretty worried about you when you had him, you seem to be a big deal here, I hope I get to stick around somehow and work alongside you when your back" Carver says as I look at  him and smile, just then leo starts to fuss. "he must be getting hungry, luckily I have something I prepared earlier" I say going to grab the bottle with the milk I expressed earlier this morning. 

I turn back around with the bottle and I go back over to carver and take Leo from him "Im sorry about the remarks I made a couple of weeks ago" Carver says as I place the bottle in Leos mouth and I look at him "forget about it, one thing about this firehouse, no one will hold anything against you. we forgive and forget" I say as I go and sit down "oh really, is that why your husband pinned me against the truck" I hear carver say as I lift my head up and look at him "he did what...when?" I say shocked 

"oh, he never told you said forget about was my fault anyway" he says as he walks away. I watch him walk away as I hear someone walk behind me "was he bothering you?" I hear and recognised it was kelly and I turn to him "no, he was actually being decent for once...thing I just saw a side to him he doesn't let anyone see" I say before shaking my head "anyway why didnt you tell me you pinned him up against the truck, when did that happen" I ask looking at him as he rolls his eyes 

"he deserved it, it was only a warning, he kept making remarks about you, it was when you came to visit me on my first day back, I didn't tell you because I didn't think it mattered, the guys a jerk" he says as I look down at Leo "see I thought that at first, but I dont know, he was..." I pause trying to think of the best word to describe how he was just "Different, he actually seemed pretty interested in me and Leo, and he apologised for how he spoke to me the other week" I say as I look back at kelly. 

"hmm, well until he apologises to me, I will be staying out of his way" Kelly says as he kisses my forehead. "anyway, I was thinking..." he says playing with the string from my waistband on the sweatpants "how about we up our chances on this whole baby making operation and have round 2 when I get home" he says as I look at him and smile 

"ohh now that I agree with" I say as he leans over and kisses me. the alarms sounded requesting for Squad and Truck as kelly pulled away from me and stood up "incase your gone by the time Im back, I will see you at home" He says as he runs out to the rigs. 

I finish feeding Leo, burp him then get him into his car seat. I decided to leave and go pick Up Delilah then head home. 


3 months later

I sat on the toilet checking my phone with every passing minute or so it felt like it, but it had only been a couple of seconds. finally the alarm on my phone rang and I picked up the multiple pregnancy tests from the side and turned them over "Not Pregnant...Negative...1 line" all 3 of them giving me a negative result. 

I groaned and my head fell back in disappointment. I took the tests and threw them in the bin as I stood up from the toilet and exited the bathroom, Kelly stood up from leaning against the door frame as he looked at me "well?" he said as I shook my head "damn, I really thought we had it this time, we tried everything that google suggested" Kelly says as I walk past him and go and sit on the sofa. 

I lie back against and sigh "maybe we were Crazy, this was a stupid idea" I say as kelly comes over and sits beside me "dont say that, it will happen when it happens" he says as I look at him "kelly we have been trying almost every night for 3 months, if it was meant to happen it would have done by now" I say standing up and going over to check on Leo who was still sleeping in his bouncer chair. 

"so are you giving up" he asks me as I turn to him and shrug, with  my hands on my hips "I dont know Kelly, maybe...yeah...I dont know" I say as I look at him he looks back at me and nods a little before walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me "how about we stop for a while as I know how exhausted its been making us both, and in a couple of weeks or months however long you want to hold it off, we will start trying again" he says as I rest my head into his chest and nod. 

"I start back to work soon anyway maybe a change to my schedule might help take my mind off it all" I say as Kelly holds me tighter and strokes my back. "maybe having another baby this soon was a silly idea anyway, thinking about it, I don't think I could go another year without being back where I belong. I think it was just my hormones naturally telling me as a new mother its what I needed to do" I say as I step back from Kelly "lets enjoy being a family of 4 for a little while longer" I finish as Kelly smiles and nods "Im good with that" Kelly responds as I hug him again. 

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