Baby Kidd-Severide (52)

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Kellys POV

Stella was now out of the birthing pool and lay on the bed, Asher was checking the baby over both me and Stella looking over at them "he's so tiny" I whisper as Stella turns her head to me and I look at her "Im so proud of you" I tell her as she smiles and I kiss her. 

I hear movement and look up to see Asher moving the crib towards the door "we're just going to send him up to NICU, its very common in pre-term babies to need a little extra care after they're born, but im not too worried, he is a perfect colour and seems to be breathing really well, but we just need to check all bases" she says as another doctor comes and takes the crib away as me and stella keep our eyes on him until hes out of sight 

"Kelly, go with him" I hear Stella say as she pushes my arm, I shake my head and look at her "No, im staying with you, you need me, theres nothing I can do for him, hes in good hands already" I say as I lean down and kiss stella's forehead. 

"once we have got you all cleaned up and dressed, we will take you to him, and Ive got his weight" Asher says as we both look at her "what was he?" I say as she looks at the chart "5 pound 1 ounces" Asher says as me and Stella look at each other and smile " 5 and 1, 51, firehouse 51...definitely born to follow our footsteps" I say as Stella chuckles

"I can't believe hes here..." she says as I watch her eyes fill with tears and I pull her into a hug "me did so well" I say as I stroke her back 

she lies back in the bed as she looks at me "we need to name him..." she says as I try to think of the names we have been discussing "I think we should go with the one you picked" Stella says as she see's me thinking "really..." I ask a little shocked as she nods and I smile and nod "Okay...lets keep the gender and name a secret for now, love having them all guessing, im sure theres about 3 wagers in the firehouse regarding the gender, name and weight" I say as Stella chuckles a little 


1 hour had passed since our baby was taken to NICU, Shay had dropped off our pre-packed hospital bags after picking up Delilah, she let me know everyone was at Mollys, waiting to her the news, I hadn't told her the baby was here yet. 

after getting the back form shay I had helped Stella shower, and get changed into her own pyjamas and dressing gown, once she was dressed Asher brought the wheelchair back in for stella to sit in 

"right are you ready to go see your little boy" Asher says as both me and stella nod "absolutely" we both say in unison as we look at each other and smile, I grab the bags and my jacket as Asher pushes Stella in the chair as I follow them.

we arrived at the NICU, there was 6 bays, one side with incubators and the other with Cribs, Asher spoke to one of the nurses and found out which one was our baby, he was known as Kidd-Severide baby for now until we tell them his name. 

she guides me and Stella over to one of the cribs "the only baby boy in here" Asher says as I chuckle "already taking after his father....a ladies man" Stella says as she stops Stellas chair at the side of the crib. 

I look in the crib and hold my arm out for stella as she stands up, holding onto my arm as we both look at the him "whats this wire for" Stella asks looking at Asher 

"this is for feeding, pre-term babies are'nt ready to suck on bottles or breast yet so we will feed him through this tube when hes ready to feed" Asher says as I feel Stella relax a little as she places her hand into the crib, placing a finger in his hand as he grips onto it and I hear her Gasp "hey baby...its mummy and daddy" I hear stella say as I smile and place my hand in the crib and stroke his head, the hat on his head falling off a little as I gentrly pull it of to look at his hair "he is definitely, all you" I say as I look at Stella "full head of black hair, doesn't get that from me"I say jokingly pointing to my hair, Stella chuckles a little before returning her Gaze to the baby.

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