The 6 week check-up (61)

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Stellas POV 

Leo was now 6 weeks old, kelly had got his wish about Leos eye colour, last week we were finally able to see exactly the colour his eyes would be and they are the same piercing blue as Kelly's. 

I was sat in the doctors waiting room as today was mine and Leo's 6 week check up. I decided to take a photo and send it to Kelly with the caption "Wish us luck, hopefully it's all good news" 

 I decided to take a photo and send it to Kelly with the caption "Wish us luck, hopefully it's all good news" 

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*^Photo Stella send to Kelly^*

my phone dings alerting me of a message, it was kelly responding to my message "Good luck, fingers are crossed for you, let me know how it goes, love you both" I smile as I read the message

Im about to respond but Mine and Leo's name was called so I put my phone away and I stood up and push the stroller through to the doctors office. she introduced herself and then made a start on all of mine and Leos check ups. 


I found out he is weighing more than double his birth weight and his progress was above where they expected him to be for his age which was wonderful news. I was also discharged from my midwife after they checked me over and confirmed everything had healed nicely. 

I was heading back to the car, taking the car set from the stroller and fitting it in the car, once I had put the stroller down and in the trunk I got in the front and decided to Text Kelly. 

"hello, I've just finished the appointment, everything is looking good, your chunk of a son is now weighing over 10lb, I dropped Delilah of at day care before I came so Ill head over to the firehouse and fill you in on everything"  I send the text before I start the car and make my way to the firehosue. 

once I arrive I take the stroller out of the trunk and put it up, I unclip the car seat from the car nad connect it to the stroller, I lock the car and make my way inside the firehouse

shay is the first to spot me as shes sat in the back of the ambo checking over the equipment, she puts the clipboard down and jumps out coming over to me "hey Stell, kelly told us you had your 6 week check up how'd it go" she asks as I smile and put my hair behind my ear and nod "Yeah, it went great, Leo is ahead of progress and weighing double his birth weight, and everything with me is all healed and as it should be" I say as shay smiles then points to the door 

"lets go inside" Shay says as we both head inside. she holds the door for me as I push the stroller inside "ahhh there she is" I hear Ritter shout as he comes over and hugs me "ready to come back yet lieutenant, missing you here" he says as I chuckle "I would love to come back but Leo still needs me 24/7, but it wont be long before im kicking all your butts into Gear again" I say pretending to kick him as he dodges out the way and laughs. 

"wheres Squad, they out on a call" I ask as Ritter nods "they left about 5 minutes ago, person trapped, I cant imagine them being long" Ritter says sitting back down at the table. 

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