First time Flyers (71)

576 10 4

3 months later

Kellys POV

I run around chasing Leo to try to get him dressed, he hides under the table giggling as I bend down and look at him "right young man, if you dont get dressed then you wont be coming on holiday" I say as he keeps giggling "okay, no aeroplane" I say as he frowns then crawls out "knew that would work" I say grabbing him and taking him over to the sofa and get him dressed

"finally caught him then...what did you promise him" Stella says finishing Delilahs hair as she looks at me and I exhale a deep breath "only took a small convincing of no aeroplane and he came right out" I say as I sit Leo on my lap and put his shoes on.  

"is Savannah ready" I ask as Stella nods putting the hair brush in one of the carry on bags. I put Leo down as I go over to Savannah in her chair and pick her up "look at you baby girl look how big your getting" I say cuddling her as she looks at me and smiles. she lifts her hands up to try grab my face as I play with her hands. 

"right lets get the car packed, or we will miss out flight" Stella says as I turn around and put Savannah in her car seat. 

"I will get the kids in the car then come back to grab the cases"  I say as I carry Savannah out to the car, Stella carries Leo with Delilah following as she helps them all in the car, Leo in the middle and Delilah behind the drivers seat. 

"im so excited mummy" Delilah says kicking her legs in excitement as me and stella look at each other and chuckle "we all are princess" Stella says finishing buckling Leo and Delilah as I go in the house to grab the cases and place them in the trunk. 

"you get in the care I will pack the cases away" I say to Stella as she nods and climbs in the car I go back and get the last couple of cases and place them in the car. I close the trunk then climb in the front. I look at stella and smile "have you got the tickets" I ask as she nods and shows me the file shes kept them in

"right then, let's go on holiday" I say as Delilah and Leo cheer in excitement and me and stella chuckle, I start the car and start driving to the airport. 


we made it through security and was now awaiting for our plane to board, we was sat in a restaurant after we just eating some dinner, our table was against a window, and Leo was stood on the seat looking out the window at the planes "lwook pwane" he shouts as anothe rplane goes past he giggles as he runs along the seat with his arms out, he stops at the end of the seat and goes to jump of to try fly and I grab him and fly him around in my arms "I want to fly too" I hear from delilah as I put Leo down and Delilah jumps into my arms as I fly her around 

I put her down as they both climb onto my lap as I look at stella feeding Savannah chuckling to herself "I dont know where you get your energy from, I struggle to keep up" she says as I laugh "trust me, as I get older i find it harder" I say tickling both Leo and Delilah I stop when I hear our flight number over the intercom "Flight 3088 to Destin-fort airport now boarding at gate 5" I hear as I stand up.

"that's us, lets gooooo" I shout as Delilah and Leo cheer, I grab the couple of carry on bags we have as the cases have been taken to be loaded into the cargo. 

we all walk over to the queue at our gate, Delilah holds Leos hand as Stella Carries Savannah in her chair I take the tickets out the file and hand them to the air hostess before she scans them all then lets us board. Leo and Delilah look at me as I nod and they run down the bridge where another air hostest greets them "welcome aboard" she says as me and stella catch up with them we head onto the plane and I look for our seats. 

"this is us" I say finding the 2 rows of seats we have been split up over. "who wants to sit with me and who wants to sit with mummy" I say putting the bags under the seats

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