the waiting game (54)

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Kellys POV 

"kelly..." I hear from stella I look at her and see her face has gone white, I look down to see what shes looking at and see the pool of blood, that doesnt look good. 

I grip my arms round Stella "can I get some help in here" I shout as I feel stella start to loose balance, I try to hold her up and thats when I notice her eyes rolling into the back of her head "Stella...stay with me.." I say as I lift her onto the bed and lie her down her eyes have now closed "Baby...honey... Stella, wake up" I say starting to cry as I hear multiple people run in and pull me away "s..she just...she..." i try to say but cant get the words out as a nurse rubs my back

"its okay, shes in the best hands" the nurse says as I keep looking at Stella I see them rip of her pyjama trousers, as they examine her "looks like shes hemorrhaging" I hear a doctor say as I panic

"you've got to save her, she's going to be okay right?" I ask getting no response as they lie her bed flat and start placing wires on her and injecting her "whats happening, someone talk to me" I say looking "we need to get her to the OR now" I hear the doctor say as they place a blanket over her and unlock the bed as they wheel her out. I go to follow them but the nurse holds me back "you need to stay here, someone needs you" she says pointing to Leo in his crib. 

I run over to him and pick him up I see the blood on the floor as I turn away and close my eyes, burying my head into Leo as I start to cry. 


It has been 2 hours and I haven't heard any news on Stella yet, the blood had been cleaned up by the nurses who tried their best to reassure me, I haven't let go of Leo as I paced the room back and forth, each time someone walked past I hoped it was a doctor to come tell me how Stella was. 

the nurse came in to check on Leo I turned around to her and placed Leo in his crib so she could check his vitals I kept pacing back and forth I took out my phone and called Shay, she answered almost immediately "hey daddy" she says cheerfully as she answers 

"shay, can you come to Med" I say and by the tone of my voice I know she knew something was wrong "woah, kelly whats wrong, is everyhting okay" shay asks as I try to hold back the tears "I just need you right now" I say as my voice breaks and tears start falling 

"I'm on my way, Gabby take us out of service" I hear shay say as she ends the call. 

I look back at the nurse as she finishes checking over Leo I go over and look at him as she takes down some notes "I will go find out if there are any updates on your Wife" the nurse says as she walks out. 

I stroke Leos hand as I try not to breakdown, but the more I look at Leo the more I see Stella and I crack as I move my hand from him and hold onto the crib as my legs start to shake and I kneel down, I look at Leo through the glass crib as I start to cry "she has to be okay, I cant do this without her" I whisper to myself as I close my eyes.

 I hear the door open as I open my eyes "Kelly" I hear from shay as I feel her come round to my side and wrap her arm round me. I collapse into her as I lean into her side burying my head into her neck as I cry. 

she strokes my back "whats happened, wheres Stella" she says as I lift my head up. 

"one minute she was fine, the next she was in pain, and then there was blood, a lot of blood" I say as I feel myself about to break down again, shay just pulls me back into a hug and keeps stroking my back "she will pull through this kelly, she always does" shay says as I look up, I see Gabby stood at the door as i wipe my eyes. 

I stand up and look at her "come in, it's fine, i'm gonna need everyone I can at the minute" I say as gabby walks in. she wraps her arms around me and I hug her "we have to stay positive, I've just read her report, it says she had a Hemorrhage, how long has she been in theatre" Gabby says as I let out a deep breath and look at the clock on the wall "over 2 hours" I say as gabby rubs my arm. 

a little cry fills the room as I turn around and pick Leo up as gabby comes over to me "so, I was right, we have a little boy joining the 51 family" Gabby says placing a hand on Leos Head

"yep, Little Leo...leo Shayne" I say as Gabby smiles "want to hold" I say as she grins "of course I do" she says as she gently takes him from me "oh isnt he the cutest little thing...Hello Leo, oh you are stellas double" gabby says as she sways side to side with him. 

I lean against the wall and look at shay. "thankyou for being here, I didnt know who else to call" I say as shay comes over to me and rubs my arm "I'm here for you anytime, all of us" she says as I smile a little. 

a few moments passed by and Leo started to fuss, "here let me grab him" I say as gabby hands him over to me, he soon starts to settle as I smile down at him "he knows who his daddy is" Gabby says as I look at her and smile then look back down at Leo "and stella thought he would be a daddys Boy" I say jokingly as I rock him in my arms slightly. 

the door opens and I look up to see the doctor that took stella to surgery. I gulp in fear as I can't read on his face whether he is about to give me good news or bad. shay takes Leo from me just incase.

"just tell me, is she alive" I say as the doctor looks at Shay and gabby "they can hear this.." I say as he nods as he starts to talk "it appears part of her placenta had latched on to her uterus, and was left behind which caused her body naturally to try get rid of it, in this case by causing her uterus to contract so much it bursted the blood vessels, we managed to find the bleed and stop it, removing the pieces of her placenta that remained, she did loose a lot of blood and we did loose her for a minute but we quickly got her back, she is currently in recovery, we had to place her in an induced come for now to give her time to heal, but shes going to be okay, shes going to need a lot of love and care when she wakes up" he says as I let out a big breath of relief. 

"thankyou...thankyou so much" I say going over to him and shaking his hand "can I see her" I say as he shakes his head "not yet, we are still monitoring her at the moment but I will fetch someone to grab you when you can come and see her" he says as he places his hand on my arm "shes okay Kelly..." he says before he walks out. 

I bring my hands to my face overwhelmed as I turn round to shay and gabby and walk over to them pulling them both into a hug "see, told you she would be fine" I hear shay say.

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