First Impression (56)

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Stellas POV

I watched as Kelly picked Leo up from his crib again and cuddled him and I chuckled "you seriously cant leave him alone can you" I say ass kelly shakes his head and strokes Leo's face "nope, I can't get enough of him" he says he sways side to side. 

after a while he sits down in the chair next to my bed, as he does I hear banging on the door and a little muffled voice as I look towards the door as it opens and in comes running delilah holding a card and a balloon "mummyy happeee birdday" she squeals bouncing up and down looking at me "birthday? its not my birthday" I say as she looks at me confused 

"she thinks because we got a card and balloon its someones birthday" shay says laughing placing the "its a boy" balloon at the side of the crib and placing the card on the table. she then picks Delilah up and places her on the bed, where she sees spots kelly and squeals "Daddy..." she stops and looks in his arms as I see her look at Leo "dowwy" she says pointing to Leo 

"no baby, that's not your dolly, that's your little brother, remember the baby I had in my belly, hes finally come out to meet you" I say as she giggles and puts her arms out to shay to get her. shay picks her up and carries her round to kelly as she leans over and gets a closer look at Leo "Baby bwother" she says pointing at him as kelly nods "Yeah this is Leo, your baby brother" kelly says as she giggles "weo" she says as she keeps giggling. 

"do you want to hold him" I say as she looks at me and smiles and nods. shay places her at the bottom of my bed as kelly stands up and places Leo in her arms as she wraps her arms under him. she keeps giggling then lies her head on him. "aww baby" she says patting his stomach as she turns her head and kisses him. 

after a couple of minutes Leo starts to wriggle a little and starts to cry "uhh oh, baby cwy" Delilah says looking at me, he starts to scream as she jumps and tries to push him away as she does a scared and shocked face, "too lwoud" she says as we all chuckle as I take the baby from her, she covers her ears and looks at me "he must be hungry" I say as she puts her arms out to kelly, he picks her up as she wraps her arms around his neck "weo lwoud"  she tells kelly as he chuckles and pulls her head on his shoulder. 

I look at shay "you dont mind if I feed him do you" I ask as she shakes her head "no of course not, it wont bother me" she says as I smile then lift up my top as I try to cover as much as I can with the blankets. I guide Leo to my chest as he stops crying and starts suckling. 

"well as first impressions go Leo, I think you gave her a bit of a shock" I say as we all laugh. Kelly sits on the bed as he keeps a hold of Delilah. Delilah lifts her head up every so often to look at me and Leo and grins before putting her head back down. 

I feel Leo let go of me as I pull my top down and sit him up, tapping his back until he burps, as he does Delilah lifts her head up again and pretends to burp and giggles 

"looks like we have two little piggies for children" Kelly says as he tickles Delilah, causing her to giggle. shay comes over and hands me the card to read "its from everyone at 51" she says as I take the card and open it, she takes Leo from me as I read it and smile "aww thats lovely, tell them I said thank you" I say as I pass it to Kelly to read. 


after a while Delilah started to rub her eyes as shay places Leo in his crib and looks at Delilah "someones getting tired, shall we get you home to bed, we can come see them again tomorrow" shay says as she holds her hands out to Delilah, but delilah grips onto Kelly tighter "no" she squeals as Kelly tries to pull her from him. 

"actually Kelly, why don't you go with them, get shay drop you of at the firehouse so you can pick up the car from where we left it, then you can go home and get changed, before coming back here with the car so its here ready for when we finally get to leave here." I say as kelly looks at me and nods. 

"good idea actually" he says as he stands up. 

shay comes over and hugs me "keep me posted, I will probably Facetime you later" she says as I nod and hug her back "thankyou for bringing her" I say as she steps back. "anytime, plus it was an excuse to get in some more cuddles with the little man" she says as we laugh. 

kelly looks at me and leans down with delilah as I hug them both as kelly whispers to me "i wont be long" he says as he kisses my cheek and pulls away and I wave at Delilah, she waves back as she rests her head on Kellys shoulder. I watch them leave the room as I turn to Leo in the crib and I lean my hand over and stroke his hand. 


Kellys POV

we headed out to shays car as I placed Delilah in the back, shay climbs in the drivers seats "the ipad is connected to my seat, pass code is my birthday, should be already loaded onto disney plus" she says as I unlock the ipad, i press on frozen as it continues playing from where she was last watching it, I pick up her blanket from the floor and pass it her as she watches the ipad. 

I climb in the front as shay starts the car and heads towards mine and Stella's apartment. "thank you for having Delilah, I owe you a beer when stella is home and settled" I tell shay as she chuckles "I'll hold you to that" she says as she turns to me "so, hows it feel having a son" she asks as I look at her

"I cant explain it, I never thought I could love someone this much, nothing will compare" I say as I load up the pictures of him on my phone "look what I done" shay says as she nudges me "If I didnt push you to tell her how you felt all them years ago, and got you to fight for her when she broke up with you, you never would have all what you have now..." shay says as I laugh

"I owe it all to you" I say as chuckle. after a couple of minutes Shay pulls up at the firehouse "thank you for dropping me off, i will text you with any updates" I say as I kiss her cheek  "give Delilah a goodnight kiss from me" I say before I get out the car

I wave at Shay as she drives off heading to her apartment. I head into the firehouse, where 2nd shift are working "hey Lieutenant what are you doing here, is our shift over already" one of the firefighters from squads 2nd shift shout to me "no im just coming to collect my bag I left here last shift, I had to leave quickly, my wife went into labour" 

"oh wow, congratulations man" he says patting my back "thank you, right i better get my stuff, I told her I wont be long" I say walking past them and heading to the locker room. 

I open my locker and grab my bag putting it over my shoulder as I take my car keys out and head back out of the firehouse and go over to the car. placing my bag on the passenger seat before I start the car and head home. 

once home I get changed into some fresh clothes before grabbing the new baby's car seat. I head down and fit it into the back of the car. 

Once it's fitted in, I get back in the drivers seat and head back to the hospital, on the way I stop by Mcdonalds and get me and Stella some food. 

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