Dangerous (27)

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Kellys POV (cont) 

once back in the living room we both head to sit on the sofa. I pull Stella down to sit on my lap as I wrap my arms around her.

"thank you for sticking with me through all this, for everything you do, I really do appreciate it" stella says softly as she turns her head to look at me and I smile "anytime" I respond as she wraps a hand round the back of my head as she pulls me in for a kiss.

I feel her turn around so shes now facing me, not parting her lips from mine as she deepens the kiss pushing me back against the back of the sofa, as she straddles me, my hands rest on her legs as I stroke them a little, I feel her move her hips a little as I pull my head back and look at her with a smirk on my face "thats dangerous..." I say as I feel myself getting a little turned on. 

"No our job is dangerous...this is just me realising how much I've missed being intimate with you...what's it been, like 3 or 4 weeks, Im gonna need you to help me remember what I've been missing" she says as she places her lips back on mine, her hands either side of my face. shes not wrong we have barely even kissed these past few weeks, both of us being a little too occupied with work and the fostering application.

"say no more, your wish is my command" I whisper against her lips as I stand up and carry her to our bedroom. I slowly lay her on the bed and I climb on top of her, my lips automatically colliding with hers as I stroke her side, lifting her top up and over her head as I do so. 

her hands stroke my back as she pulls my top over my head, her arms instantly wrapping around my neck after she throws my top away. I start to bite her lower lip as I pull on it. I feel Stella's lips form into a grin as I place my lips back on hers.

I start to kiss down her neck slowly, moving down her chest and stomach as I crawl back a little, my hands grab the hem of her jeans and I pull them down slowly. she lifts her legs up as I pull them off her ankles and throw them against the floor. I grab her legs and kiss up them, starting from her ankles, I kiss my way up to her inner thigh, I feel her begin to get goosebumps up and down her body as my hand strokes her other thigh. making sure my hand goes as close to between her legs as possible, teasing her.

my head still at her legs I look up to see her stomach tense up as my hand once again grazes over her lace underwear. I grin to myself as I kiss her groin before I begin to slowly lick up her stomach until I reach her chest and I start to bite and suck, leaving a few small hickeys. I start moving back down once again feeling her stomach wince as my lips make contact with with her lower abdomen as she lets out a deep breath, I feel her hand rest on my head as she tries to push it down.

I look up at her as she looks at me a little flustered "your such a tease...I've waited long enough" she whispers to me as I grin and just go back to kissing her groin and inner thigh she lets out a little groan as I laugh a little. 

as I switch between each thigh, leaving kisses I finally move my hand between her legs as I rub against the lace of her Underwear, I hear her let out a little gasp. I move the front of her underwear to the side a little, as I run my fingers slowly in between her legs brushing over her clit slightly as she closes her eyes and rests her head back.

I pull down her underwear as I start to rub her a little more, I notice her breathing starts to quicken so I move my hand away as she instantly lifts her head up and looks down at me "You better put your hand back boy, I was..." I cut her off as I replace my hand with my tongue, moving it around in circular motions "clo....ohhh okay...I can work...with this" she says in between breaths as her hands grab my head. 

her legs tighten up around my head as I now switch to up and down movements. I feel her hand grip the sheets, as she lets out a moan followed by my name, I wipe my mouth as I crawl up her body slowly she grabs my face and lifts her head to kiss me.

"no more teasing, I need you now" she whispers against my lips a little out of breath as her hands stroke down my chest and stomach, she pushes the waistline of my trousers down a little. 

"that's all I needed to hear" I whisper back with a little chuckle as I push my trousers and boxers down, kicking them off as I hover back down against Stella. she wraps her legs around my legs as she flips us over "your taking your time, let me show you what need to do" she says taking control as she takes a hold of my dick and slides herself down onto it, both of us letting out a big gasp, bite my lip as I try to hold back the grin.

"fuck that was hot" I say as she places a finger on my lips and leans down before removing her finger "shhh...you talk too much, put your lips to better use" she whispers as I smile and lift my head up and kiss her, I feel her grind against me as I place one hand around her throat and squeeze it slightly as I pull her face as close to mine as possible. 

she pulls her head back as she sits up straight, she places her hands behind her resting them against my legs, leans her head back, giving me a breath taking view of her body. I place my hands on her thighs as I stroke them, I gaze up and down her slowly, my grip on her thigh tightens as I feel my lower abdomen tense up, she lifts her head back up and looks down at me.

her hands lie flat on my chest as she starts to bounce. she leans her head down closer to my ear as she starts to kiss and bite just below my ear. I close my eyes as I wrap my arms around her and start to thrust my hips up into her, causing her to moan my name instantly. 

her breath from moaning my name against my neck enhancing the pleasure throughout my body resulting in me reaching a climax a lot quicker, I keep thrusting up into her even after I feel my self come. 

I rest my hips as I keep my arms around Stella, both of us out of breath she kisses me before slowly falling beside me. 

"wow, have I missed that" Stella says as she lies back on the pillow with her arm against her head

"how did we last almost a month without it" I say before placing my arm out for her to cuddle into my chest, she leans into me and places her head on my chest as she kisses it. 

I kiss the top of her head as I stroke her back. "goodnight...I love you" I whisper as she snuggles into me more "I love you too...n'night" she whispers. I instantly begin to feel tired as my eyes close.

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