No one is dying today (38)

672 11 3

Stellas POV

I hear the alarms call for all units, I stand up slowly as I feel myself get dizzy I go to grab the handle on the door but miss it as my legs give way and I fall to the floor. everything going black.


I feel my eyes flutter open as I try to remember where I am. that's when it all comes back to me, the alarm going off and then me trying to make it to the door but collapsing before I could reach the handle. I use the sink to help pull myself up as I turn the faucet on and fill my hands with water as I splash my face. I look up slowly as I stand up, I pat hands down my clothes to dry them before I walk out of the toilets, as I do I hear the rigs pulling in, I am going to be in so much trouble. 

I don't want Kelly to worry I'm sure I was just dehydrated from standing out in the heat earlier and being sick wouldn't help. I see Boden walk in as he spots me "Lieutenant Kidd, My Office NOW!" he says sternly as everyone walks in behind him I spot kelly looking at me worriedly as I walk past everyone and follow boden to his office. He lets me walk in as he closes the door behind him before walking round to his desk 

"Explain yourself" He says as he places his hands on his sides. 

"Sorry Chief, it wont happen again, I have had the worst cramps today, I tried my best to make the call but the pain stopped me from moving. I understand if you need to punish me..." I say starting to panic 

"Stella, I get it, you don't have to explain yourself to me, I want this house to feel safe for women, I get sometimes these things happen. I will put it down to a medical emergency and no further action will be taken, just please let me know next time" he says as I smile at him 

"Thanks Chief...I will never let it happen again" I say as I nod at him and he sits down on his chair "Dismissed" he says as I turn around and leave his office. As I walk out I see kelly lent against a desk in the bullpen he looks up at me as I walk out. he stands up straight as he walks over to me

"dont snap at me...I was worried about you" he says as he holds his hands up in defense "just let me know everything's okay" he says as I smile and nod "yeah all sorted" I say as I go over and hug him "sorry for being so snappy" I say as he wraps his arms round my waist 

"It's okay, I'll let you off....only because I know in around 5-6 days you will be all over me" He says jokingly as he laughs. I hit his arm as we both walk out and towards the common room


1 week later

Stellas POV cont

the next week flew by as it consisted of us organising a quick wedding. I was still being sick at intervals throughout the days and I still haven't had my period, but I put it down to the stress of organising this wedding.

It was now the day of the wedding we was all at the wedding venue, I was on one side of the building getting changed as Kelly was on the other, I was getting into my dress, shay was fastening it up the back as I looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled. 

"wow...just wow....If you weren't marrying my best friend I would totally go there" shay says as she winks at me and I shake my head and laugh "although its not too late if you want to, you know bat with the other team" she continues before laughing "Im joking" she finishes as she fixes my hair a little. 

Gabby walks in with a now dressed Delilah as Gabby wolf whistles at me "hot damn...Severide is one lucky man" Gabby says as I laugh a little and stroke my hands down the dress that hugs my curves tightly "I am hot aren't I" I jokingly say as the door knocks 

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