Sleepless nights (50)

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2 weeks later

Stellas POV

I was lay in bed, with my hands stroking across my bump, It was around 3am in the morning, and sleep had become nonexistent these past couple of weeks. I look to the right of me to see Kelly sound asleep, and I roll my eyes and groan, jealous that he can sleep peacefully. I decided to sit up and head into the living room, I turned the TV on and sat on the sofa, turning the volume on low so as to not wake Kelly or Delilah. 

I flick through the channels not being able to find anything interesting to watch at this hour I turn it of and stand up, I walk over to the kitchen and make myself a hot drink, once it is done I walk over to the window and look out at the city as I sip on my drink. 

I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see kelly walking out of our room rubbing his eyes "Hey..." he says groggily "you okay, what you doing up" he says as he walks over to me and I turn back to look out the window, I feel his arms wrap around my stomach as he places his hands on my bump "your son, doesn't want to let me sleep" I say as we feel a few kicks on my stomach "see...every time I feel like im about to drift off he becomes a ninja and uses my ribs or bladder as a punching bag" I say as I look down at my bump. 

"and then my back...dont even get me started on the pain my back is in right now" I continue to say as I feel kelly's hands slip to the bottom of my bump as he lifts it up a little, taking some of the pressure of my back, I groan and lie my head back against him "oh thats a lot better, can you just stay like that until hes here" I say in desperation as I hear kelly chuckle. "if only I could, I would" he says as he slowly lowers my bump back down as I lift my head back up 

"wait there" he says as he moves away from me and I watch him disappear down the corridor, I turn back to the window and finish my drink. moments later I feel kelly come back behind me "come with me" he whispers as he grabs my hand and pulls me down the corridor towards the bathroom he opens the door and I see the tub filling up with water, full with bubble bath.

"for you" he says as he turns off the lights as I notice the candles on the side flickering. I turn to him and smile "Thankyou, I really appreciate this" I say as I kiss him "here, let me help you" he says as he starts to help me get undressed. 

he takes my hand and helps me step into the tub, I sit down and instantly lie back into the warm water resting my head on the back of the tub "oh yeah this feels nice" I say closing my eyes, letting the water take away the weight of my bump. I open my eyes to see Kelly knelt down beside the tub as he places his hand on my bump "feeling any better?" he asks as I nod. 

I sit up and look at him "care to join me" I ask as he stands up and and takes off his shorts "I thought you would never ask" he says as he steps in behind me and lies his legs either side of me, he lies back against the tub as I lie my back against him, his hands stroking my bump as he kisses my shoulder "now i'm even more relaxed" I say as I hear kelly chuckle a little

I feel his hands move round my bump and disappear under the water, that's when I feel his hands massaging my back, I sit up, giving him more access to my back "oh yeah thats it, thats the spot" I say earning another chuckle from kelly "thats what she said" he says jokingly as I fill my hand with water and splash it behind me "hey, what was that for" he says wiping his face as I turn my head to him "just for being you" I joke as he smiles at me, moving his head closer to me to kiss me "yeah well it was my charming ways that got you in this predicament" he says as I roll my eyes.

he pulls me back against his chest as he wraps his arms around me "I love you" he whispers as I look at the flickering candle "I love you too" I whisper back as I start to feel my eyes closed. finally being relaxed enough to fall asleep. 

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