The lead (47)

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Stellas POV

it had been a full 24 hrs since I found out Delilah had been taken, The CCTV footage had confirmed my thoughts, it was her biological dad that had taken her out of Day care, they were currently searching the CCTV of surrounding areas to see if they can trace him to where they ended up. 

I was pacing the floor of mine and kellys apartment biting my nails just waiting for my phone to ring with any news. Kelly was on his laptop searching up Delilah's parents to see if there is anything useful he can find, he told me how they were both released from prison after an 18 month sentence which certainly didnt feel like they was sentenced long enough for all the hurt they inflicted on Delilah. sometimes the justice system is not fair. 

and now they was out, god knows where with my baby Girl I started to cry as all I could imagine was how scared she must be feeling, these people were strangers to her. 

my phone rings and I quickly run over to it and answer it not even looking at the caller ID 

"Hello" I say as no one says anything on the other line, I take the phone away from my ear to see the number was withheld, I put it back to my ear "hello, who is this" I say waiting for a response 

"not nice having a child be taken away is it...although this one isn't even yours, so nothing your feeling right now can compare to the pain we felt" I hear a woman's voice down the phone as kelly looks at me, he senses the fear on my face as he stands up and comes over to me, I put the phone on speaker 

"just bring us our daughter back, you lost the rights to her the first time you laid your hands on her" I scream down the phone as I hear slight crying in the background, I look at Kelly panicked as I recognise the cries of Delilah as kelly pulls his phone out and calls the detective.

"you dont get a say in how I raise MY daughter, I didn't want to raise no crybaby, looks like thats what shes turned into with you two...all she does is cry..." the woman says down the phone before she raises her voice "SHUT UP WHINING!" I hear her scream as Delilahs cries get louder as I hear her cry out for me "me want mummy" I hear from a muffled voice as my heart breaks I hear some muffled movements before the line goes dead

"Hello...HELLO" I scream as I slam my phone down on the table "FUCK!" I shout as I slide my back down the wall and rest my head in my hands, kelly ends his call and comes over to me and sits beside me. 

he pulls me into a side hug as I turn my head and cry into his chest. 


Kellys POV

we stayed sat on the floor for a while before my phone rang and I looked down to see it was the detective, I pick it up and answer it 

"Hello, Kelly Speaking" I say first as I put the phone on speaker so Stella can hear also

"Kelly, we have a lead, a bank card connected to a Mr Andrew Miller was used 5 minutes ago in a store on West Armitage Avenue, officers picked up a man matching his description leaving on the Streets CCTV, getting into a silver Ford truck we have someone tracking its every move now as we get every available cop car following it" he says  as I look at stella, she sits up and looks at my phone 

"keep us posted, please " I say as the officer confirms to me that he will call me again soon with an update. I end the call as I stand up and Stella does also "Im going to kill them" Stella says as she grabs her keys and I grab her "No, were staying here until they call us, for all we know it might not be the right guy" I say as she looks at my hand on her arm then looks at me, she relaxes as she puts her keys back on the side. 

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