An old Flame (59)

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Stellas POV

it was now late afternoon I had just put Leo down in his bassinet after his afternoon feed and headed over to the sofa where Kelly was lay with Delilah sat on his chest, I left them colouring whilst I went to feed Leo, but when I came back I notice Kelly sleeping and delilah holding a felt pen as she was drawing on kelly's face. I laugh a little then take the felt of her as I move her off him. 

Kelly wakes up and looks at me confused "whats so funny" he says as I keep laughing 

"when did you get some face tattoos" I say as he keeps looking at me confused as he sits up and walks over to the mirror I cover my mouth with my hand as I keep trying not to laugh. as kelly turns around "we have a Picaso in the family I see" Kelly says going over to Delilah and picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder as she giggles and hits his back. 

I take her off him and pass him some wipes"luckily they are washable felts so should come off easily" I say as he goes back over to the mirror and starts wiping his face. 

I place Delilah down as she continues to colour in the colouring book. "hey I was thinking, why don't we go surprise everyone at the firehouse, so they can meet Leo" I say as kelly finishes wiping his face and turns to me "yeah? you up for that?" he says as I nod "yeah, im going to go insane if im inside any longer" I say as kelly nods "Ill go get Leo, you get Delilah ready and we will go" he says walking to our room to get Leo. 


we eventually pull up at the firehouse Ambo's rig was out but everyone else was in. "shay and gabby have met him already anyway" I say noticing their rig missing. "wonder what floaters they've got in to cover us" Kelly says as he carries the car seat in and I hold Delilah's hand walking through the apparatus floor 

Cruz was the first to spot us as he stands up and points "well if it isn't the Severides" he says as Capp and tony turn around.

Cruz comes round and hugs kelly. Kelly hugs him with one arm as he lifts the car seat up showing Cruz. "thought we would come and formally introduce our new recruit" He says as Cruz looks in the car seat and smiles.

"so how long before we are taking orders from this one" Cruz says playing with Leo's hand "soon enough" Kelly says as Cruz stands back and looks at me "how are you doing Stella, we were all worried about you when shay told us what had happened" Cruz says as I shrug "you know me Cruz, nothing can keep me down for long" I say as he smiles at me and holds his arms out and hugs me. 

"is everyone else inside" Kelly asks as Cruz looks back at him "I think so, calls have been slow today" Cruz says as kelly looks at me and we both start walking insdide, kelly holds back a little letting me and Delilah in first, Delilah runs over into the common room and finds Tuesday on the sofa as she starts to play with her.  

Herman spots Delilah "we have a wild Delilah in the firehouse" he says as everyone turns around to look at her as I walk into their eye sight "that will be because shes with me" I shout as everyone stands up and runs over to us. 

everyone takes it in turns to hug me as they all ask me how I am. "I am doing well, missing you lot all already" I say as kelly walks up behind me "no one missing me yet" he says as everyone shakes their heads and I laugh, kelly puts the car seat down as I kneel down and un-clip Leo from the chair "plus I think it was time this little one met all of his Uncles" I say picking him up and cradling him in my arms as everyone gathers around. 

"ohh isnt he gorgeous...he's so tiny...congratulations you two" a mix of remarks came from them all. "whats all this commotion" I hear from beside me, turning to see the chief smiling over at us as I smile at him and turn Leo to face him "I believe 51 needed to meet their new recruit" I say as the chief comes over and places a hand on Leos head as he carefully hugs me. 

"glad to see you're well Stella" he says as he looks down at Leo "he is Beautiful, congratulations to you both" he says as he goes to Kelly and holds out his hand for him to shake, then pulls him into a hug. 

kelly goes and talks with the chief as I go and sit down at the table with Leo as everyone follows. "So who's acting lieutenant for squad and truck whilst me and kelly are out" I ask as Mouch looks at me "well, Boden assigned cruz for squad and myself for truck, with floaters coming in to cover me and Cruz, in fact my floater was just here, you will love him, hes a great firefighter, his name is Carver" he says as my eyes widen "Carver...Sam Carver" I say shocked 

"Yeah? you know him?" mouch asked confused "I guess you could say that, we were at the academy together" I say as Carver walks in he looks at me and looks at Leo in my arms "Stella...or should I say Lieutenant Kidd" he says as he stops in his tracks "hows it going, its been a long time" he says as I look at him "not that long" I say burrowing my eyes as Kelly comes over and places his hands on my shoulders as I look up at him and he kisses me. 

"and you must be Lieutenant Severide, Stella fast track pass to Lieutenant" Carver says holding his hand out to Kelly as kelly looks at his hand not shaking it and steps forward with his hands clenched "what did you say?" kellys says getting defensive " just kidding man" he says as he looks back at me and Leo "anyway Good to see you again Stella, hopefully i'm still around when your back...oh and Congratulations, you're a lucky Man, Lieutenant Severide" Carver says looking back at kelly before walking off. 

Kelly looks at me confused "you know that guy" Kelly says looking at me as I shrug "we were at the academy together, just ignore him, hes always been arrogant, its his cocky attitude which made it difficult for us to get along" I say as kelly nods "I'll get Cruz to keep an eye on him" Kelly says as he looks down at Leo.

"here will you take him I need to use the bathroom, my bladder isn't as strong as it used to be" I say holding Leo out to Kelly as he takes him from me and sits down. 

I head towards the toilets bumping into Carver as he walks out of the toilet. "following me Lieutenant" he asks smugly as I shake my head and carry on heading into the toilet, he grabs my arm as I walk past and I turn to look at him as he looks at me "better get used to me being around, Boden loves me and I plan to stick around even when your back" he says as he lets go of my arm and walks away with his hands in his pockets whistling to himself. 

"arsehole" I whipser to myself as I walk into the bathroom and use the toilet. once im done and washed my hands I walk out and head to the common room where Leo is being passed around for cuddles, shay and gabby are back now and come over and cuddle me when they see me "this was a nice surprise to come back to" Gabby says letting me go from the hug "glad to see you up and about so soon" she continues as we all go and sit on the sofa

Delilah jumps onto shays Knee as Tuesday goes and stands by Ritter looking up at him holding Leo, she jumps up a little and sniffs as Ritter bends down showing Tuesday the baby as she sniffs him then licks his head a little and I chuckle "looks like hes getting kisses and cuddles from everyone today" I say as we look at Tuesday with Leo. 

Ritters comes over and hands leo back to me as he starts to get restless, as tuesday follows him, as I take a hold of Leo, Tuesday rests her head on my knee and looks at Leo "looks like shes already gone into protective mode with him" Ritter says as laugh and I stroke her head. 

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