Desire (72)

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Stellas POV

we have been in Florida for 3 days now, it had been going well the kids have all enjoyed themselves so far, they just want to be at the pool all day, which is where we are again now, I take of my kimono revealing my Bikini as I sit on a sun lounger.

Kelly sits down on the sun lounger next to me holding Savannah as I get the sun cream out of my bag and put it on all 3 of the kids, Delilah and Leo run of quickly into the pool as kelly stands up and walks over with Savannah he slowly dips her feet into the water as she scrunches them up unsure about the temperature. I laugh at her shocked face as Kelly puts her body in the water as he sits down. 

Delilah and Leo both have  swim jackets on to help them stay afloat, I decide to walk over to the water and sit next to kelly as I look at Savannah splashing her hands "didnt take her long to get used to it" I say as kelly moves her around the water "she wasnt a fan at first" Kelly says as I laugh. 

"mummy daddy" I hear from leo standing on the edge of the pool as he waves then jumps in, he floats to the surface flapping his hands and laughing as he kicks his legs to come over to us "water baby since birth" I say jokingly as Kelly laughs "he sure has" Kelly says holding Savannah against his chest as he lies back, floating on the water. 

I go and swim over to Delilah and throw her in the air as she giggles. when I put her down she splashes a lot of water at me and I do it back, she kicks her legs to try swim away as I go under the water and grab her legs and pull her to me. "No mummy shark got me" she squeals as Leo jumps on me as he starts to singing baby shark I hold onto him and giggle as I look at kelly "lets go get daddy shark" I say as I hold onto Leo and delilah swims over to Kelly as I walk over with Leo. 

I take Savannah of kelly as Delilah and Leo jump on him causing him to sink underwater. Leo and Delilah giggle as kelly jumps up grabbing them and pretending to dunk them. they scream and squeal with laughter as I walk out the water with Savannah and wrap her in a towel we dont let her stay in the water too long because she cant move around so gets cold quickly. 

I dont mind it gives me time to relax, I lie her on the towel between my legs as she lies against me, I sit and watch Kelly playing with leo and Delilah in the pool for a while before I lean over and grab my book from the bag and start reading it. 

after spending some time at the pool we all got dried and dressed and headed back to our apartment where I made everyone some dinner, it was a little after 6, kelly told me that there was some evening entertainment this evening for the kids so we all got dressed nicely and headed down to the main hall where there was characters dancing on the stage.

We found a table near the edge of the dance floor as Delilah and Leo went to go dance with the entertainers. me and Kelly sat down and watched them until and entertainer grabbed kelly's hand and pulled him up. 

I laughed and watched as he tried to dance. I hold Savannah up on the table to look at her dad "lets hope you get your dance moves from me when you grow up" I say as Savannah just sucks on her hand.

Delilah grabs Kellys hands and he twirls her around as Leo just bounces around, He starts talking to another little boy as they both start to bounce around together. 

kelly looks over at me and gestures with his hand for me to join them, I shake my head and laugh and watch kelly whisper something to Delilah as she runs over and grabs my hands and pulls me over as Kelly wraps his arm round me and kisses my cheek. 

I smile as I sway a little Kelly takes Savannah from me as he dances around with her, Delilah takes my hands and we dance together. 

after a while Kelly hands me savannah "im going to get us some drinks, do you want an alcoholic drink?" he asks as I smile "of course I do" I say taking a hold of Savannah as delilah looks at Kelly, "I want a juice" she says as she grabs Delilahs hand "come and help me carry yours and leos" he says as they both walk over to the bar. 

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