The Note (42)

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Stellas POV

it's been a week since the whole situation at the park. every so often I would still feel like someone is watching us, Kelly just kept brushing it off and telling me its my hormones, I sstarted to believe him so ignored the feeling every time I felt it. 

kelly was on shift but I wasn't, Delilah was up all night previous being sick so I called boden to let him know I wouldn't be at work until shes well enough to go back to day care. 

It was sometime after midnight, I was finding it hard to sleep, Delilah however was asleep on the sofa cuddled up to one of her teddies with a blanket over her. we decided to sleep in the living room tonight as we got comfy on the sofa watching Frozen and every time I went to take her bed she would cry, I was feeling a little peckish so stood up and headed in the kitchen making myself a sandwich when I heard some movement outside the apartment door.

I started making my way over so I could look through the spy hole but before I reached the door a piece of paper was slid under the door. I jumped back a little before I hesitantly picked it up and unfolded it. 

it read as followed "you have our daughter, you took her away from us. we have been watching you for the last few days, we want her back, you have your own now, no need to keep ours away from us" I turned it over to see if they left any traces as who or where it came from. all that was on the other side was "don't contact the police, you will regret it..." I placed the note on the kitchen side as I quickly grabbed my phone and called Kelly. panic building inside of me as I waited for him to answer, hoping he wasn't out on a call

it rang a few times before her picked up "H...hey honey, everything okay" he says a little concerned and sleepy at the same time, I must have woke him up.

"kelly....Someone is watching us...I just rec...." I say about to explain but kelly cuts me off 

"oh baby we've talked about this...." he says, sounding a little annoyed "no one is watching us, you're starting to sound a little crazy now, have you spoke with your pregnancy doctor about this, as this isn't normal surely" He says as my heart sinks a little, hearing him call me crazy.

"but Kelly, im being ser..." I say as he cuts me off again 

"Stella you're ringing me at..." he paused clearly checking the time "...1:48 in the morning, with something we have discussed many times before and debunked...just try to go sleep, I'll be home before you know it" he says sounding a little mad at me.

I gave up trying to argue with him as I felt myself getting a little upset. I take the phone away from my ear as I end the call. I look at the note on the kitchen side, Delilah stirs in her sleep, startling me a little as I look at her. 

I go over to the door and make sure it is locked, I then make my way round the apartment making sure every window is closed and locked. I make my way back over to the sofa and sit next to Delilah as I bring my legs up to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs. I started to hear more sounds I normally never normally pick up on like the wind whistling, the cars passing by, voices from the streets below, each one startling me each time I heard it. 

the wind had started to pick up, debris and nearby branches from tress to hit against the windows. I now couldn't tell if the noise was from the wind or if someone was walking around outside our apartment. I started to panic, I could feel my heart racing in my chest. I wanted to call Kelly again, his voice normally calms me but he didn't want to listen to me, he will just get even more mad at me if I wake him again.

I feel tears start to form in my eyes as I start to bite my nails. delilah coughing causes me to jump as she starts to cry and I move over to her and pick her up "Its okay, ive got you baby girl" I whisper to her as she starts to heave and I quickly turn her to face the bowl I had placed in front of her incase she was sick. 

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