A long awaited Letter (66)

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Stellas POV

Leo was now 7 months old, Today me and kelly had the day off. Kelly had just left the apartment to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things whilst I tided up, I left Delilah lying on the sofa with Leo playing whilst I went and prepared a couple of bottles using the milk I expressed in advance. 

I place the last lid on the final bottle and place it in the fridge I begin to realise it has gone really quiet. I turn around and I walk over to them to check their okay where I see them both asleep, Delilah still lay back against the sofa holding Leo on her chest. 

I quickly snap a picture of them and send it to kelly with the caption "if only they go to sleep this easy at night time" 

I quickly snap a picture of them and send it to kelly with the caption "if only they go to sleep this easy at night time" 

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*^Photo stella sends to Kelly^*

just as I send it Kelly walks through the door with a couple of bags and some letters. "Im home" he shouts as I put my finger to my lips "shh, come look at them" I say gesturing him to come over, he places the bags down and walks over to me as I point to Delilah and Leo, he looks down and smiles "I did send you a photo, but you walked through the door as it sent" I say as kelly chuckles a little 

"she is the best big sister" Kelly says as I turn and look at him "did you get everything we need" I ask as I pick Leo up carefully not to disturb Delilah, she stirs a little then turns on her side but continues sleeping. I place Leo in his chair as he continues sleeping. 

"yeah I will go put it all away, I went to the mail room before I came up, there is some important looking letter with both our names on" He says as I follow him over to the kitchen table where I see the letters. 

I pick the one up with both of our names on, I turn it over and open it as I pull it out and start to read it "Kelly!" I say as my hand covers my mouth as I read the rest of it. I look up and see kelly looking at me worried "what is it" he says as he comes over and takes the letter out my hand as he starts to read it 

"is this real..." he says flipping it over to make sure the letter was legit

"it looks like it, it has the CPS address on it and its even signed by Amanda" I say as kelly looks at me, he smiles as I jump into his arms "she's officially ours" I squeal as kelly wraps his arms around me. "shes officially going to be a Kidd-Severide" he says as I kiss him

the letter was the one letter we have been waiting to receive for months it was the letter informing us about our long awaited court date for us to officially adopt Delilah and have her name changed to Delilah Rose Kidd- Severide.

"the 15th thats this Friday, good job we are not working, that means everyone from the firehouse can be there." Kelly says as he puts me down and I nod "this is just giving me the great excuse to go clothes shopping" I say as kelly chuckles

"I say you and Delilah have a girly day and go dress shopping and me and Leo will go suit shopping" Kelly says as he wraps his arms round me and I smile up at him "thats a great idea, when they wake up we will do just that" I say as I grab an apple from the fruit bowl and bite it before walking away.


a couple of hours later Delilah and Leo had woken up, and we all headed to the shopping Mall once we arrived. Myself and Delilah went one way as Kelly took Leo in his stroller the other way. 

the first shop I headed to was Zara, Delilah was holding my hand as we walked through the shopping mall. "right princess shall we go get you a pretty dress" I say down to delilah as she looks at me and smiles and nods. 

once we reach the floor the children's clothes are on I let go of her hand and point to the choices of dresses, she runs over to the rail and picks out one straight away "pink one" she says pointing at it, I take it off the rail and show it her as she smiles it was a pink flowery flare dress. 

*^the dress Delilah chose^*

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*^the dress Delilah chose^*

"this one?" I say holding it against her as she looks down at it and points at the flowers "pweety fwower" she says as I smile "pretty flower dress for a pretty girl" I say as she giggles. 

"come on let's go find something for mummy" I say taking her hand as I hold the dress in my other. We head downstairs to the women's section as I look through the different clothes for myself. I decide to go with a black blouse and pencil skirt.

 I decide to go with a black blouse and pencil skirt

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*^ the outfit Stella chose^*

"right princess, shall we go and pay, and then we will call daddy see if he is finished" I say as delilah jumps up and down I pass her, her dress as we head over to the tills. we are called forward and I pass my outfit to the cashier as I lift Delilah up and she passes her, her dress.

"ohh thats a very pretty dress" the cashier says to Delilah as Delilah smiles "would you like it in your own little bag" she asks delilah as delilah nods. 

I pay for the clothes and grab both bags, passing Delilah hers as I thank the cashier and we leave. 

"right lets give Daddy a call" I say as I take my phone out and call Kelly I hear his ringtone as I turn round and see Kelly walking towards us. I end the call and walk over to him "we are all sorted" I say as Delilah shows kelly her bag "ohh lets have a look" he says as I take the dress out of her back and show him. 

"ohh I like that, your going to look like the princess you are" he says as she giggles and I place it back in the bag "so are you and Leo sorted?" I ask as he nods "yep, all suited and booted" he says pointing to the bag on the stroller. 

"shall we head home then" I say as I link one arm with kelly as he pushes the stroller whilst Delilahs holds my other hand. "I will stop and pick us up some food on the way back saves us cooking" Kelly says as we all head back to the car. 

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