Fiance's and Fantasies (33)

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Kellys POV

it has been 2 days since Stella and I got engaged, we decided we will tell everyone at the firehouse today, we still haven't told anyone other than Shay. we wanted to tell everyone all at once so decided to announce it at the morning briefing. 

I went over to Boden as he was walking in and asked if I could hand out a few jobs today, he looked at me confused but give me the go ahead. I walked into the briefing room with him as I stood at the side waiting for everyone to filter in. 

Boden announced his half of the briefing before inviting me up to  give out my jobs. 

"Okay, so its that time of the year again....I have some spring cleaning assignments" I say holding up a clipboard earning a few groans from everyone. 

"ohh calm down, there not too bad..." I say as I start to list everyone with some jobs. making sure to make it sound legit. I get down to the last job on the last "and finally cleaning out the storage closest is..." I pretend to look around confused then lock eyes with stella and point as she tries to hold in a laugh knowing this was the plan "My fiance" I say hoping everyone clicks on. 

I watch as everyone sits up and looks around 

"What..." cruz says breaking the silence as I look back at stella, she is nodding her head at everyone as they all look between me and her, suddenly the room fills with applause and cheers as I turn to boden and feel him hit my arm as he pulls me in for a hug. 

everyone comes over to congratulate us individually until the alarms go off for truck and ambo, as everyone who is needed makes their way out. 


it was now half way through the shift it was late in the night, I was out on the app floor tidying up the ropes from the squads rig, I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see Stella and I smile 

"hey...fiance" I hear her say as I laugh and put the ropes down "how long before that gets old" I say as she thinks for a little bit "until we say I do" she says as I grin at her and then pull her in by her waist "I love you" I say as I look deep into her eyes 

"I love you too" she replies as we smile at each other before we both lean in and kiss. she pulls back and looks around "everyone seems to be sleeping, making the most of this slow night..." she begins to say as I raise my eyebrows a little wondering what shes going to say next 

"Did I ever tell you I have always fantasised having sex in the back of a fire truck" she whispers against my lips as my eyes widen not expecting them words to leave her mouth. 

"well....erm...was not expecting you to say that" I say as she shrugs and grins at me "no time like the present" she says as I look around then back at her "we might get caught" I whisper as she takes my hand and pulls me to the door of Squads rig "the risk of getting caught only heightens the adrenaline of it all..." she says as she opens the door and climbs in, I watch as she starts to undo her work belt on her trousers, I stay stood on the floor and look at her I shake my head trying to resist going ahead with this. she sees me shake my head and leans across to the front seat and grabs my helmet off the front and puts it on her head and before she sits back down in the back she turns around and pulls down her trousers giving me the view of her arse as she bends over a little. 

I look either side of me to make sure there is still no one around before looking back at stella who is now sat back down one of her legs up on the seat, my hat tilted a little on her head as she runs her fingers up and down her leg "If your not going to join me...I will happily do this on my own" she says as slips her own hand in her underwear "although Id much prefer it being you..." she says as I feel myself getting turned on at the sight in front of me. 

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