Its Time (69)

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Kellys POV

"Kelly....KELLY!" I hear stella shouting my name I sit up quickly and turn the lamp on "whats wrong..." I say as I see her lean on the en-suite door "I think my waters just broke" she says as I jump up and go over to her. "what...are you sure" I ask but she then leans over and groans in pain "YEP! im sure...ahhh" she says holding her bump. 

"okay, ermm I will call shay to come over and watch the kids, you just sit down" I say helping her to the bed. "I forgot how much this part hurts" she says as I quickly grab my phone and call shay. 

she answers after a while "you're ringing me at 4am in the morning, that can only mean one thing" she says excitedly down the phone 

"yes, its time, can you quickly come over to mind the kids, there in bed asleep now and dont normally wake up until 8am, if you have shift the daycare lets them in at half 7" I say all in one breath 

"Kelly, dont worry, I've got this, im on my way" she says ending the call as I turn round to stella

"shes on her way, I can't believe it's finally happening, feels like you've been pregnant for years" i say as Stella looks up at me doing her breathing exercises "you feel like that...imagine how I feel" she says a little out of breath as she winces. "ahhhh...oohh this is a big one" she squeezes her eyes shut as she tries to breathe through the pain I go over and rub her back. 

she relaxes a little as she grabs her water bottle from the side and drinks some. I go round and collect the hospital bags we already prepacked and take them out to the car. as Im loading the car I see Shays car pull up. we both head inside and I run upstairs skipping 1 or 2 steps each time. 

"shays here, lets go" I say going over and helping Stella up. I help her down the stairs as shay looks up at us "good luck" she says as we walk out the house. I help Stella into the car and buckle her seatbelt. 

I run round to my side and climb in starting the car quickly. I hear stella groan as she shifts in her seat trying to get comfy "here comes another one" she says leaning forward and holding the dash board "you better put your foot down Kelly Severide" she shouts mid groan as I put my foot all the way down. 

I feel her arm reach across to me as she squeezes my shoudler "AAHHH FUCK..." she shouts as I beep my horn at someone who has stopped at a green light "come on move" I shout as I keep beeping my horn, I drive round and see them on their phone I shake my head "knobhead" I curse as I continue driving. 

we arrive at med and I quickly jump out the car, grabbing the bags from the back and putting them over my shoulder, I then help Stella out before we make our way inside and over to the reception desk "my wife has gone into labour, waters broke roughly half hour ago, contractions seem to be every 3-4 minutes apart" I say to the receptionist on the desk as she gets a doctors attention who grabs a wheelchair and comes over.

I help Stella sit down as she holds her side again "make that 2 minutes" she says as she winces and groans again, she lets out a little scream as the doctor runs her to the delivery suite and I follow behind them.

the doctor pages for Dr Asher who comes in shortly after Stella gets onto the bed. Asher connects the heart rate monitor to Stellas bump and then quickly examines her "placenta seems to be blocking the cervix, if we let you have her naturally she may rupture the placenta we are going to need to take you to surgery" Asher says as stella sits up, out of breath " the baby going to be okay" she says starting to cry, her eyes squeezing shut once more as she lets out a scream "okay, do whatever you need to do, just get her out of me" she screams as she grips onto the bed sheets. 

Asher starts to prep Stella for surgery, gets her into a hospital gown and asks her to sit up so they can insert the spinal block anaesthesia. she sits up and looks at me as I grab her hands. I see her wince as she tightens her grip on my hand when they inject her. "are you coming with me" she asks me as I kiss her hand "of course I am, ill hold your hand the whole time" I say as she smiles at me and Asher lies Stella back down. 

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