Live in the moment (73)

511 11 2

Kellys POV

we are woken up to someone jumping on our bed, I open my eyes and see Delilah jumping up and down "mummy daddy wake up, time for beach" she screams as I feel stella sit up and grab her lying us in the middle of us "5 more minutes princess" stella says as Delilah taps me "daddy, tell mummy, now" she says as I laugh and look at stella.

Stella opens her eyes again and groans "right fine, lets get ready" Stella says as she sits up. I chuckle as I stay lay down "ehh I dont think so you can get up also" Stella says throwing some shorts at me 

"do I have to" I moan as Delilah looks at me and smiles "yes daddy, you too" she says as she pulls on my arm to try get me out of bed "alright im up" I say sitting up.

with half an hour everyone is awake and eaten, Stella made everyone breakfast whilst she was feeding Savannah, she has got a talent at multi tasking since becoming a mum, its one of the things Ive become to admire, after they had eaten i got them all dressed, Delilah and Savannah wore matching summer dresses as Leo wore some denim shorts and a Hawaiian style shirt, Stella went and got changed whilst I dressed the kids, she came out of our room wearing a some short denim shorts and a bikini top with an over-shirt over the top. 

she came and took savannah from me as I went and found a t-shirt to put on. I tucked it in my shorts as I was too warm to wear it, I put some shades on my head and slid into my flip flops 

"right lets hit the beach" I say as Stella passed me a bag full of towels and changes of clothes and anything else we might need. 

Delilah and Leo ran out the apartment and waited down the hall for me and Stella, Stella was pushing Savannah in a stroller we hired for the week as we all headed into the elevator

within 5 minutes we were at the beach, Stella layed out a couple of beach towels for us to sit on as Delilah went to run straight to the water but Stella grabs her "sun cream first" she says as I take it out the bag and start putting it on Delilah and Leo, I pass some to Stella as she puts it on Savannah, Stella lay the towels under a tree for some shade and lay Savannah on the towel surrounded by some of her rattles and teddys. 

Delilah went and ran to the edge of the water as Leo followed her. "your trained in water rescue, will you go watch them" Stella asks looking at me as I put my top down next to her "of course, I was going to join them anyway" I say as I run to the sea and picks both Delilah and Leo up as I run in deeper.

they scream with laughter as I fall back into the water, pulling us all under before I stand them up on their feet. Delilah runs out of the water "it cold daddy" she screams as Leo splashes me and keeps ducking his head into the water. I sit down and relax into the waves as Leo comes and jumps on me. I stand up and throw him in the air. 

he giggles as Delilah slowly re-enters the water she shakes her body and does a squeal as she tries to get used to the cold water. she walks further into the water and puts her arms upto me, I throw leo into the water gently as he jumps up and laughs and I throw delilah in the air and do the same to her. they both giggle and ask to do it again, I take it in turns with them both, throwing them in the air and into the water. 

after a while Leo runs out the water to play in the sand, delilah does the same as they both start to dig a hole and giggle as the waves come in and fill the hole. 

I walk back over to stella as shes sunbathing, I stop and look at delilah and Leo and get an idea, I grab a bucket and walk over to Delilah and Leo "lets go wet mummy....shhh"  i say passing them both a bucket that they fill with water from the sea, they both giggle as we walk over to stella I throw the first bucket on Stella as Delilah and Leo do the same

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